By-value methods on trait objects [duplicate] - rust

I was writing some code and had a trait with a method that takes self by value. I want to call this method on a Box'd trait object (consuming the Box and its value). Is this possible? If so, how?
In terms of code, a minimal example looks like the following (incomplete) code:
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
fn consume_box(ptr: Box<dyn Consumable>) -> u64 {
//what can I put here?
My question is how to fill in the function consume_box with the specified signature so that the value returned is whatever value would be gotten by calling consume on the Box'd value.
I had initially written
as the body of the function, though I realize this isn't quite the right idea, since it doesn't get across the fact that I want the Box to be consumed, not just its contents, but it's the only thing I could think of. This does not compile, giving an error:
cannot move a value of type dyn Consumable: the size of dyn Consumable cannot be statically determined
This was somewhat surprising to me, being new to Rust, I had thought that maybe the self argument was passed similarly to an rvalue reference in C++ (which is really what I want - in C++, I would probably implement this by a method with the signature virtual std::uint64_t consume() &&, letting a std::unique_ptr clean up the moved-from object via a virtual destructor), but I guess Rust is truly passing by value, moving the argument into place prior - so it's reasonable that it rejects the code.
Trouble is, I'm not sure how to get the behavior I want, where I can consume a Box'd trait object. I tried adding a method to the trait with a default implementation, thinking that might get me something useful in the vtable:
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
fn consume_box(me: Box<Self>) -> u64 {
However, this then yields the error
the trait Consumable cannot be made into an object
when I mention the Box<dyn Consumable> type - which is not so surprising, since the compiler figuring out what to do with a function whose argument type varied with Self would have been miraculous.
Is it possible to implement the function consume_box with the provided signature - even modifying the trait if necessary?
If it's useful, more specifically, this is part of a sort of representation of some mathematical expressions - maybe a toy model would be that specific implementations that look roughly like:
impl Consumable for u64 {
fn consume(self) -> u64 {
struct Sum<A, B>(A, B);
impl<A: Consumable, B: Consumable> Consumable for Sum<A, B> {
fn consume(self) -> u64 {
self.0.consume() + self.1.consume()
struct Product<A, B>(A, B);
impl<A: Consumable, B: Consumable> Consumable for Product<A, B> {
fn consume(self) -> u64 {
self.0.consume() * self.1.consume()
fn parse(&str) -> Option<Box<dyn Consumable> > {
//do fancy stuff
where, for the most part, things are plain old data (but arbitrarily large blocks of it, potentially, due to the generics), but to also have this be compatible with passing around more opaque handles to these sorts of things - hence the desire to be able to work with Box<dyn Consumable>. At least at the language level, this is a good model of what sort of things I'm up to - the only resources owned by these objects are pieces of memory (nothing to do with multithreading and no self-referential shenanigans) - although this model doesn't capture that the use case I have is one where it's useful for the implementation to consume the object rather than to merely read it nor does it appropriately model that I want an "open" class of possible segments rather than a finite set of possiblities (making it hard to do something like an enum that represents a tree directly) - hence why I'm asking about passing by value rather than trying to rewrite it to pass by reference.

You can consume from a Box<dyn Trait> if the parameter is self: Box<Self>:
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
fn consume_box(self: Box<Self>) -> u64;
struct Foo;
impl Consumable for Foo {
fn consume(self) -> u64 {
fn consume_box(self: Box<Self>) -> u64 {
fn main() {
let ptr: Box<dyn Consumable> = Box::new(Foo);
println!("result is {}", ptr.consume_box());
However, this does have the annoying boilerplate of having to implement consume_box() for each implementation; trying to define a default implementation will run into a "cannot move value of type Self - the size of Self cannot be statically determined" error.
In general though this is not supported. A dyn Consumable represents an unsized type which are very limited except through indirection (via references or Box-like structs). It works for the above case because Box is a bit special (is the only dispatchable type you can take ownership from) and the consume_box method does not put self on the stack as a dynamic trait object (only in each implementation where its concrete).
However there is RFC 1909: Unsized RValues which hopes to loosen some of these limits. One being able to pass unsized function parameters, like self in this case. The current implementation of this RFC accepts your initial code when compiled on nightly with unsized_fn_params:
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
struct Foo;
impl Consumable for Foo {
fn consume(self) -> u64 {
fn main () {
let ptr: Box<dyn Consumable> = Box::new(Foo);
println!("result is {}", ptr.consume());
See on the playground.

I believe
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
fn consume_box(val: impl Consumable) -> u64 {
might do what you want. I'm all but a Rust expert - or C++ expert for that matter -, but I think it should be working pretty much like the move-semantics in C++ you mentioned in terms of memory behavior. From what I understand it is a form of generic where Rust implements the Function for every type you call it with.

If you don't use nightly Rust, I wrote a macro here. It generates the second trait function automatically.
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
fn consume_box(me: Box<Self>) -> u64 ;


Understanding "the trait X cannot be made into an object" for `&mut Box<Self>` parameter

I've got this code snippet (playground):
struct TeddyBear {
fluffiness: u8,
trait Scruffy {
fn scruff_up(self: &mut Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn Scruffy>;
impl Scruffy for TeddyBear {
fn scruff_up(self: &mut Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn Scruffy> {
// do something about the TeddyBear's fluffiness
It doesn't compile. The error is:
the trait Scruffy cannot be made into an object
, along with the hint:
because method scruff_up's self parameter cannot be dispatched on.
I checked the "E0038" error description, but I haven't been able to figure out which category my error falls into.
I also read the "object-safety" entry in "The Rust Reference", and I believe this matches the "All associated functions must either be dispatchable from a trait object", but I'm not sure, partly because I'm not sure what "receiver" means in that context.
Can you please clarify for me what's the problem with this code and why it doesn't work?
The problem is when you pass it in as a reference, because the inner type may not be well-sized (e.g. a trait object, like if you passed in a Box<Fluffy>) the compiler doesn't have enough information to figure out how to call methods on it. If you restrict it to sized objects (like your TeddyBear) it should compile
trait Scruffy {
fn scruff_up(self: &mut Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn Scruffy> where Self: Sized;
A receiver is the self (&self, &mut self, self: &mut Box<Self> and so on).
Note that the list you cited from the reference lists both Box<Self> and &mut Self, but does not list &mut Box<Self> nor it says that combinations of these types are allowed.
This is, indeed, forbidden. As for the why, it is a little more complex.
In order for a type to be a valid receiver, it needs to hold the following condition:
Given any type Self that implements Trait and the receiver type Receiver, the receiver type should implement DispatchFromDyn<dyn Trait> for itself with all Self occurrences of Self replaced with dyn Trait.
For instance:
&self (has the type &Self) has to implement DispatchFromDyn<&dyn Trait>, which it does.
Box<Self> has to implement DispatchFromDyn<Box<dyn Trait>>, which it does.
But in order for &mut Box<Self> to be an object-safe receiver, it would need to impl DispatchFromDyn<&mut Box<dyn Trait>>. What you want is kind of blanket implementation DispatchFromDyn<&mut T> for &mut U where U: DispatchFromDyn<T>.
This impl will never exist. Because it is unsound (even ignoring coherence problems).
As explained in the code in rustc that calculates this:
The only case where the receiver is not dispatchable, but is still a valid receiver type (just not object-safe), is when there is more than one level of pointer indirection. E.g., self: &&Self, self: &Rc<Self>, self: Box<Box<Self>>. In these cases, there is no way, or at least no inexpensive way, to coerce the receiver from the version where Self = dyn Trait to the version where Self = T, where T is the unknown erased type contained by the trait object, because the object that needs to be coerced is behind a pointer.
The problem is inherent to how Rust handles dyn Trait.
dyn Trait is a fat pointer: it is actually two words sized. One is a pointer to the data, and the other is a pointer to the vtable.
When you call a method on dyn Trait, the compiler looks up in the vtable, find the method for the concrete type (which is unknown at compilation time, but known at runtime), and calls it.
This all may be very abstract without an example:
trait Trait {
fn foo(&self);
impl Trait for () {
fn foo(&self) {}
fn call_foo(v: &dyn Trait) {;
fn create_dyn_trait(v: &impl Trait) {
let v: &dyn Trait = v;
The compiler generates code like:
trait Trait {
fn foo(&self);
impl Trait for () {
fn foo(&self) {}
struct TraitVTable {
foo: fn(*const ()),
static TRAIT_FOR_UNIT_VTABLE: TraitVTable = TraitVTable {
foo: unsafe { std::mem::transmute(<() as Trait>::foo) },
type DynTraitRef = (*const (), &'static TraitVTable);
impl Trait for dyn Trait {
fn foo(self: DynTraitRef) {
fn call_foo(v: DynTraitRef) {;
fn create_dyn_trait(v: &impl Trait) {
let v: DynTraitRef = (v as *const (), &TRAIT_FOR_UNIT_VTABLE);
Now suppose that the pointer to the value is behind an indirection. I'll use Box<&self> because it's simple but demonstrates the concept best, but the concept applies to &mut Box<Self> too: they have the same layout. How will we write foo() for impl Trait for dyn Trait?
trait Trait {
fn foo(self: Box<&Self>);
impl Trait for () {
fn foo(self: Box<&Self>) {}
struct TraitVTable {
foo: fn(Box<*const ()>),
static TRAIT_FOR_UNIT_VTABLE: TraitVTable = TraitVTable {
foo: unsafe { std::mem::transmute(<() as Trait>::foo) },
type DynTraitRef = (*const (), &'static TraitVTable);
impl Trait for dyn Trait {
fn foo(self: Box<DynTraitRef>) {
let concrete_foo: fn(Box<*const ()>) =;
let data: *const () = self.0;
concrete_foo(data) // We need to wrap `data` in `Box`! Error.
You may think "then the compiler should just insert a call to Box::new()!" But besides Box not being the only one here (what with Rc, for example?) and we will need some trait to abstract over this behavior, Rust never performs any hard work implicitly. This is a design choice, and an important one (as opposed to e.g. C++, where an innocent-looking statement like auto v1 = v; can allocate and copy 10GB by a copy constructor). Converting a type to dyn Trait and back is done implicitly: the first one by a coercion, the second one when you call a method of the trait. Thus, the only thing that Rust does for that is attaching a VTable pointer in the first case, or discarding it in the second case. Even allowing only references (&&&Self, no need to call a method, just take the address of a temporary) exceeds that. And it can have severe implications in unexpected places, e.g. register allocation.
So, what to do? You can take &mut self or self: Box<Self>. Which one to choose depends on whether you need ownership (use Box) or not (use a reference). And anyway, &mut Box<Self> is not so useful (its only advantage over &mut T is that you can replace the box and not just its contents, but when you do that that's usually a mistake).

Generalizing iteraton method in Rust

Suppose I have some custom collection of Foos:
struct Bar {}
struct Foo {
bar: Bar
struct SubList {
contents: Vec<Foo>,
and suppose I also have a SuperList which is a custom collection of SubLists:
struct SuperList {
contents: Vec<SubList>,
SubList and SuperList each provide a method bars:
impl SubList {
fn bars(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Bar> + '_ {
self.contents.iter().map(|x| &
impl SuperList {
fn bars(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Bar> + '_ {
self.contents.iter().flat_map(|x| x.items())
I want to define a trait that provides a method items, and implement that trait on SubList and SuperList so that SubList::items is equivalent to SubList::bars and SuperList::items is equivalent to SuperList::bars, so that I can do this:
fn do_it<T: Buz<Bar>>(buz: &T) {
for item in buz.items() {
fn main() {
let foos = vec![Foo{ bar: Bar{} }];
let sublist = SubList{ contents: foos };
let superlist = SuperList{ contents: vec![sublist] };
I can do what I want with dynamic dispatch:
trait Buz<T> {
fn items(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &T> + '_>;
impl Buz<Bar> for SubList {
fn items(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &Bar> + '_> {
impl Buz<Bar> for SuperList {
fn items(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &Bar> + '_> {
However, the following doesn't work:
trait Baz<T> {
fn items(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> + '_;
impl Baz<Bar> for SubList {
fn items(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Bar> + '_ {
impl Baz<Bar> for SuperList {
fn items(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Bar> + '_ {
(error[E0562]: `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function and inherent method return types)
Here's a playground link to what I've tried so far
How can I define a trait Baz which provides an items method to abstract over the bars methods of SubList and SuperList without using dynamic dispatch?
Unfortunately, what you are trying to do is not really possible in Rust right now. Not by design, but simply because some relevant type level features are not implemented or stabilized yet.
Unless you have spare time, an interest in type level stuff and are willing to use nightly: just use boxed iterators. They are simple, they just work, and in most cases it will likely not even hurt performance in a meaningful way.
You're still reading? Ok let's talk about it.
As you intuitively tried, impl Trait in return type position would be the obvious solution here. But as you noticed, it doesn't work: error[E0562]: `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function and inherent method return types. Why is that? RFC 1522 says:
Initial limitations:
impl Trait may only be written within the return type of a freestanding or inherent-impl function, not in trait definitions [...] Eventually, we will want to allow the feature to be used within traits [...]
These initial limitations were put in place because the type level machinery to make this work was/is not in place yet:
One important usecase of abstract return types is to use them in trait methods.
However, there is an issue with this, namely that in combinations with generic trait methods, they are effectively equivalent to higher kinded types. Which is an issue because Rust's HKT story is not yet figured out, so any "accidental implementation" might cause unintended fallout.
The following explanation in the RFC is also worth reading.
That said, some uses of impl Trait in traits can be achieved already today: with associated types! Consider this:
trait Foo {
type Bar: Clone;
fn bar() -> Self::Bar;
struct A;
struct B;
impl Foo for A {
type Bar = u32;
fn bar() -> Self::Bar { 0 }
impl Foo for B {
type Bar = String;
fn bar() -> Self::Bar { "hello".into() }
This works and is "basically equivalent" to:
trait Foo {
fn bar() -> impl Clone;
Each impl block can choose a different return type as long as it implements a trait. So why then does impl Trait not simply desugar to an associated type? Well, let's try with your example:
trait Baz<T> {
type Iter: Iterator<Item = &Bar>;
fn items(&self) -> Self::Iter;
We get a missing lifetime specifier error:
4 | type Iter: Iterator<Item = &Bar>;
| ^ expected named lifetime parameter
Trying to add a lifetime parameter... we notice that we can't do that. What we need is to use the lifetime of &self here. But we can't get it at that point (in the associated type definition). This limitation is very unfortunate and is encountered in many situations (search term "streaming iterator"). The solution here are GATs: generic associated types. They allow us to write this:
trait Baz<T> {
// vvvv That's what GATs allow
type Iter<'s>: Iterator<Item = &'s Bar>;
fn items(&self) -> Self::Iter<'_>;
GATs are not fully implemented and certainly not stable yet. See the tracking issue.
But even with GATs, we cannot fully make your example work. That's because you use iterator types that are unnameable, due to using closures. So the impl Baz for ... blocks would not be able to provide the type Iter<'s> definition. Here we can use another feature that is not stable yet: impl Trait in type aliases!
impl Baz<Bar> for SubList {
type Iter<'s> = impl Iterator<Item = &'s Bar>;
fn items(&self) -> Self::Iter<'_> {
This actually works! (Again, on nightly, with these unstable features.) You can see your full, working example in this playground.
This type system work has been going on for a long time and it seems like it's slowly reaching a state of being usable. (Which I am very happy about ^_^). I expect that a few of the foundational features, or at least subsets of them, will be stabilized in the not-too-distant future. And once these are used in practice and we see how they work, more convenience features (like impl Trait in traits) will be reconsidered and stabilized. Or so I think.
Also worth noting that async fns in traits are also blocked by this, since they basically desugar into a method returning impl Future<Output = ...>. And those are also a highly requested feature.
In summary: these limitations have been a pain point for quite some time and they resurface in different practical situations (async, streaming iterator, your example, ...). I'm not involved in compiler development or language team discussions, but I kept an eye on this topic for a long time and I think we are getting close to finally resolving a lot of these issues. Certainly not in the next releases, but I see a decent chance we get some of this in the next year or two.

How to pass a boxed trait object by value in Rust?

I was writing some code and had a trait with a method that takes self by value. I want to call this method on a Box'd trait object (consuming the Box and its value). Is this possible? If so, how?
In terms of code, a minimal example looks like the following (incomplete) code:
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
fn consume_box(ptr: Box<dyn Consumable>) -> u64 {
//what can I put here?
My question is how to fill in the function consume_box with the specified signature so that the value returned is whatever value would be gotten by calling consume on the Box'd value.
I had initially written
as the body of the function, though I realize this isn't quite the right idea, since it doesn't get across the fact that I want the Box to be consumed, not just its contents, but it's the only thing I could think of. This does not compile, giving an error:
cannot move a value of type dyn Consumable: the size of dyn Consumable cannot be statically determined
This was somewhat surprising to me, being new to Rust, I had thought that maybe the self argument was passed similarly to an rvalue reference in C++ (which is really what I want - in C++, I would probably implement this by a method with the signature virtual std::uint64_t consume() &&, letting a std::unique_ptr clean up the moved-from object via a virtual destructor), but I guess Rust is truly passing by value, moving the argument into place prior - so it's reasonable that it rejects the code.
Trouble is, I'm not sure how to get the behavior I want, where I can consume a Box'd trait object. I tried adding a method to the trait with a default implementation, thinking that might get me something useful in the vtable:
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
fn consume_box(me: Box<Self>) -> u64 {
However, this then yields the error
the trait Consumable cannot be made into an object
when I mention the Box<dyn Consumable> type - which is not so surprising, since the compiler figuring out what to do with a function whose argument type varied with Self would have been miraculous.
Is it possible to implement the function consume_box with the provided signature - even modifying the trait if necessary?
If it's useful, more specifically, this is part of a sort of representation of some mathematical expressions - maybe a toy model would be that specific implementations that look roughly like:
impl Consumable for u64 {
fn consume(self) -> u64 {
struct Sum<A, B>(A, B);
impl<A: Consumable, B: Consumable> Consumable for Sum<A, B> {
fn consume(self) -> u64 {
self.0.consume() + self.1.consume()
struct Product<A, B>(A, B);
impl<A: Consumable, B: Consumable> Consumable for Product<A, B> {
fn consume(self) -> u64 {
self.0.consume() * self.1.consume()
fn parse(&str) -> Option<Box<dyn Consumable> > {
//do fancy stuff
where, for the most part, things are plain old data (but arbitrarily large blocks of it, potentially, due to the generics), but to also have this be compatible with passing around more opaque handles to these sorts of things - hence the desire to be able to work with Box<dyn Consumable>. At least at the language level, this is a good model of what sort of things I'm up to - the only resources owned by these objects are pieces of memory (nothing to do with multithreading and no self-referential shenanigans) - although this model doesn't capture that the use case I have is one where it's useful for the implementation to consume the object rather than to merely read it nor does it appropriately model that I want an "open" class of possible segments rather than a finite set of possiblities (making it hard to do something like an enum that represents a tree directly) - hence why I'm asking about passing by value rather than trying to rewrite it to pass by reference.
You can consume from a Box<dyn Trait> if the parameter is self: Box<Self>:
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
fn consume_box(self: Box<Self>) -> u64;
struct Foo;
impl Consumable for Foo {
fn consume(self) -> u64 {
fn consume_box(self: Box<Self>) -> u64 {
fn main() {
let ptr: Box<dyn Consumable> = Box::new(Foo);
println!("result is {}", ptr.consume_box());
However, this does have the annoying boilerplate of having to implement consume_box() for each implementation; trying to define a default implementation will run into a "cannot move value of type Self - the size of Self cannot be statically determined" error.
In general though this is not supported. A dyn Consumable represents an unsized type which are very limited except through indirection (via references or Box-like structs). It works for the above case because Box is a bit special (is the only dispatchable type you can take ownership from) and the consume_box method does not put self on the stack as a dynamic trait object (only in each implementation where its concrete).
However there is RFC 1909: Unsized RValues which hopes to loosen some of these limits. One being able to pass unsized function parameters, like self in this case. The current implementation of this RFC accepts your initial code when compiled on nightly with unsized_fn_params:
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
struct Foo;
impl Consumable for Foo {
fn consume(self) -> u64 {
fn main () {
let ptr: Box<dyn Consumable> = Box::new(Foo);
println!("result is {}", ptr.consume());
See on the playground.
I believe
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
fn consume_box(val: impl Consumable) -> u64 {
might do what you want. I'm all but a Rust expert - or C++ expert for that matter -, but I think it should be working pretty much like the move-semantics in C++ you mentioned in terms of memory behavior. From what I understand it is a form of generic where Rust implements the Function for every type you call it with.
If you don't use nightly Rust, I wrote a macro here. It generates the second trait function automatically.
trait Consumable {
fn consume(self) -> u64;
fn consume_box(me: Box<Self>) -> u64 ;

How to return an anonymous type from a trait method without using Box?

I have an extension trait whose methods are just shorthands for adapters/combinators:
fn foo(self) -> ... {|i| i * 2).foo().bar() }
The return type of Trait::foo() is some nested Map<Foo<Bar<Filter..., including closures, and is therefor anonymous for all practical purposes. My problem is how to return such a type from a trait method, preferably without using Box.
impl Trait in return position would be the way to go, yet this feature is not implemented for trait methods yet.
Returning a Box<Trait>is possible, yet I don't want to allocate for every adapter shorthanded by the trait.
I can't put the anonymous type into a struct and return that, because struct Foo<T> { inner: T } can't be implemented (I promise an impl for all T, yet only return a specific Foo<Map<Filter<Bar...).
Existential types would probably solve the above problem, yet they won't be implemented for some time.
I could also just avoid the problem and use a macro or a freestanding function; this also feels unhygienic, though.
Any more insights?
What is the correct way to return an Iterator (or any other trait)? covers all the present solutions. The one you haven't used is to replace closures with function pointers and then use a type alias (optionally wrapping in a newtype). This isn't always possible, but since you didn't provide a MCVE of your code, we can't tell if this will work for you or not:
use std::iter;
type Thing<T> = iter::Map<iter::Filter<T, fn(&i32) -> bool>, fn(i32) -> i32>;
trait IterExt: Iterator<Item = i32> {
fn thing(self) -> Thing<Self>
Self: Sized + 'static,
// self.filter(|&v| v > 10).map(|v| v * 2)
fn a(v: &i32) -> bool { *v > 10 }
fn b(v: i32) -> i32 { v * 2 }
self.filter(a as fn(&i32) -> bool).map(b as fn(i32) -> i32)
impl<I> IterExt for I
I: Iterator<Item = i32>,
fn main() {}
Honestly, in these cases I would create a newtype wrapping the boxed trait object. That way, I have the flexibility to internally re-implement it with a non-boxed option in an API-compatible fashion when it becomes practical to do so.

Get generic trait from ordinal one without Self type?

I have two traits, one ordinal (Foo), another generic (TypedFoo<T>). I have several structures, each of them have both traits implemented.
Is it possible to convert from Foo to TypedFoo<T>, without converting to an intermediate structure?
trait Foo {
fn f(&mut self);
trait TypedFoo<T> {
fn get(&self) -> T;
struct Data(i32);
impl Foo for Data {
fn f(&mut self) {
self.0 += 1;
impl TypedFoo<Data> for Data {
fn get(&self) -> Data {
//struct Data2(f64);
//impl Foo for Data2...
//impl TypedFoo<Data2> for Data2..
fn main() {
let v: Vec<Box<Foo>> = vec![Box::new(Data(1))];
I can change Foo to this:
trait Foo {
fn f(&mut self);
fn get_self(&self) -> &Any;
Then get v[0].get_self() downcast_ref to Data, and then Data to &TypedFoo<Data>.
But is it possible to get &TypedFoo<Data> from &Foo without knowing "data type", some analog of Any but for a trait.
I imagine syntax like this:
let foo: &Foo = ...;
if let Some(typed_foo) = foo.cast::<Data>() {
My question is different from Can I cast between two traits?
because I have one generic and one ordinal trait. If I had two ordinal traits then the solution would be as simple as:
trait Foo {
fn f(&mut self);
fn as_typed_foo(&self) -> &TypedFoo;
Since TypedFoo is generic, none of the answers in that question help me. One possible solution could be:
trait Foo {
fn f(&mut self);
fn cast(&mut self, type_id: ::std::any::TypeId) -> Option<*mut ::std::os::raw::c_void>;
I am not sure how safe it is to cast *mut TypedFoo<T> -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void and then back to *mut TypedFoo<T>.
The signature of the function that you want is
fn convert<T>(x: &Box<Foo>) -> &TypedFoo<T>
To type check this signature compiler must know that the type inside Box implements TypedFoo<T> for some T. But conversion into trait-object erases information about the real type. Which means that it is impossible to statically type check signature of this function.
So we need to do it dynamically and if we want to use types a current crate doesn't know about, we'll need to resort to unsafe.
One option is to limit a set of types, which can be used in TypedFoo, and provide conversion functions in the Foo trait. This allows to avoid unsafe.
Playground link
Second option is to add to trait Foo a function, which returns a slice of pairs (TypeId, *const ()). The pointer is a type erased pointer to function, which does actual conversion. Conversion function searches required type identifier and executes corresponding function.
Playground link
For the sake of demonstration I used Vec instead of slice in conversion_registrar. But it shouldn't be too hard to change return type to &'static [(TypeId, *const ())], using lazy_static crate.
