A Configuration Change was Requested to Clear TPM and keyboard and mouse are not working - windows-10

When you reset your computer to the factory. it will take several minutes to clear all the data after that there will be a pop up A Configuration Change was Requested to Clear TPM with options as Yes and No, in My case my keyboard that is on my laptop was not working from the start and I didn't think before resetting the computer about that. so now I am stuck at this blue window and question.

For My problem, I connected an external keyboard but that was not working along with my Bluetooth one. the trick was to click the power button of the laptop for serval minutes which will give a satisfying shutting-off sound after that connect your wired keyboard and start the laptop normally now you can use your wired keyboard. took me hours to figure that out.


I want to control a computer from another one with bluetooth

I want to control a computer from another one without installing any application. Bluetooth seems to be a solution.
So far, I have found and tried this app which uses Bluetooth (the second computer recognizes my cell as a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard). It works perfectly.
Does this software exist for Windows ?

Windows 10 bios questions

How can I bootup Windows 10 without a keyboard and mouse plugged in? Something in BIOS?
Also, how to enable on powerless, turn back on (when the power comes back on, turn automatically on without pressing the actual power button"?
Lastly, how to disable Windows updates?
I'll be connecting this computer to a router with SIM card for network connection, so I don't want Windows 10 updates to happen.
Regarding to the question about the turn on PC when the power come back
You can just turn on Restore AC Power Loss option base on your Bios model. You can check this video for more information
How to set the device to automatically power on after AC power restoration?

Windows 8.1 Bluetooth searching issue

I have a windows 8.1 based lap top which supports Bluetooth.
I wrote a java based bluetooth server which gets connections from Android.
The issue is, the device sometimes get invisible(or to say not shown) on android devices.
I've tried with other laptops or Android phones, but sometimes it just doesn't get searched.
I think it's not about my java server program. Even if there's a problem with my program, it should at least be shown on the bluetooth search list of other devices.
I found a very crude solution about this issue.
Always running the 'change pc settings(not the exact name)' app of windows 8.1, and going to 'PC, devices' -> Bluetooth makes it always searchable. If I turn this off(I mean the 'change pc settings' app, not turning off bluetooth), the bluetooth cannot be found by other devices.
Why is this happening? My purpose is, bluetooth server must be turned on automatically after boot, but the reliability of the bluetooth device is failing my intention. However, since my crude solution above is temporarily solving my issue, I do not think it's a hardware issue.
So, my question is :
1) Why is this happening? And how can I mend this?
2) How can I run windows metro app through windows shell? If I can't find any other solution about this, I will have to write a batch script to always run the solution thing above.
Going to Change PC Settings>PC and devices>Bluetooth is initiating a Bluetooth device search. As a side effect, the Bluetooth is also made Discoverable (pairing mode). However, this Discoverable setting is temporary, only while the PC is searching for remote Bluetooth devices.
If you wish to keep Bluetooth Discoverable at all times, you need to check the "Allow Bluetooth devices to find this PC" button box, found in Bluetooth Settings. I found Bluetooth settings by right clicking the Bluetooth system icon. Can also be found in Devices and Printers, by right clicking the Bluetooth adapter icon.

