FormRecognizer Pricing Tier S0 : Free monthly allowance? - azure

My azure subscription costs mention some free allowance my FormRecognizer resource (pricing tier S0)
I obviously won't complain about it (if it's true) but the pricing page is not really explicit about this free allowance mechanism :
Now I haven't been able to find the answer on the doc but if I have two distinct FormRecognizer (pricing tier S0) resources. Does it meen that I get 500 free pages per month per FormRecognizer resource or is it a global allowance ?

#silent , you're absolutely right.
Here's MSFT answer :
Based on the Free Azure Services offer, the Form Recogniser includes 500 pages S0 tier total monthly allowance for all resources used/created. This means that if you have two form of recognized resource, your allowance will be 250 pages S0 tier for each of them.


How azure served app service handle scale up in price?

I am thinking of purchasing a 3 year reserved app service plan on azure.
For my site, normally 1 or 2 instances are just good enough, but in the busy time, I have rules to autoscale the site out to 10 instances.
If I buy a 3 year reserved app service plan and my site auto scale out, will I be charged by the reserved price or pay as you go price?
from their doc, my feeling is that I will be charged by pay as you go price.Is it right?
You are right, the reservation agreement is just a discount that will apply to the number of running instances that match the reservation scope and attributes. So any extra instances will be charged using your standard rate.
This rate will depend on the type of subscription you use for paying for the reservation. If you have an individual pay-as-you-go subscription, extra app services will be charged by pay-as-you-go price. However, if you have an enterprise agreement, the price will be different and will depend on the agreement.

azure for students not showing free databases

I signed up for the Azure for Students subscription and it said that there would be 250 GB of free SQL databases, but I don't see a free tier when I am creating one (both vCore and DTU use up the credits over time). Where can I create a free SQL database?
Additionally, the Azure for Students site says that
"Certain types and amounts of these services are free each month – while you have your credit.
Does it apply to SQL databases? Do I have access to 250 GB of databases for the entire 12 months?
Free SQL database tier is S0 (10 DTU), you can find it in standard section.
Click on configure database option. Select the Standard from Service tier drop down option as shown below. Click on Apply.
Yes, as long as you use S0 (10 DTU) tier, 250 GB will be free for 12 months. If you upgrade to any other tier, you will be charged from $100 credit.

Azure Speech: Usage reporting on free plan (F0)

I have deployed a Speech resource (cognitive services) on Azure using the F0 plan (free tier). The free tier gives up to 5 hours per month.
How can I check the current usage, letting me know how many minutes/hours have been spent already this month?
Looks like you can see your free usage via the subscriptions page by following the instructions here:
I guess the only solution is to check on Cost Analysis on Azure Portal, then filter on your resource:
But you will not get the item by minutes, but by price, then you can convert given the cost / minute. There might also be a delay between your real consumption and the impact on cost analysis.

Microsoft Azure WebApp Deployment Plan

Need help on below points:
Data out limit for free tier is 165 MB. How is data out usage calculated?
I am using a free tier subscription type. Why does Memory usage increase as soon as memory resets after 1 hour? Why does my application take 230-240 MB of memory initially?
I have a free tier account with credit amount xxx Rs. Can I use the free tier amount for another subscription like basic or standard?
Are there any data out and memory usage limit for other subscriptions like basic/Premium/standard?
Outgoing traffic
Its the memory taken by the IIS instance, thats expected in Azure
I don't understand, but you can use money from your subscription and you cannot use Tiers together, so pay for a free tier, but get all the benefits of a Premium Tier.
You can take a look at the limits on the pricing page.

Azure Shared Website billing

My shared instance website is costing about £20 GBP per month, and this is detailed as 'Compute Hours' in my bill.
According to Scott Gu's blog
"You pay for a shared mode web-site using the standard “pay as you go” model that we support with other features of Windows Azure (meaning no up-front costs, and you pay only for the hours that the feature is enabled). A web-site running in shared mode costs only 1.3 cents/hr during the preview (so on average $9.36/month)."
According to the azure pricing calculator a site on a shared instance should cost $9.36.
According to the Azure pricing details
"Shared Instance Model
The shared instance model provides support for custom domain names, 1
GB of storage, and unlimited outbound data transfer charged on the
terms of your Windows Azure subscription at the standard Pay-As-You-Go
rates. Up to three instances per Web site may be deployed at an
additional cost.
Under the shared instance model, you will receive the following
The ability to assign your custom host or domain name Outbound traffic
charged at Pay-As-You-Go rates; unlimited inbound data transfer 1 GB
storage (shared by all sites) 20 MB of a third-party, MySQL database
Each Web site operated under the shared instance model will be charged
at $0.02 / hour (approx. $14.40 / month) per Web Site instance at
general availability. During preview, a 33% discount will be applied
for an effective monthly rate of $9.60 / month, per Web Site instance.
During preview, all paid shared instance hours will be billed using
the current Cloud Services small compute meter, except we will emit
1/9th of the Cloud Services small compute hours to deliver the
discounted pricing of $9.60 / month per Web Site instance. The monthly
calculation per paid shared Web Site instance is as follows: 720 hours
* 1/9 * $0.12 =$9.60."
So what I am misunderstanding? A shared website at the this moment in time (Jan 2013) should cost less than $10 per month.
The price I am paying is exactly 3 times £9.60
