pyrogram why phone_number is "*********"? - get

get_chat_members(pyrogram) gives characters ********* instead of phone_numbers
"_": "User",
"id": ##########,
"is_self": true,
"is_contact": false,
"is_mutual_contact": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_bot": false,
"is_verified": false,
"is_restricted": false,
"is_scam": false,
"is_fake": false,
"is_support": false,
"is_premium": false,
"first_name": "#########",
"last_name": "###########",
"status": "UserStatus.OFFLINE",
"last_online_date": "2023-01-13 16:18:34",
"username": "###########",
"phone_number": "*********"

The phone_number field will be censored to protect the privacy, should the User object be printed or returned. If you want the actual number, access the value itself.
user = app.get_users(789456123)
"_": "User",
"id": 789456123,
"phone_number": *********,


Pimcore: New product class not visible in e-commerce product list

Data objects of my data object class Product should be visible in the e-commerce Pimcore site.
Current Setup
Current Demo and Blue Print Application for Pimcore
I create a new data object class called Product. Parent PHP class is set to \App\Model\Product\AbstractProduct (Complete class definition export attached)
Created a new data object based on the Product class.
The new product is not visible in the shop. There is no error shown up either.
What I also tried
Based on the Index Service documentation I manually updated the index, without any effect.
$ php bin/console ecommerce:indexservice:bootstrap --update-index
Processing 1 Product in segments of 50, batches of 50, 1 round, 1 batch in 1 process
1/1 [============================] 100% < 1 sec/< 1 sec 48.5 MiB
Processed 1 Product.
Attached complete class definition export
"id": "PROD",
"description": "",
"modificationDate": 1669880184,
"parentClass": "\\App\\Model\\Product\\AbstractProduct",
"implementsInterfaces": "",
"listingParentClass": "",
"useTraits": "",
"listingUseTraits": "",
"allowInherit": true,
"allowVariants": true,
"showVariants": true,
"layoutDefinitions": {
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"width": "",
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"maxLength": null,
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I finally got it to work (after my last answer which was supposed to be a comment, my bad :D )
did you check the following:
1 Class override
in /config/ecommerce/base-ecommerce.yaml
Pimcore\Model\DataObject\YourClass: App\Model\Product\YourClass
make sure you clear the cache like in the documentation
./bin/console cache:clear --no-warmup && ./bin/console pimcore:cache:clear
2 Check all Car Class names in Model / Controller
For example:
src/Model/Adminstyle/Car --> to your Class
src/Model/Car --> to your Class
3 Make sure that saving a product of yours gets in the index
I saw that on saving the object in the backend, i got a log that the object was not indexed.
I had some other issues which where 100% not meant to be fixed like i did. So try how far you come with this
edit: typo

Get all records that have an item in an array with certain email

I am trying to write a CosmosDB query to return all records in a table that have an item in the Users array that has an email of a certain value. Here is roughly what a full record looks like.
"year": "2022",
"id": "d992b109-d94a-4d75-9ebb-9ef4e5e851ae",
"partitionKey": "2022",
"LeagueName": "Hipster Kitties",
"Users": [
"Id": "eb71e719-4bc1-4f32-9767-e5dc20b2e63f",
"UserName": "",
"NormalizedUserName": "",
"Email": "",
"NormalizedEmail": "",
"EmailConfirmed": false,
"PhoneNumber": null,
"PhoneNumberConfirmed": false,
"TwoFactorEnabled": false,
"LockoutEnd": null,
"LockoutEnabled": true,
"AccessFailedCount": 0
"Id": "eb71e719-4bc1-4f32-9767-e5dc20sdfsdf",
"UserName": "",
"NormalizedUserName": "",
"Email": "",
"NormalizedEmail": "",
"EmailConfirmed": false,
"PhoneNumber": null,
"PhoneNumberConfirmed": false,
"TwoFactorEnabled": false,
"LockoutEnd": null,
"LockoutEnabled": true,
"AccessFailedCount": 0
"LeagueCreator": {
"Id": "eb71e719-4bc1-4f32-9767-e5dc20b2e63f",
"UserName": "",
"NormalizedUserName": "",
"Email": "",
"NormalizedEmail": "",
"EmailConfirmed": false,
"PhoneNumber": null,
"PhoneNumberConfirmed": false,
"TwoFactorEnabled": false,
"LockoutEnd": null,
"LockoutEnabled": true,
"AccessFailedCount": 0
"LeagueAdmins": [
"Id": "eb71e719-4bc1-4f32-9767-e5dc20b2e63f",
"UserName": "",
"NormalizedUserName": "",
"Email": "",
"NormalizedEmail": "",
"EmailConfirmed": false,
"PhoneNumber": null,
"PhoneNumberConfirmed": false,
"TwoFactorEnabled": false,
"LockoutEnd": null,
"LockoutEnabled": true,
"AccessFailedCount": 0
"IsPublic": false,
"Seasons": [],
"Type": 1,
"Settings": {
"TotalPicks": 6,
"KeyPicks": 1,
"KeyPickBonus": 1,
"WeekStartingMoney": 0,
"MinimumGamesToPick": 0
"_attachments": "attachments/",
"_ts": 1665116599
Here is the query I have so far which will get me the id's, but I can't get the full records.
JOIN t in c.Users
WHERE t.Email = ""
If I execute the following query, I get a SQL syntax error.
JOIN t in d.Users
WHERE t.Email = "")
Message: {"errors":[{"severity":"Error","location":{"start":33,"end":39},"code":"SC1001","message":"Syntax error, incorrect syntax near 'SELECT'."}]} ActivityId: , Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/2.14.0
Worst case, I could get back these Id's and then run another query which would get all records with those Id's, but want to see if I can run it in one query instead of two.
You can't just SELECT *. You can specify individual properties though. For example:
SELECT, c.LeagueName, t.UserName, t.Email
JOIN t in c.Users
WHERE t.Email = ""
This would return something like:
"id": "d992b109-d94a-4d75-9ebb-9ef4e5e851ae",
"LeagueName": "Hipster Kitties",
"UserName": "",
"Email": ""

Receiving RequestMalformed error when doing Typesense upsert

I have the following interface in typescript:
export interface TypesenseAtlistedProEvent {
// IDs
id: string;
proId: string;
eventId: string;
startTime: Number;
stopTime: Number;
eventRate: Number;
remainingSlots: Number;
displayName: string;
photoURL: string;
indexOptions: string;
location: Number[];
and the following schema in Typesense:
"created_at": 1665530883,
"default_sorting_field": "location",
"fields": [
"facet": false,
"index": true,
"infix": false,
"locale": "",
"name": "proId",
"optional": false,
"sort": false,
"type": "string"
"facet": false,
"index": true,
"infix": false,
"locale": "",
"name": "eventId",
"optional": false,
"sort": false,
"type": "string"
"facet": false,
"index": true,
"infix": false,
"locale": "",
"name": "startTime",
"optional": false,
"sort": true,
"type": "int64"
"facet": false,
"index": true,
"infix": false,
"locale": "",
"name": "stopTime",
"optional": false,
"sort": true,
"type": "int64"
"facet": false,
"index": true,
"infix": false,
"locale": "",
"name": "eventRate",
"optional": false,
"sort": true,
"type": "float"
"facet": false,
"index": true,
"infix": false,
"locale": "",
"name": "remainingSlots",
"optional": false,
"sort": true,
"type": "int32"
"facet": false,
"index": true,
"infix": false,
"locale": "",
"name": "displayName",
"optional": false,
"sort": false,
"type": "string"
"facet": false,
"index": true,
"infix": false,
"locale": "",
"name": "photoURL",
"optional": false,
"sort": false,
"type": "string"
"facet": false,
"index": true,
"infix": false,
"locale": "",
"name": "indexOptions",
"optional": false,
"sort": false,
"type": "string"
"facet": false,
"index": true,
"infix": false,
"locale": "",
"name": "location",
"optional": false,
"sort": true,
"type": "geopoint"
"name": "atlistedProEventIndex",
"num_documents": 0,
"symbols_to_index": [],
"token_separators": []
I look to upsert like the in the following:
const indexedDoc: TypesenseAtlistedProEvent = {
id: proId + eventId,
proId: proId,
eventId: eventId,
startTime: publicEvent.startTime.seconds,
stopTime: publicEvent.stopTime.seconds,
eventRate: publicEvent.eventRate,
remainingSlots: publicEvent.remainingSlots,
displayName: tpi.displayName,
photoURL: tpi.photoURL,
indexOptions: tpi.indexOptions,
location: [, tpi.lng],
return await typesenseClient
.then(() => {
return {success: true, exit: 0};
I am getting the following upon the query:
RequestMalformed: Request failed with HTTP code 400 | Server said: [json.exception.type_error.302] type must be number
I am passing it location as Number[], and trying to get that to update the geopoint in typesense. This is not working and thus it would be useful if:
I was able to locate the logs to go through. I would particularly like the logs given by the Typesense Cloud, and am feeling at a loss that I cannot find these.
I would like to pass in the geopoint as the right type in typescript. Right now, as you can see above, the location is of type Number[], which, from the examples I saw, assumed was right. It also may be the case that another field is off and I'm just missing it. Either way, I could really use some kind of server side logging coming from Typesense Cloud.
The error message is a little confusing, but the core of the issue is that the default_sorting_field can only be a numeric field, but it's currently set as a geopoint field (location), which is what that error is trying to convey.
So if you create a new collection without default_sorting_field, the error should not show up.
If you want to sort by geo location, you want to use the sort_by parameter:
let searchParameters = {
'q' : '*',
'query_by' : 'title',
'filter_by' : 'location:(48.90615915923891, 2.3435897727061175, 5.1 km)',
'sort_by' : 'location(48.853, 2.344):asc'

adding analyzers to Azure Search Index using REST API not saving

Having trouble getting the analyzers to save / update on the index. When creating, everything else (the tokenFilters, tokenizers, fields) saves fine, but the analyzers array is always empty?
await client.createOrUpdateIndex(index, { allowIndexDowntime: true });
Creating a new index:
let index = {
name: "test-index",
tokenizers: [{
"odatatype": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.StandardTokenizerV2",
"name": "test_standard_v2",
"maxTokenLength": 255
fields: [{
"name": "metadata_storage_path",
"type": "Edm.String",
"facetable": false,
"filterable": false,
"key": true,
"retrievable": true,
"searchable": false,
"sortable": false,
"analyzer": null,
"indexAnalyzer": null,
"searchAnalyzer": null,
"synonymMaps": [],
"fields": []
}, {
'name': 'metadata_storage_name',
'type': 'Edm.String',
'facetable': false,
'filterable': false,
'key': false,
'retrievable': true,
'searchable': true,
'sortable': false,
'synonymMaps': [],
'fields': [],
"name": "partialName",
"type": "Edm.String",
"retrievable": false,
"searchable": true,
"filterable": false,
"sortable": false,
"facetable": false,
"key": false,
"searchAnalyzer": "standardCmAnalyzer",
"indexAnalyzer": "filename_analyzer"
tokenFilters: [{
"name": "nGramCmTokenFilter",
"odatatype": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.NGramTokenFilterV2",
"minGram": 3,
"maxGram": 20
analyzers: [{
"name": "standardCmAnalyzer",
"odatatype": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.CustomAnalyzer",
"tokenizer": "test_standard_v2",
"tokenFilters": ["lowercase", "asciifolding"]
"name": "filename_analyzer",
"odatatype": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.CustomAnalyzer",
"tokenizer": "test_standard_v2",
"tokenFilters": [
Then creating it:
await client.createOrUpdateIndex(index, { allowIndexDowntime: true });
I noticed no error messages being returned.
Using the sdk #azure/search-documents ^11.1.0

Building mongoose queries programmatically

I'm trying to do a kind of a complex mongoose query. I have searched around and found solutions asking for single variables(with if) and building the query object, but I wanted to know if there is a simpler way because I would be building a query with about 40 non required parameters, for example right now in my req.body I have:
{ searchParams:
{ publicationType: 'Venta',
subtype: [ 'Duplex', 'Cabaña' ],
streetNumber: '1312',
streetName: 'José María Bosch',
city: 'Villa Bosch',
state: 'Buenos Aires',
country: 'Argentina' }
All the names are the same in the database, what I have to do I search if publicationType matches, if the address matches and finally for sub type if any of those array items matches since subtype is a string. Is there any way to do it without an if for each field?
Right now I did this simple query to try out'/search', (req, res, next) => {
dwellings => res.send({dwellings})
It works on publicationType and subtype buy not on address.
this is an object in my data base:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5af06167ea174f00142bab91"
"publicationType": "Alquiler",
"address": {
"latitude": -34.59250669999999,
"altitude": -58.571258599999965,
"streetNumber": "1312",
"streetName": "José María Bosch",
"city": "Villa Bosch",
"state": "Buenos Aires",
"country": "Argentina"
"type": "Residencial",
"subtype": "Casa",
"currency": "",
"price": 50000,
"occupationStatus": "Disponible",
"spaces": {
"rooms": 3,
"floors": 0,
"bedrooms": 0,
"closets": 0,
"bathRoom": 0,
"toilette": 0,
"living": false,
"livingDining": false,
"diningRoom": false,
"kitchen": false,
"kitchenDining": false,
"terrace": false,
"balcony": false,
"backYard": false,
"swimmingPool": false,
"barbecue": false,
"garage": "No",
"laundryRoom": "No"
"features": {
"status": "Desconocido",
"orientation": "Desconocida",
"luminosity": "Desconocida",
"heating": [
"value": "No posee",
"label": "No posee"
"refurbished": false,
"repair": "No"
"services": {
"gas": true,
"water": true,
"sewer": true,
"phone": true,
"pavement": true,
"electricity": true,
"cableTv": true
"legal": {
"bank": false,
"prof": false
"generalDescription": "Desc 1",
"privateDescription": "Desc 2",
"siocId": 713675,
"createdAt": {
"$date": "2018-05-07T14:23:35.230Z"
"updatedAt": {
"$date": "2018-05-07T14:23:35.230Z"
"__v": 0
