How can I replace a number for an increasing number for each line using sed? - text

I got a file with the following text -
What I need is a sed command that replace it to -
Or a sed command to add observ# in the beginning of each line for example -
file 1.txt -
After said sed command -

In 4 steps :
sed = a.txt | sed 'N;s/\n/,/' | sed 's/^/observ/' > b.txt
numbering lines of the file
add number + ',' at each line
add prefix 'observ' at each line
print result in new file


remove character on the last line that specific word appears

we have the following file example
we want to remove the , character on the last line that topic word exists
more file
expected output
we try to removed the character , from the the last line that contain topic word as the following sed cli but this syntax not renewed the ,
sed -i '${s/,[[:blank:]]*$//}' file
sed (GNU sed) 4.2.2
In case you have control M characters in your Input_file then remove them by doing:
tr -d '\r' < Input_file > temp && mv temp Input_file
Could you please try following once. From your question what I understood is you want to remove comma from very last line which has string topic in it, if this is the case then I am coming up with tac + awk solution here.
tac Input_file |
awk '/topic/ && ++count==1{sub(/,$/,"")} 1' |
Once you are happy with above results then append > temp && mv temp Input_file to above command too, to save output into Input_file itself.
Atac will read Input_file from bottom line to first line then passing it's output to awk where I am checking if first occurrence of topic is coming remove comma from last and rest of lines simply print then passing this output to tac again to make Input_file in original form again.
You should use the address $ (last line):
sed '$s/,$//' file
Using awk:
$ awk '{if(NR>1)print p;p=$0}END{sub(/,$/,"",p);print p}' file

replace word in line only if line number start with + csv file

I use the following sed command in order to replace string in CSV line
( the condition to replace the string is to match the number in the beginning of the CSV file )
sed "/$SERIAL_NUM/ s//OK/g" file.csv
the problem is that I want to match only the number that start in the beginning of the line ,
but sed match other lines that have this number
in this example I want to replace the word - STATUS to OK but only in line that start with 1 ( before the "," separator )
so I do this
more file.csv
sed -i "/$SERIAL_NUM/ s/STATUS/OK/g" file.csv
more file.csv
but sed also replace the STATUS to OK also in line 2 and line 3 ( because those lines have the number 1 )
please advice how to change the sed syntax in order to match only the number that start the line before the "," separator
remark - solution can be also with perl line liner or awk ,
You can use anchor ^ to make sure $SERIAL_NUM only matches at start and use , after that to make sure there is a comma followed by this number:
sed "/^$SERIAL_NUM,/s/STATUS/OK/g" file.csv
Since this answer was ranked fifth in the Stackoverflow perl report but had no perl content, I thought it would be useful to add the following - instead of removing the perl tag :-)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
s/STATUS/OK/g if /^1\,/;
print ;
or as one line:
perl -ne 's/STATUS/OK/g if /^1\,/;' file.csv

SED: How to insert string to the beginning of the last line

How to insert string to the beginning of the last line?
I want to add a time stamp to a text file which contains multiple lines
var1 = `date`
sed 's/^/test line /g' textfile inserts characters to the beginning of every line but how can I specifically modify the last line only?
Going forward:
sed '$s/^/sample text /' textfile works, but only when inserting regular strings. If I try
var1 = "sample text"
and use substition, here are the problems I encounter
using single quotes in sed does not expand variables, so sed '$s/^/$var1/' textfile will insert the string $var1 into the beginning of the last line.
To enable variable substitution I tried using double quotes. It works when I specify the exact line number. something like:
sed "5s/^/$var1/" textfile
But when I try sed "$s/^/$var1" text file, it returns an error:
sed: -e expression #1, char 5: extra characters after command
Can someone help me please?
Like this:
sed '$s/^/test line /' textfile
$ indicates last line. Similarly, you can insert into a any specific line by putting the line number in place of $
But when I try sed "$s/^/$var1" text file, it returns an error:
It returns an error because the shell attempts to expand $s since you've used double quotes. You need to escape the $ in $s.
sed "\$s/^/$var1/" filename
sedshould be the best tool, but awk can do this too:
awk '{a[++t]=$0} END {for (i=1;i<t;i++) print a[i];print v$0}' v="$var1" file
It will insert value of var1 in front of last line
Another variation
awk 'NR==f {$0=v$0}1' v="$var1" f=$(wc -l file)
PS you do not need to specify file after awk, not sure why. If you do so, it reads it double.
This command would work for you:
sed -i "5s/^/$var1 /" text file

Prepend number to the beginning of some lines in bash

I have a file with some numbers
for example
$cat file
And i need add the number 34 to a line if the line does not begin with 34, and if the line begins in 34 not add anything
$cat file
I am intenting with a awk:
cat file | awk '{print 34$1}' > file2
But it add 34 to all lines.
Could you help me?
sed is handy to edit file in-place
sed -i '/^34/!s/^/34/' file
You're almost there, you just have to filter out the lines that do start with 34:
awk '!/^34/{printf 34}1' file

sed to insert on first match only

Using sed, how can I insert (NOT SUBSTITUTE) a new line on only the first match of keyword for each file.
Currently I have the following but this inserts for every line containing Matched Keyword and I want it to only insert the New Inserted Line for only the first match found in the file:
sed -ie '/Matched Keyword/ i\New Inserted Line' *.*
For example:
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
This line contains the Matched Keyword and other stuff
Line 4
This line contains the Matched Keyword and other stuff
Line 6
changed to:
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
New Inserted Line
This line contains the Matched Keyword and other stuff
Line 4
This line contains the Matched Keyword and other stuff
Line 6
You can sort of do this in GNU sed:
sed '0,/Matched Keyword/s//New Inserted Line\n&/'
But it's not portable. Since portability is good, here it is in awk:
awk '/Matched Keyword/ && !x {print "Text line to insert"; x=1} 1' inputFile
Or, if you want to pass a variable to print:
awk -v "var=$var" '/Matched Keyword/ && !x {print var; x=1} 1' inputFile
These both insert the text line before the first occurrence of the keyword, on a line by itself, per your example.
Remember that with both sed and awk, the matched keyword is a regular expression, not just a keyword.
Since this question is also tagged bash, here's a simple solution that is pure bash and doesn't required sed:
while read line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ 'Matched Keyword' && $n = 0 ]]; then
echo "New Inserted Line"
echo "$line"
As it stands, this as a pipe. You can easily wrap it in something that acts on files instead.
If you want one with sed*:
sed '0,/Matched Keyword/s//Matched Keyword\nNew Inserted Line/' myfile.txt
*only works with GNU sed
This might work for you:
sed -i -e '/Matched Keyword/{i\New Inserted Line' -e ':a;n;ba}' file
You're nearly there! Just create a loop to read from the Matched Keyword to the end of the file.
After inserting a line, the remainder of the file can be printed out by:
Introducing a loop place holder :a (here a is an arbitrary name).
Print the current line and fetch the next into the pattern space with the ncommand.
Redirect control back using the ba command which is essentially a goto to the a place holder. The end-of-file condition is naturally taken care of by the n command which terminates any further sed commands if it tries to read passed the end-of-file.
With a little help from bash, a true one liner can be achieved:
sed $'/Matched Keyword/{iNew Inserted Line\n:a;n;ba}' file
sed 'x;/./{x;b};x;/Matched Keyword/h;//iNew Inserted Line' file
This uses the Matched Keyword as a flag in the hold space and once it has been set any processing is curtailed by bailing out immediately.
If you want to append a line after first match only, use AWK instead of SED as below
awk '{print} /Matched Keyword/ && !n {print "New Inserted Line"; n++}' myfile.txt
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
This line contains the Matched Keyword and other stuff
New Inserted Line
Line 4
This line contains the Matched Keyword and other stuff
Line 6
