Android studio running tasks indicator is not visible - android-studio

In my android studio while rebuilding project or running the code, I am not able to visible the loading indicator at the bottom of screen. I am attaching the screenshots for what i can't able to see on my android studio screen.
I want that indicator while rebuilding or running the code in android studio


Cant find Watches pane

I am looking for the watches pane in debugging tab of android studio.
I have tried both android studio dolphin, and the latest android studio electric eel
I have attached screenshots.
Website link:
I was trying to get the watches pane to show up.but i could not
The image above is what i was looking for

How to load app from android studio to my phone?

When I launch the app again after loading it from android studio and closing it once, a white screen is shown. The app is not launched when I start it for the second time.
Why is it so?
it is not clear what you are trying to say but you can use the run option in Android Studio to select your target device also what you can do is you can export it as an APK from the android studio and run it directly on your device(not preferred for testing your application though)

How to avoid running another android studio when creating a new project?

Whenever I'm creating a new project on the file my android studio opens another android studio, ending up 2 android studio running at the same time. I've already configure the system setting under the appearance and behavior to current window but nothing happens

(Vscode) Automatically attach debugger to android process to run Android Studio app

Recently I have found that running android studio apps in vscode android environment is much faster than in Android Studio IDE. Basically all I have to do is open Android Studio and Vscode at the same time and run apps on Vscode (with android extension installed and android environment activated).
However, every time I run the app, I have to click on the 'attach debugger to android process' button beforehand for the app to be launched.
Is there anyway I can automate the 'attach debugger' process so that all I have to do is click the Run button on Vscode only?
I have searched for similar questions yet no solution was found. Most were related to Visual Studio or just manually clicking the 'attach debugger' button (which I find a bit annoying).
Could you show me the way to do attach debugger to android process automatically?

How to use Android Profiler and Logcat in AndroidStudio 3 in Flutter projects

Running emulators with API 28 or 27 via Android Studio, the Flutter configuration successfully launches the application and there are no other problems, i.e. all other features work fine.
Why is the device not being detected by the Android Profiler? There are no resources describing similar problems.
A similar issue also occurs when trying to view Logcat:
To make these two tools work, the android module needs to be opened. You can do this by either opening the Flutter context menu of the android directory in the project view or by navigating to Tools -> Flutter:
After this, i.e. while the Android module is openend in Android Studio, the Android Profiler and Logcat will work fine.
See also:
