I try to design in android studio screen but , the screen became black and i don't know what's the reason - android-studio

I don't know what's the reasons every time i try to design the screen become black i cant do any thing ( i used android studio 2021 dolphin )
i try to fix sdk tools and i done but i am not sure that the gradle file in its position in c desk

"One or more layouts are missing the layout_width or layout_height attributes" seems pretty intuitive, but if you still don't know how to fix that:
press on "Code" and copy all of the XML layout, then update your question with the code


Android Studio emulator screen collapse

I'm using the emulator with Android Studio, and I'm experiencing the phenomenon shown in the image below.
The problem occurs only when the screen is turned sideways.
It does not happen in the default screen.
I don't know how to solve this problem, and I was wondering if you could tell me something that would help me.
Thank you very much!
You can solve this in three ways:
disable screen rotation - add this to the manifest XML under the relevant activity
If you want to go the long and better route it seems to me that you are using a layout that is not constraint layout, the latter supports rotation better, and when constraint correctly what is shown here should not happen.
If all else fails you can use special layout when the screen is in landscape mode, you can read more here:
Android Studio: Creating landscape layouts

Android Studio 4.0 red line tooltip suggestions disappearing too quickly to read

I updated my Android Studio recently to 4.0 and now when I type code incorrectly, and I mouse over the red squiggly line to see what it expects or suggests, the tooltip appears and disappears very quickly. I can't read it. In fact, it's even harder now to get the thing to show up, it's very precise where the mouse pointer is. I've restarted everything including my computer. I've changed the tooltip settings from 700 to 2000 with no change. Anyone else have this issue and know how to fix it?
Thanks all!
I found the answer via this link:
Android Studio , tooltip disappearing so fast
Basically, put a bunch of random letters in your filter for Logcat and it will stop the messages, the tooltip will stay up. When Logcat is running it's interrupting the tooltips now for some reason. I think this must be a bug.

Hide icons in Android Studio and set Layout zoom to be 25% by default

Is there a way to hide icons highlighted below in Android Studio? Also, is there a way to set layout Design view zoom to a specific value, say 25% by default. I did search the forum as usual but couldn't find specific answers. If there are already, would appreciate the link. Thank you.
Please note the second part of the image is rotated left by 90 degrees to minimize space. Android Studio 3.6.1 on Windows 7 Ultimate.
PS: I did try distraction free mode, even then some of these icons wouldn't go away.
Raised an enhancement request with Google, apparently they thought well of it. Seems its fixed per the tracker here. Hopefully it will roll out in next release.

My Android Studio may have some issue

I am using Android Studio 2.3.3 . but it appears a little different from others. It look like:
But I want that it look like this:
Please suggest what to do?
Look for the red circle. It has a settings icon, click on that and select the option, "Include Device Frame (If Available)" and you will have the black overlay around the device, which you want.
However for the Palette to look the way you want, you have to downgrade your Android Studio to at least '2.1.2'. Because for your version that is the way the palette will look.

VS2012 Scroll Bar "Full Mode" Bright in Dark Theme

I love the full map of my code as a Scroll Bar in VS2012, but it seems as if it does not adopt the theme. I get a bright codemap in an otherwise dark-themed Visual Studio, and that is kind of disturbing. I am pretty sure the map should adopt the scheme, so what could have gone wrong here?
Seems there already exists a bug report.
Reinstalling the Productivity Power Tools with Dark Theme active (including the restarts) and then going back and forth between Dark and Bright Theme solved the issue.
However, there is a already a bug report filed on MS Connect, so chances are this will be fixed in a future update of the Productivity Power Tools.
