Cant find Watches pane - android-studio

I am looking for the watches pane in debugging tab of android studio.
I have tried both android studio dolphin, and the latest android studio electric eel
I have attached screenshots.
Website link:
I was trying to get the watches pane to show up.but i could not
The image above is what i was looking for


Android studio running tasks indicator is not visible

In my android studio while rebuilding project or running the code, I am not able to visible the loading indicator at the bottom of screen. I am attaching the screenshots for what i can't able to see on my android studio screen.
I want that indicator while rebuilding or running the code in android studio

How to make my emulator shows up outside of my android studio?

Recently, I updated my android studio to bumblebee version, and when I run my codes, I realized that my emulator are shown inside of my android studio instead of creating a new window for the emulator. you can see what I mean, here.
does anybody knows how to fix this? I already tried to change the settings but nothing is changed. should I reverse the update?
I had the same issue, to resolve it do the following:
In Android Studio: click on
Click on the Tools dropdown,
uncheck the "Launch in a tool Window" box
Settings with Launch in a tool window checkbox

Touch Bar icons not showing for Android Studio after update

I'm using a MacBook for the first time.
I had Android Studio 4.0 or 4.1 (I think) installed. It used to show me all the icons in the Touch Bar like the green run icon and the debug icons so I could use them directly from there. Even when in debug mode I used to get all the icons for stepping over or stepping into code.
After that I updated Android Studio 2-3 times and I am currently on Android Studio 4.2.1 and it has stopped showing any of the Touch Bar icons for Android Studio since the first time I updated. There are times when debugging that the debugging icons show for a while and then suddenly disappear. I'm facing this issue only with Android Studio.
According to another answer online, I am supposed to have a folder for Touch Bar (Settings) under Android Studio: Preferences > Menu and Toolbars but I don't have and folder for Touch Bar Settings there.
Can any one help me resolve this issue?
answer in
To resolve this issue, revert any customizations you have made to those buttons as follows:
Select File > Settings (or Android Studio > Preferences on macOS).
On the left of the window, navigate to Appearance & Behavior > Menus and Toolbars.
On the right side of the window, navigate to Main Toolbar > Toolbar Run Actions and select Run/Debug.
Near the top of the window, click Revert. and select Restore Run/Debug.
Click OK. You should now see the missing buttons in the toolbar.
Open Terminal and type the following commands:
mkdir -p ~/Library/Frameworks/nst.framework/
cd ~/Library/Frameworks/nst.framework/
ln -s path/to/android/studio/install/Contents/bin/libnst64.dylib nst
This issue has been resolved after I upgraded to
Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1
Build #AI-203.7717.56.2031.7583922
An interesting thing about Android Studio Artic Fox is that it has changed the versioning scheme to match that of it's parent product, the Intellij IDEA 2020.3.1. So rather than Android Studio 4.3 it is now Android Studio 2020.3.1 with code name Artic Fox. This will keep the versioning schemes systematic.
There are a lot of cool feature updates too.
Check more at this link Android Studio Artic Fox release notes

why LogCat and AVD Manager missing in Android Studio when flutter project is opened

In Android Studio 3.5.3 , the menu Tools->AVD Manager and View->Tools Windows->Logcat is not available when a newly(or existing) flutter project is opened.
I looked at , and
<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
is in the outer most iml file.
Please suggest how to find/enable it. For now I have to open an Android project to open these two menu items.
LogCat won't appear for a flutter project and does not seem to be available to enable in the current version of Android Studio. If you open an Android project in another window, THAT window will have LogCat which can be connected to the device you are trying to debug.
AVD Manager does not have a menu item in Flutter but is available from an icon in the toolbar. See picture.
It's also worth checking out DevTools, which opens up in the browser, as an additional (not LogCat) debugging resource. The button to this is found in the Run Window when you are running an app.
There two ways to find or unable it
1. Go to the View-> Tool Windows and you can choose whatever you want to put in Tool WindowBar
2. Go to the View-> And Tick or select on Tool Window Bars
After doing that you can see the logs for particular apps, And for AVD manager...
Go to the Tools-> AVD Manager

Android Studio create project screen is changed today

I am learning java and android development for last two days. I am using android studio version 3.1.3
the welcome screen interface and open project screen that i used yesterday was different.
Today i am seeing a new screen and new way of opening android project.
below are the screen shots.
when i click on create new project the below screen appears
please guide me through this.
Delete the Android Studio folder in the user's folder. Let Android Studio download everything back and the view will become normal.
Going to events on the home screen and clicking 'enable android support' that this fixed my issue, however I did need to re-install all the SDK versions I previously used.
