Bluetooth Device not showing up - bluetooth

So, my xbox one controller does not show up in my windows 10 bluetooth pairing. It 100% is not a problem with the controller since it works in both other pcs and my android phone. Somewhere, somehow, its id is forgotten in my bluetooth settings. I have, used bluetooth tools to unpair everything, removed everything xbox related from my device manager, removed the controller from devices and printers, and obviously removed from bluetooth and other devices. Even after deleting the device from
i still cannot for the life of me connect it to my pc. Any idea how I can delete all my connected ids or something? It used to work until yesterday, when i plugged it and then unplugged it using a usb cable.


Bluetooth device not working on my laptop

Bluetooth device not working on my windows 10,Toshiba laptop.I have tried updating but still can't get it.

Debugging BLE HID device

I'm trying to make an Android application for Android Things running on raspberry pi that takes USB joystick inputs (including DJI Mavic controller) and passes it over BLE HID as a gamepad.
Windows, Oculus Quest and Mac all recognize it as a gamepad, but when I try to connect to it, they connect and disconnect right away. I'm not sure why
Is there any tool on any OS that logs the BLE HID pairing process to find out what went wrong?

Debugging apps in Android Studio without using a USB cable at all?

For some reason I am unable to connect my Android phone to PC using a USB cable. I have tried everything from changing cable, updating drivers and even factory resetting the phone but nothing works. Consequently I can not debug in Android Studio. Is there any way to debug(using Bluetooth, WiFi or something else) without using a USB cable at all?
PS: Please do not mark this question as duplicate. I have already read answer to similar questions([one of them is this])1 but the solution suggested there involves using USB cable at least once(for initial setting of debugging via Bluetooth/WiFi). Is there any way that let you debug apps without using a USB cable at all?

Windows 10 IoT Bluetooth LE

I got an issue with reconnection to my BLE device.
Senario that works
- BLE Device is not paired
- Pi boots and start my App, find's the BLE device, pair and connect, receiving data
- Boot Pi and start my App, it will not pair as its already paired, it connects fine and receiving data.
Senario that does not work
- BLE Device is not pair or pair, does not matter
- If my BLE device disconnect due to power loss or out of range and gets powered up or back in range the Pi will reconnect and throw:
'System.Exception' in
There is no user session key for the specified logon session. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070572)
If I try to reboot the Pi, the same message is thrown when I try to execute: await _readCharacteristic.WriteClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorAsync(GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue.Notify);
The only thing that works is if I unpair the device every time it disconnect.
This is the same issue that this guy has:
Maybe there is anyone here that has seen the same issue and solved it ?
The reason for this particular error you are receiving is almost certainly that the BLE device itself is not storing the bonding information that is negotiated during the pairing process. For an existing BLE pairing to be re-used, the device must retain the bonding with its partner for future communication sessions.
Developers can sometimes work around this device shortcoming in their (non-Windows) PC or phone application by having the PC or Mobile app delete any previous pairings with the device already retained, and negotiate a new pairing each time it sees the Bluetooth device. This is possible because many Bluetooth devices have a static PIN, require no interaction for pairing, and remain in open pairing mode. So the app creates a new device pairing upon each communication. The Mac BLE API requires no user interaction for pairing and un-pairing as well.
But this solution is unworkable under Windows BLE API, because unlike regular Bluetooth, the Bluetooth Low Energy API requires user interaction during both the pairing, and un-pairing "ceremonies". The user must agree to every pairing, and must agree to every un-pairing. This makes this workaround solution a non-starter from a UX standpoint on Windows. My guess is the BLE device manufacturer isn't storing the bonding.
We ran into such a situation ourselves developing our own BLE driver to speak with our own BLE board; we had to re-do the firmware running our BLE device because while it would work under Mac OS and Android with the method described above, the BLE API available on the Microsoft UWP requires user interaction during the pairing ceremony. This seems the right way to do things, anyway.

Windows 8.1 Bluetooth searching issue

I have a windows 8.1 based lap top which supports Bluetooth.
I wrote a java based bluetooth server which gets connections from Android.
The issue is, the device sometimes get invisible(or to say not shown) on android devices.
I've tried with other laptops or Android phones, but sometimes it just doesn't get searched.
I think it's not about my java server program. Even if there's a problem with my program, it should at least be shown on the bluetooth search list of other devices.
I found a very crude solution about this issue.
Always running the 'change pc settings(not the exact name)' app of windows 8.1, and going to 'PC, devices' -> Bluetooth makes it always searchable. If I turn this off(I mean the 'change pc settings' app, not turning off bluetooth), the bluetooth cannot be found by other devices.
Why is this happening? My purpose is, bluetooth server must be turned on automatically after boot, but the reliability of the bluetooth device is failing my intention. However, since my crude solution above is temporarily solving my issue, I do not think it's a hardware issue.
So, my question is :
1) Why is this happening? And how can I mend this?
2) How can I run windows metro app through windows shell? If I can't find any other solution about this, I will have to write a batch script to always run the solution thing above.
Going to Change PC Settings>PC and devices>Bluetooth is initiating a Bluetooth device search. As a side effect, the Bluetooth is also made Discoverable (pairing mode). However, this Discoverable setting is temporary, only while the PC is searching for remote Bluetooth devices.
If you wish to keep Bluetooth Discoverable at all times, you need to check the "Allow Bluetooth devices to find this PC" button box, found in Bluetooth Settings. I found Bluetooth settings by right clicking the Bluetooth system icon. Can also be found in Devices and Printers, by right clicking the Bluetooth adapter icon.
