Rust - implementing trait for Deref: the parameter type `T` may not live long enough - rust

I have a trait:
trait Foo {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<str>;
And I want to implement it for any type that implements Deref with a target of a type that implements Foo. Basically:
impl<T: Foo, D: std::ops::Deref<Target = T>> Foo for D {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<str> {
<T as Foo>::bar(std::ops::Deref::deref(self))
Unfortunately, this gives the error the parameter type T may not live long enough.
My understanding is that T could have a reference within it that has a short lifetime, and the lifetime bound of the return value of Cow<str> is linked to the lifetime of &self due to lifetime elision, which would cause problems.
I'm not sure how I can fix this, since I'm not able to bound any of the lifetimes in bar. I can try to make sure T lives as long as &self, but this doesn't work.
impl<'a, T: Foo + 'a, D: std::ops::Deref<Target = T>> Foo for D {
fn bar(&'a self) -> Cow<'a, str> {
<T as Foo>::bar(std::ops::Deref::deref(self))
I get the error method not compatible with trait since the lifetimes don't match the trait defenition anymore. I've tried all sorts of different ways of adding lifetime bounds and I always get one of those two errors.
I am able to implement Foo for a specific type that implements Deref:
impl<T: Foo> Foo for Box<T> {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<str> {
<T as Foo>::bar(self)
I'm not sure why that works but the original example doesn't.

The Box version works because of the deref coercion the compiler will do when it sees a reference and expects a different reference.
You can use the same mechanic when using a generic implementor of Deref to ensure that it Derefs to an owned type you can simply add a 'static lifetime bound on T like this:
impl<T: Foo + 'static, D: std::ops::Deref<Target = T>> Foo for D {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<str> {
<T as Foo>::bar(self)
Note: there is rarely a need to call methods of std::ops traits directly, they're all just the methods behind Rusts operators, deref for example is the method behind unary *
Since there is an additional requirement that T might not be static we have to thread through the lifetime like you tried in your second example, like the error you're getting suggest you have to adjust the trait to take a lifetime as well:
use std::borrow::Cow;
trait Foo<'a> {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<'a, str>;
impl<'a, T: Foo<'a>, D: std::ops::Deref<Target = T>> Foo<'a> for D {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<'a, str> {
<T as Foo>::bar(self)
struct S<'a> {
val: &'a str,
impl<'a> Foo<'a> for S<'a> {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<'a, str> {
fn main() {
let val = String::from("test");
let s = S { val: &val }; // error: `val` does not live long enough
let b = Box::new(s);
let cow = Foo::bar(&b); // argument requires that `val` is borrowed for `'static`


Issues setting lifetimes in functions of Traits

I have a trait Atom that has many associated types, of which one is an owned version OP and the other is a borrow version O of essentially the same data. I have a function to_pow_view that creates a view from an owned version and I have an equality operator.
Below is an attempt:
pub trait Atom: PartialEq {
// variants truncated for this example
type P<'a>: Pow<'a, R = Self>;
type OP: OwnedPow<R = Self>;
pub trait Pow<'a>: Clone + PartialEq {
type R: Atom;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum AtomView<'a, R: Atom> {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum OwnedAtom<R: Atom> {
pub trait OwnedPow {
type R: Atom;
fn some_mutable_fn(&mut self);
fn to_pow_view<'a>(&'a self) -> <Self::R as Atom>::P<'a>;
// compiler said I should add 'a: 'b
fn test<'a: 'b, 'b>(&'a mut self, other: <Self::R as Atom>::P<'b>) {
if self.to_pow_view().eq(&other) {
impl<R: Atom> OwnedAtom<R> {
// compiler said I should add 'a: 'b, why?
pub fn eq<'a: 'b, 'b>(&'a self, other: AtomView<'b, R>) -> bool {
let a: AtomView<'_, R> = match self {
OwnedAtom::Pow(p) => {
let pp = p.to_pow_view();
match (&a, &other) {
(AtomView::Pow(l0), AtomView::Pow(r0)) => l0 == r0,
// implementation
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct Rep {}
impl Atom for Rep {
type P<'a> = PowD<'a>;
type OP = OwnedPowD;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct PowD<'a> {
data: &'a [u8],
impl<'a> Pow<'a> for PowD<'a> {
type R = Rep;
struct OwnedPowD {
data: Vec<u8>,
impl OwnedPow for OwnedPowD {
type R = Rep;
fn some_mutable_fn(&mut self) {
fn to_pow_view<'a>(&'a self) -> <Self::R as Atom>::P<'a> {
PowD { data: & }
fn main() {}
This code gives the error:
27 | fn test<'a: 'b, 'b>(&'a mut self, other: <Self::R as Atom>::P<'b>) {
| -- lifetime `'b` defined here
28 | if self.to_pow_view().eq(&other) {
| ------------------
| |
| immutable borrow occurs here
| argument requires that `*self` is borrowed for `'b`
29 | self.some_mutable_fn();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
I expect this to work, since the immutable borrow should be dropped right after the eq function evaluates.
Something in the setting of the lifetimes is wrong in this code, already in the equality function eq: I would expect that there is no relation between 'a and 'b; they should just live long enough to do the comparison. However, the compiler tells me that I should add 'a: 'b and I do not understand why. The same thing happened for the function test.
These problems lead me to believe that the lifetimes in to_pow_view are wrong, but no modification I tried made it work (except for removing the 'a lifetime on &'a self, but then the OwnedPowD does not compile anymore).
Link to playground
Can someone help understand what is going on?
Here's the point: you constrained Pow to be PartialEq. However, PartialEq is PartialEq<Self>. In other words, Pow<'a> only implements PartialEq<Pow<'a>> for the same 'a.
This is usually the case for any type with lifetime and PartialEq, so why does it always work but not here?
It usually works because if we compare T<'a> == T<'b>, the compiler can shrink the lifetimes to the shortest of the two and compare that.
However, Pow is a trait. Traits are invariant over their lifetime, in other words, it must stay exactly as is, not longer nor shorter. This is because they may be used with invariant types, for example Cell<&'a i32>. Here's an example of how it could be exploited if this was allowed:
use std::cell::Cell;
struct Evil<'a> {
v: Cell<&'a i32>,
impl PartialEq for Evil<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// We asserted the lifetimes are the same, so we can do that.
fn main() {
let foo = Evil { v: Cell::new(&123) };
let has_short_lifetime = 456;
_ = foo == Evil { v: Cell::new(&has_short_lifetime) };
// Now `foo` contains a dangling reference to `has_short_lifetime`!
The above code does not compile, because Evil is invariant over 'a, but if it would, it would contain UB in safe code. For that reason, traits, that may contain types such as Evil, are also invariant over their lifetimes.
Because of that, the compiler cannot shrink the lifetime of other. It can shrink the lifetime of self.to_pow_view() (in test(), eq() is similar), because it doesn't really shrink it, it just picks a shorter lifetime for to_pow_view()'s self. But because PartialEq is only implemented for types with the same lifetime, it means that the Pow resulting from self.to_pow_view() must have the same lifetime of other. Because of that, (a) 'a must be greater than or equal to 'b, so we can pick 'b out of it, and (b) by comparing, we borrow self for potentially whole 'a, because it may be that 'a == 'b and therefore the comparison borrows self for 'a, so it is still borrowed immutably while we borrow it mutably for some_mutable_fn().
Once we understood the problem, we can think about the solution. Either we require that Pow is covariant over 'a (can be shrinked), or we require that it implements PartialEq<Pow<'b>> for any lifetime 'b. The first is impossible in Rust, but the second is possible:
pub trait Pow<'a>: Clone + for<'b> PartialEq<<Self::R as Atom>::P<'b>> {
type R: Atom;
This triggers an error, because the automatically-derived PartialEq does not satisfy this requirement:
error: implementation of `PartialEq` is not general enough
--> src/
73 | impl<'a> Pow<'a> for PowD<'a> {
| ^^^^^^^ implementation of `PartialEq` is not general enough
= note: `PartialEq<PowD<'0>>` would have to be implemented for the type `PowD<'a>`, for any lifetime `'0`...
= note: ...but `PartialEq` is actually implemented for the type `PowD<'1>`, for some specific lifetime `'1`
So we need to implement PartialEq manually:
impl<'a, 'b> PartialEq<PowD<'b>> for PowD<'a> {
fn eq(&self, other: &PowD<'b>) -> bool { ==
And now it works.

Generic parameter with reference used as function pointer argument

I am having trouble figuring out what lifetime parameter will work for this, so my current workarounds include transmutes or raw pointers. I have a structure holding a function pointer with a generic as a parameter:
struct CB<Data> {
cb: fn(Data) -> usize
I would like to store an instance of that, parameterized by some type containing a reference, in some other structure that implements a trait with one method, and use that trait method to call the function pointer in CB.
struct Holder<'a> {
c: CB<Option<&'a usize>>
trait Exec {
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize;
impl<'a> Holder<'a> {
fn exec_aux(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize {
impl<'a> Exec for Holder<'a> {
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize
This gives me a lifetime error for the 'Exec' impl of Holder:
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter `'a` due to conflicting requirements
Simply calling exec_aux works fine as long as I don't define that Exec impl:
fn main() {
let h = Holder { c: CB{cb:cbf}};
let v = 12;
println!("{}", h.exec_aux(&v));
Also, making CB not generic also makes this work:
struct CB {
cb: fn(Option<&usize>) -> usize
The parameter in my actual code is not a usize but something big that I would rather not copy.
The lifetimes in your Exec trait are implicitly this:
trait Exec {
fn exec<'s, 'a>(&'s self, v: &'a usize) -> usize;
In other words, types that implement Exec need to accept any lifetimes 's and 'a. However, your Holder::exec_aux method expects a specific lifetime 'a that's tied to the lifetime parameter of the Holder type.
To make this work, you need to add 'a as a lifetime parameter to the Exec trait instead, so that you can implement the trait specifically for that lifetime:
trait Exec<'a> {
// ^^^^ vv
fn exec(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize;
impl<'a> Exec<'a> for Holder<'a> {
// ^^^^ vv
fn exec(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize
The problem here is that the Exec trait is too generic to be used in this way by Holder. First, consider the definition:
trait Exec {
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize;
This definition will cause the compiler to automatically assign two anonymous lifetimes for &self and &v in exec. It's basically the same as
fn exec<'a, 'b>(&'a self, v: &'b usize) -> usize;
Note that there is no restriction on who needs to outlive whom, the references just need to be alive for the duration of the method call.
Now consider the definition
impl<'a> Holder<'a> {
fn exec_aux(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize {
// ... doesn't matter
Since we know that &self is a &Holder<'a> (this is what the impl refers to), we need to have at least a &'a Holder<'a> here, because &'_ self can't have a lifetime shorter than 'a in Holder<'a>. So this is saying that the two parameters have the same lifetime: &'a self, &'a usize.
Where it all goes wrong is when you try to combine the two. The trait forces you into the following signature, which (again) has two distinct implicit lifetimes. But the actual Holder which you then try to call a method on forces you to have the same lifetimes for &self and &v.
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize {
// Holder<'a> needs `v` to be `'a` when calling exec_aux
// But the trait doesn't say so.
One solution is to redefine the trait as
trait Exec<'a> {
fn exec(&'a self, v: &'a usize) -> usize;
and then implement it as
impl<'a> Exec<'a> for Holder<'a> {
fn exec(&'a self, v: &'a usize) -> usize {

How do you write a trait that returns an iterator?

