styling TextInputLayout / TextInputEditText - android-layout

I wanted to use the TextInputLayout/TextInputEditText in my app and was looking for ways to style this. Now there are lost of paged when you start googling on it but it also seems some thinks have changed in the current android version.
Do not misunderstand the pages where very usefull but did not supply a complete answer.
For that reason i am posting my end result here so others may benefit.
Before i explain in the answer below i want to thank Dmytro on his blog here as it was the most usefull.

The answer.
I made my example very colorfull to make it easier to understand.
To get to this result i used the following in my layout. sorry that it is not code but a picture but i did this so you can see the actual color and not just my name for it
Not a color thing, but as you can see i set the app:errorEnabled to true. this is done so the space needed for the error is already reserved which means your layout wil not rescale when there is an error.
the last thing you need it the border_color.xml:
Play around with the option to see what they do.
The only thing i did not manage to do in the layout is to change the color of the selectionHandles. I did find a code solution for it but...i'll keep looking.


Nerdtree vertical bar slightly off center

As you can see in the photo, my nerdtree vertical line is somewhat broken looking and it is driving me crazy.
I want it to be totally flush. Does anyone know how to achieve this? I have been searching for hours now and havent come across anything yet.
i believe it has something to do with line wrapping being activated, but i'm not really sure. Try checking out my config .vimrc might help you with your problem.
Also, it may help if you add a link to your config like i did, or post it below, for others to see in better detail whats wrong. And obviously, check if Nerdtree's Github page has some FAQ's or issues that may be helpful.

White-out highlight on VS Help Pop-up?

I've downloaded several VS themes from and all of them are giving me a white highlight on these helper pop-ups. How do I get rid of that? I'm currently using Son of Obsidian, but this has also happened on Selenitic and Ragnarok. And please tell me what those pop-ups are called so I don't sound like such a novice in the future.
Note: In the past I screwed around with customizing the default Dark theme because I did not like the color of highlighting when doing a Find All References. Problem is I do not recall exactly what I changed; however I would not expect that to affect these.
I may have found it, but I cannot edit the background.
EDIT 2: I found settings to change and a result I'm okay with.

Dreamweaver CC Color Coding Is Not Working

I just got Dreamweaver CC and the color coding is not working what-so-ever. I've already done the following:
I tried to put checkmark by "Syntax Coloring"under the View menu, but it will not let me check it. It's not grayed out; it just won't let me check it.
I downloaded a new Color xml file,and placed it in the Configurations folder.
I tried changing the colors around in a file in the Preference menu, but it won't apply the colors.
I deleted the Configurations folder so it will reset to default, but nothing.
You guys are my last resort. If I can't get it to work I will have to re-install the entire program. Any suggestions?
Honestly, your best bet after going through all of those steps would be to, unfortunately, utilize your final option of re-installing Dreamweaver CC. Sorry if this isn't the answer you were expecting but that's what I would do at this point. Good luck!
I figured it out; and, I'm posting the solution to my own problem so readers won't endure as much suffering as I did trying to find the solution to this problem. This little bitty tinny issue made my life miserable for several days. Anyway, look below for the answer:
I had my HP Envy laptop running Win 8.1 color displayed set to high contrast. Big mistake! I changed it back to display colors and my problem was solved.

Connection between svg elements

Is there a way to connect 2 elements in svg to achieve a "flow chart" like diagram? I have 2 boxes, an arrow between them, and I would like that if I drag one box, the arrow stays connected to the box.
I've founded that there is a spec for this feature in SVG 1.1 but is far from being completed.
I can't find any piece of code or library that does it (and I think it isn't a rare use case), and I would like to be sure that there isn't a proven way of doing it before I start making it myself.
You may be interested in the Dracula Graph Library which uses Raphael and does exactly what you mean:
Update: I haven't used jquery-svg before, but I put something small together that may get you going:
It takes advantage of jquery-ui draggable, but I suspect there's a nicer way to do it using the jquery.svganim.js package that's include with the library - anyway, this is all I have time for now.
Also, if you can in the future, include things like library restrictions in the question so you can get more specific answers from the get go! :) Hope that helps.

Unable to use Idea - it's blanked

I have installed Jetbrains Idea 10.5.2 to use it's great capabilities for scala programming, but I'm getting stuck with it -- it is covered with small black squares instead of characters in all menus and messages:
I've googled it a lot but unfortunately couldn't find anything. Does anybody know what to do?
May be you can try to change font for IDEA.
For you it could be probably hard - but you can try. Open global setting with Ctrl+Alt+S.
And then try to blindly find font option like on this screenshot:
