Auto using typescript compiler in Netbeans - node.js

I would like to use Netbeans for NodeJS development with Typescript, so when I run a .ts file from Netbeans, it should automatically compile with typescript compiler and then should run the compiled .js file with nodeJS, but I cannot make it work.
I don't have a TypeScript context menu as lot of webpages says, where I should check the 'compile on save' option.
I'm using Netbeans 8.2 on Windows 10, NetBeans TypeScript Editor plugin (3.0.1) is installed in Netbeans, nodeJS 8.12.0 is installed, typescript also installed.
Everything seems to work manually (I can call tsc on .ts file, which compiles then I can call node on the compiled .js file which runs the code; netbeans plugin also works: it gives me proper warning in .ts files), I just would like to automate the typescript compilation process.

This will not work at the moment in the typescript plugin (v3.0.1) for Netbeans created by #Everlaw
Only *.ts and tsconfig.json files are indexed for the compileOnSave option
I've created an issue at github:
It might get solved in a future version. Otherwise only option is change the java code and compile yourself.


"Unknown compiler option 'preserveValueImports'.ts" error when making a sveltekit project

Whenever I create a sveltekit project with tyepscript, I always have the "Unknown compiler option 'preserveValueImports'.ts" appear in the tsconfig.json file. The error appears over the '"strict": true' line as seen in the image.
I'm using typescript version 4.9.4 and have tried to downgrade it to 4.8.4, but the error still persists. This is my first time trying out sveltekit and typescript, so I'm not sure if I installed them wrong, but all I did was installed typescript globally with npm and then created svelte project with pnpm. I also had created the svelte project with npm but the error still appears.
This error was solved on reddit by updating visual studio code to the latest version (1.74.2), as VS code uses the bundled version of typescript by default.

Eclipse can't determine node.js version

error screenshot
When I use Eclipse to build a maven project. I need SpringBoot so now I want to edit .yml file. But it always pops this interface! I have tried version 10、12. Now the node.js version is v10.20.1. I have edit the .bash_profile and export /usr/local/bin. Should I make some changes in Eclipse?

could not open a nodejs project in intellij phpstorm and idea

Although I have installed the nodejs plugin in phpstorm IDE I cannot separately open a nodejs project.But I can open an empty project and run nodejs codes in there.
The main reason is to have the separate folder structure for nodejs project(specially when creating a nodejs express project).
Additionally, I cannot install the nodejs plugin in the IDEA too.
I have gone through their documentation but I couldn't find a solution to this.
Please help me with this.
Phpstorm version - 8.01
IDEA version - 2016.2.04

Setting Typescript --module compiler option in WebEssentials?

I am unable to install Typescript on Vis Studio 2012. It says it's installed, but there's no Add-in or Extension. Luckily, Web Essentials will compile Typescript. These are very nice products.
I want to generate a Typescript external module (for AMD) but there's no place to set the --module option. Web Essentials has options, but they're all True/False. And since the VSIX doesn't install I have no Build rules to modify.
If I add a Typescript 'export' I get:
TS5037: Cannot compile external modules unless the '--module' flag is provided.
Is there someplace I can control Web Essentials compiler options from?? For that matter, I can't ever find documentation on compiler options.
Tools - options - webessentials - typescript - module : amd
Having said that I rely on grunt to do my compilation :

Unresolved inclusion/objects when building native-audio example?

I just installed the latest android SDK and NDK. I want to get familiar with OpenSL so I started with the native-audio example project in ndk/samples and I'm having trouble with native-audio-jni.c file. Eclipse cannot resolve any of the include files and doesn't recognize any of the OpenSL definitions. Doesn't even know what NULL means. I can build the project but once I open the .c file (once the file runs through the parser) the project won't build any more.
Other people have had the same problems and many solutions exist but none of them works for the latest SDK.
How can I fix all these errors?