SW2 Control Extension stop updating the Display when the smartphone is idle

I'm working on a Control Extension for Sony SmartWatch 2 that needs to update a TextView every second on the SW2 Display.
It happens that if I've my Smartphone connected via USB or when USB disconnected if I've my Smartphone screen active, the Control Extension works as expected on SmartWatch 2.
But soon my SmartPhone screen idles, the control extension stops the regular TextView updates. First starts breaking and eventually get stuck. The Extension is not closed by the Host Application and the SW2 continues well paired with the Smartphone. In fact if I touch the display, the Extension appears to recover state for some moments with a few TextView updates, but rapidly breaks and get stuck again.
Meanwhile, if I turn ON my Smartphone screen, the control extension recovers the state and resume the normal TextView updates.
It seems that when the smartphone idles it stops to send the regular bluetooth messages to the SW2. I've tried many solutions to avoid this behaviour, even set the keepRunningWhenConnected to true. But the behaviour is allways the same.
Is anyone also having this problem or have a clue for the solution?
Thanks :)
What model of phone are you using?
If it is indeed that the bluetooth connection is not persisting then you could try the following possible solutions:
Is there a setting on the phone to keep bluetooth on even when going into idle?
You could set the phone to not go into idle while your app is running, of course this is not ideal as it will cause battery drain.
Ok. After testing and testing several solutions (AlarmManager, BluetoothAdapter, etc...) I came to following conclusion:
Its not the Bluetooth connection that is lost, otherwise the SmartWatch 2 would lost connection with the Smartphone, and that never happens. In fact is the Phone CPU that is lost by the ControlExtension, because when the Smartphone idles the CPU also idles. By loosing the Phone CPU the ControlExtension cannot process the "sendText(...)" call and this means that the corresponding upper call "sendHostApp(...)" that uses the Bluetooth messages its also never called, that's why the TextView is not updated on the SmartWatch 2.
Also I think that when I touch the SmartWatch 2 screen, this triggers an hardware interruption that wake up the Phone CPU for short seconds to answer to the SmartWatch 2 Touch Event and thats why when I touch the SW2 screen the TextView is updated a few times before get stuck again.
This works fine for static Control Extension applications that only display static content and/or replies to the user (touch, swipe, etc...) events. But its a complete disaster for Control Extensions applications that need to be doing some processing regardless the user direct interaction.
I never though in this terms because I though that it was the job of the SmartConnect Host Application to guarantee Phone CPU to the Control Extensions.
So the solution for some apps could be using an AlartManager in order to schedule wake up calls to do some processing. For other apps the solution could be the PowerManger and use a wakelock.aquire()/wakelock.release().

How to determine the power status of a monitor/TV in Linux

I asked this same question a few months ago, but I've run into another roadblock and I'm hoping someone will have a flash of insight. The is the previous thread: Detecting if the monitor is powered off
I'm trying to figure out the power status of a monitor, in particular a TV that is plugged in via HDMI. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 with nVidia ION video cards. These PCs will be running some digital signage and I need to make sure the power is on to the TV during business hours. I have a working Python script controlling an IR transmitter to turn the TV off and on. The last piece of the puzzle is to know the current state of the TV.
In my previous thread, I found I could use ddccontrol to get information from the monitor. That worked great for a traditional Asus monitor plugged in via HDMI. However, the Vizio TV says it doesn't support DDC.
I've also tried using get-edid to get live resolution and color information, but that fails to return any information from the TV.
I've tried udevadm monitor but an event only fires on the initial monitor plugin.
I have a feeling that the nVidia drivers are blocking these calls to the monitor, but I can't confirm that.
Ultimately, all I'm looking for is a single byte of information that changes when the monitor turns off.
EDIT: So, I'm coming to the conclusion that this may not be possible. At least not consistently possible across various combinations of video cards and monitors/TVs. The next idea I have is to monitor power usage on an outlet. I first looked at Kill A Watts, but they are completely stand alone. After several hours of searching, I came across Digi and their XBee radios. I ordered one of XBee's Smart Plugs from Digi and a XBee radio and USB adapter from Spark Fun. My current plan is to use a Python script that polls the Smart Plug for power usage.
The plug and radio were kind of expensive. Does anybody know of a power meter that plugs in? Everything I found was wireless. I'd like to be able to connect to it via USB, ethernet, or serial.
I could never get the XBee plug to work. It's incredibly difficult to configure the plug unless you buy one of Digi's gateways.
I ended up building my own current sensor. It's Arduino based and cost about $60 in parts. I wrote about it here: http://trafficlightads.net/2011/09/06/an-arduino-current-sensor/
I have a couple of Watts up? .Net models that have USB and Ethernet for monitoring devices and controlling devices. The .Net model adds Ethernet and an internal relay to turn the attached device on and off. This could be used to eliminate the possibility of IR being blocked and not being able to transition the state of the TV.
Watts up? .Net Product Link
They aren't cheap, but they are well-built. I recommend getting the international model if you want the most flexibility in outlet type. This allows you to use your own in and out cords. In the USA model the input cord is hard-wired/integrated.
Good luck.