Broadly speaking my goal is this:
For some known type Bar...
Have a trait Foo with a function: get_iterator<T>() -> T where T: Iterator<Item = Bar>
The instance of the iterator borrows the original object Foo is implemented on.
I imagine it working like this:
let mut foo = Foo;
let bar = foo.get_iterator();
foo.mutable_call(); // <-- This fails, because foo is borrowed in bar
for x in bar {
So, that's the goal, and here's my attempt, which I can't seem to get working:
struct ValsFromT<'a, T: 'a> {
parent:&'a T,
offset: usize,
struct Val;
trait HasValsIterator<T> {
fn val_iterator(&self) -> T where T: Iterator<Item = Val>;
struct Foo;
impl<'a> Iterator for ValsFromT<'a, Foo> {
type Item = Val;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Val> {
return None;
impl<'a> HasValsIterator<ValsFromT<'a, Foo>> for Foo {
fn val_iterator(&'a self) -> ValsFromT<'a, Foo> {
return ValsFromT {
offset: 0usize,
parent: self
fn takes_vals<T>(instance:T) where T: HasValsIterator<T> {
// ...
fn test_foo() {
let x = Foo;
We're getting the dreaded concrete/bound lifetime error here, because of trying to return an iterator instance that references self from the trait function:
<anon>:22:3: 27:4 error: method `val_iterator` has an incompatible type for trait:
expected bound lifetime parameter ,
found concrete lifetime [E0053]
<anon>:22 fn val_iterator(&'a self) -> ValsFromT<'a, Foo> {
<anon>:23 return ValsFromT {
<anon>:24 offset: 0usize,
<anon>:25 parent: self
<anon>:26 };
<anon>:27 }
<anon>:22:3: 27:4 help: see the detailed explanation for E0053
Is there some way of doing this?
Unfortunately, Veedrac's suggestion doesn't work directly. You will get the following error if you'd try to use val_iterator() method on instance inside takes_vals():
<anon>:31:25: 31:39 error: the trait `core::iter::Iterator` is not implemented for the type `U` [E0277]
<anon>:31 let iter = instance.val_iterator();
<anon>:31:25: 31:39 help: see the detailed explanation for E0277
<anon>:31:25: 31:39 note: `U` is not an iterator; maybe try calling `.iter()` or a similar method
error: aborting due to previous error
playpen: application terminated with error code 101
This (and some other further errors) requires changing the signature of the function to this one:
fn takes_vals<'a, T: 'a, U: Iterator<Item=Val>+'a>(instance: T) where T: HasValsIterator<'a, U>
However, even this doesn't work yet:
<anon>:31:16: 31:24 error: `instance` does not live long enough
<anon>:31 let iter = instance.val_iterator();
<anon>:30:97: 32:2 note: reference must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the block at 30:96...
<anon>:30 fn takes_vals<'a, T: 'a, U: Iterator<Item=Val>+'a>(instance: T) where T: HasValsIterator<'a, U> {
<anon>:31 let iter = instance.val_iterator();
<anon>:32 }
<anon>:30:97: 32:2 note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the scope of parameters for function at 30:96
<anon>:30 fn takes_vals<'a, T: 'a, U: Iterator<Item=Val>+'a>(instance: T) where T: HasValsIterator<'a, U> {
<anon>:31 let iter = instance.val_iterator();
<anon>:32 }
Remember that the trait requires that val_iterator() accepts the target by reference with lifetime 'a. This lifetime in this function is an input parameter. However, when val_iterator() is called on instance, the only lifetime which can be specified for the reference is the one of instance which is strictly smaller than any possible 'a as a parameter, because it is a local variable. Therefore, it is not possible to pass instance by value; you can only pass it by reference for lifetimes to match:
fn takes_vals<'a, T: 'a, U: Iterator<Item=Val>+'a>(instance: &'a T) where T: HasValsIterator<'a, U> {
let iter = instance.val_iterator();
This works.
I'd like to add that using associated types instead of type parameters would be more correct semantically:
trait HasValsIterator<'a> {
type Iter: Iterator<Item=Val> + 'a;
fn val_iterator(&'a self) -> Self::Iter;
impl<'a> HasValsIterator<'a> for Foo {
type Iter = ValsFromT<'a, Foo>;
fn val_iterator(&'a self) -> ValsFromT<'a, Foo> { ... }
fn takes_vals<'a, T: 'a>(instance: &'a T) where T: HasValsIterator<'a> {
I say that this is more correct because the type of the iterator is determined by the implementor, that is, it is "output" type, which are modeled by associated types. As you can see, takes_vals() signature also shrank considerably.
Ideally, HasValsIterator trait should have been defined like this:
trait HasValsIterator {
type Iter<'a>: Iterator<Item=Val> + 'a
fn val_iterator<'a>(&'a self) -> Iter<'a>;
This way, val_iterator() would in any situation, including when HasValsIterator implementor is passed by value. However, Rust is not there yet.

How do I specify lifetime parameters in an associated type?

I have this trait and simple structure:
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
trait Foo {
type Item: AsRef<Path>;
type Iter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;
fn get(&self) -> Self::Iter;
struct Bar {
v: Vec<PathBuf>,
I would like to implement the Foo trait for Bar:
impl Foo for Bar {
type Item = PathBuf;
type Iter = std::slice::Iter<PathBuf>;
fn get(&self) -> Self::Iter {
However I'm getting this error:
error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
--> src/
16 | type Iter = std::slice::Iter<PathBuf>;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected lifetime parameter
I found no way to specify lifetimes inside that associated type. In particular I want to express that the iterator cannot outlive the self lifetime.
How do I have to modify the Foo trait, or the Bar trait implementation, to make this work?
Rust playground
There are a two solutions to your problem. Let's start with the simplest one:
Add a lifetime to your trait
trait Foo<'a> {
type Item: AsRef<Path>;
type Iter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;
fn get(&'a self) -> Self::Iter;
This requires you to annotate the lifetime everywhere you use the trait. When you implement the trait, you need to do a generic implementation:
impl<'a> Foo<'a> for Bar {
type Item = &'a PathBuf;
type Iter = std::slice::Iter<'a, PathBuf>;
fn get(&'a self) -> Self::Iter {
When you require the trait for a generic argument, you also need to make sure that any references to your trait object have the same lifetime:
fn fooget<'a, T: Foo<'a>>(foo: &'a T) {}
Implement the trait for a reference to your type
Instead of implementing the trait for your type, implement it for a reference to your type. The trait never needs to know anything about lifetimes this way.
The trait function then must take its argument by value. In your case you will implement the trait for a reference:
trait Foo {
type Item: AsRef<Path>;
type Iter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;
fn get(self) -> Self::Iter;
impl<'a> Foo for &'a Bar {
type Item = &'a PathBuf;
type Iter = std::slice::Iter<'a, PathBuf>;
fn get(self) -> Self::Iter {
Your fooget function now simply becomes
fn fooget<T: Foo>(foo: T) {}
The problem with this is that the fooget function doesn't know T is in reality a &Bar. When you call the get function, you are actually moving out of the foo variable. You don't move out of the object, you just move the reference. If your fooget function tries to call get twice, the function won't compile.
If you want your fooget function to only accept arguments where the Foo trait is implemented for references, you need to explicitly state this bound:
fn fooget_twice<'a, T>(foo: &'a T)
&'a T: Foo,
The where clause makes sure that you only call this function for references where Foo was implemented for the reference instead of the type. It may also be implemented for both.
Technically, the compiler could automatically infer the lifetime in fooget_twice so you could write it as
fn fooget_twice<T>(foo: &T)
&T: Foo,
but it's not smart enough yet.
For more complicated cases, you can use a Rust feature which is not yet implemented: Generic Associated Types (GATs). Work for that is being tracked in issue 44265.
Use a wrapper type
If the trait and all its implementations are defined in one crate, a helper type can be useful:
trait Foo {
fn get<'a>(&'a self) -> IterableFoo<'a, Self> {
struct IterableFoo<'a, T: ?Sized + Foo>(pub &'a T);
For a concrete type that implements Foo, implement the iterator conversion on the IterableFoo wrapping it:
impl Foo for Bar {}
impl<'a> IntoIterator for IterableFoo<'a, Bar> {
type Item = &'a PathBuf;
type IntoIter = std::slice::Iter<'a, PathBuf>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
This solution does not allow implementations in a different crate. Another disadvantage is that an IntoIterator bound cannot be encoded into the definition of the trait, so it will need to be specified as an additional (and higher-rank) bound for generic code that wants to iterate over the result of Foo::get:
fn use_foo_get<T>(foo: &T)
T: Foo,
for<'a> IterableFoo<'a, T>: IntoIterator,
for<'a> <IterableFoo<'a, T> as IntoIterator>::Item: AsRef<Path>
for p in foo.get() {
println!("{}", p.as_ref().to_string_lossy());
Associated type for an internal object providing desired functionality
The trait can define an associated type that gives access to a part of the object that, bound in a reference, provides the necessary access traits.
trait Foo {
type Iterable: ?Sized;
fn get(&self) -> &Self::Iterable;
This requires that any implementation type contains a part that can be so exposed:
impl Foo for Bar {
type Iterable = [PathBuf];
fn get(&self) -> &Self::Iterable {
Put bounds on the reference to the associated type in generic code that uses the the result of get:
fn use_foo_get<'a, T>(foo: &'a T)
T: Foo,
&'a T::Iterable: IntoIterator,
<&'a T::Iterable as IntoIterator>::Item: AsRef<Path>
for p in foo.get() {
println!("{}", p.as_ref().to_string_lossy());
This solution permits implementations outside of the trait definition crate.
The bound work at generic use sites is as annoying as with the previous solution.
An implementing type may need an internal shell struct with the only purpose of providing the associated type, in case when the use-site bounds are not as readily satisfied as with Vec and IntoIterator in the example discussed.
In future, you'll want an associated type constructor for your lifetime 'a but Rust does not support that yet. See RFC 1598

Tying a trait lifetime variable to &self lifetime

I'd like to do something along the following lines:
trait GetRef<'a> {
fn get_ref(&self) -> &'a [u8];
struct Foo<'a> {
buf: &'a [u8]
impl <'a> GetRef<'a> for Foo<'a> {
fn get_ref(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
struct Bar {
buf: Vec<u8>
// this is the part I'm struggling with:
impl <'a> GetRef<'a> for Bar {
fn get_ref(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] {
The point of the explicit lifetime variable in the GetRef trait is to allow the return value of get_ref() on a Foo object to outlive the Foo itself, tying the return value's lifetime to that of the lifetime of Foo's buffer.
However, I haven't found a way to implement GetRef for Bar in a way that the compiler accepts. I've tried several variations of the above, but can't seem to find one that works. Is there any there any reason that this fundamentally cannot be done? If not, how can I do this?
Tying a trait lifetime variable to &self lifetime
Not possible.
Is there any there any reason that this fundamentally cannot be done?
Yes. An owning vector is something different than a borrowed slice. Your trait GetRef only makes sense for things that already represent a “loan” and don't own the slice. For an owning type like Bar you can't safely return a borrowed slice that outlives Self. That's what the borrow checker prevents to avoid dangling pointers.
What you tried to do is to link the lifetime parameter to the lifetime of Self. But the lifetime of Self is not a property of its type. It just depends on the scope this value was defined in. And that's why your approach cannot work.
Another way of looking at it is: In a trait you have to be explicit about whether Self is borrowed by a method and its result or not. You defined the GetRef trait to return something that is not linked to Self w.r.t. lifetimes. So, no borrowing. So, it's not implementable for types that own the data. You can't create a borrowed slice referring to a Vec's elements without borrowing the Vec.
If not, how can I do this?
Depends on what exactly you mean by “this”. If you want to write a “common denominator” trait that can be implemented for both borrowed and owning slices, you have to do it like this:
trait GetRef {
fn get_ref(&self) -> &[u8];
The meaning of this trait is that get_ref borrows Self and returns a kind of “loan” because of the current lifetime elision rules. It's equivalent to the more explicit form
trait GetRef {
fn get_ref<'s>(&self) -> &'s [u8];
It can be implemented for both types now:
impl<'a> GetRef for Foo<'a> {
fn get_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.buf[1..] }
impl GetRef for Bar {
fn get_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.buf[1..] }
You could make different lifetimes for &self and result in your trait like that:
trait GetRef<'a, 'b> {
fn get_ref(&'b self) -> &'a [u8];
struct Foo<'a> {
buf: &'a [u8]
impl <'a, 'b> GetRef<'a, 'b> for Foo<'a> {
fn get_ref(&'b self) -> &'a [u8] {
struct Bar {
buf: Vec<u8>
// Bar, however, cannot contain anything that outlives itself
impl<'a> GetRef<'a, 'a> for Bar {
fn get_ref(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] {
fn main() {
let a = vec!(1 as u8, 2, 3);
let b = a.clone();
let tmp;
let x = Foo{buf: &a};
tmp = x.get_ref();
let y = Bar{buf: b};
// Bar's buf cannot outlive Bar
// tmp = y.get_ref();
