"Unknown compiler option 'preserveValueImports'.ts" error when making a sveltekit project - node.js

Whenever I create a sveltekit project with tyepscript, I always have the "Unknown compiler option 'preserveValueImports'.ts" appear in the tsconfig.json file. The error appears over the '"strict": true' line as seen in the image.
I'm using typescript version 4.9.4 and have tried to downgrade it to 4.8.4, but the error still persists. This is my first time trying out sveltekit and typescript, so I'm not sure if I installed them wrong, but all I did was installed typescript globally with npm and then created svelte project with pnpm. I also had created the svelte project with npm but the error still appears.

This error was solved on reddit by updating visual studio code to the latest version (1.74.2), as VS code uses the bundled version of typescript by default.


Error when archiving IOS app in react native with error : ld: library not found for -lFBReactNativeSpec

I cannot build my IOS app. the error says
Showing Recent Errors Only
Library not found for -lFBReactNativeSpec
After investigation, i found that the new version react-native "react-native": "^0.64.0" move the react FBReactNativeSpec folder from
i have checked the build settings header paths, check the react-native pod script file, and the file FBReactNativeSpec is included
the strange thing is that the application is running normally in debug version and not when trying to product/archive for test flight
I got the same problem, when updating an app that had been generated for IOS 13, when updating to IOS 14 the XCode informed that the minimum for the build should be version 12, and it was for 9.0, trying to generate the build in version 9 and 10, these lib not found errors will occur, when accepting the minimum for version 12 the build was generated without errors.
The "library not found" errors occur most of the time because installing the react-native node package and running "pod install" is often not enough.
The error should go away after running a clean build in xcode using the xcworkspace file. After that, running "npm run ios" or "npm start" in the termal should work again.

Gulpfile fails to run in VS 2019 - node.js. Error present in VS2019, not in 2017. Why?

loading my project in VS2019 i get the error as in the picture below.
Loading the project in VS 2017, i do not get this error.
Running the gulpfile manually, it is ok like this, proving that there is no error with the file:
Starting the project (Launching the local Web-server), the solution will run, and web-site start.
But the error is very annoying, how can i fix the error? It must be VS2019 configuration that is off/wrong somewhere?
Running gulp -v in the local repo:
And comparing with project package.sjon:
And in solution tree:
There is a difference, but that should be equal for VS2017...?
Or is there a conflict?
I have tried:
Adding a specific path: Task Runner Explorer window had "failed to load" under my Gulpfile.js and none of the build processes were listed
Installed gulp globally.
Updating gulp from 3.9.1 to 4.0.2 solved this for me. Dont know why VS-2019 would complain about this.
I had some bluescreens after a windows-update during (unsaved) work on this solution some days ago. So maybe some corruption of files etc...
Updateing in this context means
To uninstall 3.9.1
Install 4.0.2

Auto using typescript compiler in Netbeans

I would like to use Netbeans for NodeJS development with Typescript, so when I run a .ts file from Netbeans, it should automatically compile with typescript compiler and then should run the compiled .js file with nodeJS, but I cannot make it work.
I don't have a TypeScript context menu as lot of webpages says, where I should check the 'compile on save' option.
I'm using Netbeans 8.2 on Windows 10, NetBeans TypeScript Editor plugin (3.0.1) is installed in Netbeans, nodeJS 8.12.0 is installed, typescript also installed.
Everything seems to work manually (I can call tsc on .ts file, which compiles then I can call node on the compiled .js file which runs the code; netbeans plugin also works: it gives me proper warning in .ts files), I just would like to automate the typescript compilation process.
This will not work at the moment in the typescript plugin (v3.0.1) for Netbeans created by #Everlaw
Only *.ts and tsconfig.json files are indexed for the compileOnSave option
I've created an issue at github:
It might get solved in a future version. Otherwise only option is change the java code and compile yourself.

How to fix error Cannot find name 'object' in angular 2 cli ckeditor

I have insalled ng2-ckeditor using cli :
npm install ng2-ckeditor --save
Then Include CKEditor javascript files in my index file :
<script src="https://cdn.ckeditor.com/4.5.11/full/ckeditor.js"></script>
Then imported module in module file:
import { CKEditorModule } from 'ng2-ckeditor';
in imports "CKEditorModule"
and trying to use in html
It show error:
(43,26): Cannot find name 'object'.
"ng2-ckeditor/lib/ckeditor.component.d.ts (43,26): Cannot find name
its working if i change
ckeditorInit(config: object)
ckeditorInit(config: any)
in npm module ckeditor component file.
I am posting this answer for those who are facing this error "Cannot find name 'object'" irrespective of which component they are getting this error in. This is a tsc compiler version related issue. 'object' is keyword in TS2.2.
I am using VS 2017 Community. By default it shipped with tsc 1.5 ie. typescript compiler version 1.5. I tried updating it from Nuget and also installed "typescript for VS 2017" nothing helped, even though my computer had latest version of typescript, but VS typescript version was still 1.5.
Then I searched for Microsoft's latest update of VS 2017, fortunately for me notification of latest release was found on top bar of VS. After installing the latest update I got my typescript version on VS updated to 2.2. This resolved the issue and compilation errors were gone.
As a side note, you can find the version of typescript VS is using under menu "Help\About Microsoft Visual Studio", then on pop up screen scroll down a bit as shown in below image:

error on adding platform, graceful-fs module

i started a new ionic project on adding android platform i get this error
FS:re-evaluvating native module source is not supported. if you are using graceful-fs module .please update it
its a new ionic 2 project could some one help me.
i tried everything in this link
The fs module error is not actually stopping your command from running. The first error you hit is actually the one that says:
ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" is not in your PATH. You must fulfil at least one of these conditions.
Have you installed the Android SDK tools on your system? I'd recommend going through the setup process here if not before continuing.
