Using Protégé as Ontology Manager - protege

I want to use Protégé as an ontology manager. The most basic feature would be to see all the ontology files I have in my repo together in a single opened instance of Protégé i.e. a unified view of all the schema I have in a specific folder. It will be like an Ontology library. Can I do this in Protégé?
I know I can merge all the files first and then see the output file in Protégé but I am looking for a better solution.


Separate file for element locators in BDD+Cucumber+watir framework

I am using BDD+cucumber+watir framework to automate a website. Folder structure is like this.
Is it possible to maintain all the element Ids(locators)of a page in one file and call it in step definition.
I cannot see the structuring picture but You can either use the PageFactory model structuring for pure POM. If you are used to BDD and want to maintain most part of its features. You can as well store all the element ids to a file called cucumber.yml. You can find the page object gem
Create a file called cucumber.yml in your project directory and have all the locators stored in it as like:
emailtextfield: email_text_field_id
You can load this pageelements.yml file using the YAML loader and call this element locator in the stepdefinition like LoginPage[emailtextfield]
Similarly you can categorize this for all the pages, different yml files. This would be a keydriver approach.

XPages: Is there a way to copy/rename custom controls

In Lotuscript you can manipulate design elements - create them, change them, rename them, etc.
Are you able to do the same thing for Xpages and custom controls design elements?
My question should have been clearer. What I want to accomplish is to copy an existing cc and give it a new name, programatically. The app will then close and reopen (or refresh or get rebuilt) so that the app can "see" the new cc. If I copy the cc it will only have one field on it. I will add custom code later. I could just create a new cc with no code in it, that would work too.
I am not familiar with the DXL exporter but I can research it. Using that can I just export the design of the cc to an XML file in a temp directory, use the transform to change the name, and then import the control?
I think the XPage or Custom Control design elements are probably under MISC_CODE or MISC_FORMAT design elements in a NoteCollection.
However, accessing that design element is the easy part. Doing a create / rename / change etc is a much bigger task.
Remember that the XPage or Custom Control XML file is only a starting point:
XPages and Custom Controls also have a .xsp.metadata file, as you'll see with source control.
Custom Controls will also have (and need) a .xsp-config file.
There are corresponding .java files for every XPage and Custom Control in the Local source folder. They're created by a builder based on parsing the XML. I don't think you'll be able to create those programmatically. I'm not sure of the impact of renaming them.
For Custom Controls, even if you can rename the .java file, it's referenced in the .java files of relevant XPages. Updating those is goiong to be a significant task.
The XPages runtime doesn't even use those .java files. Instead it uses the .class files in WebContent\WEB-INF (you need to use Project Explorer view and modify the filter to see those files). This is compiled byte code, so you won't be able to update the .class files for XPages containing renamed Custom Controls, as far as I know.
Even if you can rename the .class files, the XPages runtime almost certainly won't use them until either a Clean (which will overwrite anything you've done) or an HTTP restart. As far as I can tell they're cached.
Depending on your use cases, it's possible not all these points will be an issue, e.g. if you're modifying the XML files and building with headless designer.
I suspect this is why nothing was added to the NoteCollection object or a specific NotesXPage / NotesCustomControl API class added.
In Lotuscript you can manipulate design elements - create them, change them, rename them, etc.
This is only partially true. There is a LS API to create/alter views and outlines. Good luck with other design elements - although they're standard "notes", so you can access their items, in most cases you won't compile them and there will be some problems with signatures (real experience with TeamStudio CIAO).
Your question has two points of view - do you want to alter design elements in design process or alter running application?
To help a designer you can go the way of Eclipse extensions and enrich tools in IBM Designer to help developer. Something like TeamStudio Designer. In this case you need to look for source design elements, mentioned by Paul.
To enrich application you don't need to alter source design elements. IBM Designer transforms XML in source code to a Java code (JSF framework) - so you can generate your Java code from anything you wish. Take a look inside Local\xsp folder of NSF in Package explorer. You will find Java sources made from your XPages and Custom Controls. So if you don't need to work with design elements, go for Java components - they can be built on the fly.
And of course, there is always the option of DXL framework - so you can clone/alter design of the application through XML transformations. Good starting point:

How to convert xsd's library (more than one xsd) to ecore (EMF)

How to convert xsd's library (more than one xsd) to ecore (EMF)
During the XML Schema import, when i browse the file system for Model URI,
Eclipse gives me option to select one xsd at a time,
What if i have multiple XSD's
In Juno you are able to select more than one xsd in the EMF Project Wizard, when browsing the workspace. So if the behavior is different in File system browser, than you should create a project containing the xsds in your workspace first.

Flexible customization - Generating word document using C#

Problem - Generate a word document from information retrieved from database.
My solution - Create a word document template add fields/tags in places where values need to be inserted. The template will require tables and charts as well. Using document reflector that comes with open office xml sdk reflect on the document template and extract the w:document section and port it to C#. The rest of the logic revolves simply around finding the fields/tags, replacing them, etc. Very simple approach but not very flexible!
Challenge - I want the user to have the ability to customize the template or the generated document output. But this will not be possible if I embed the template logic in code.
Any other possibilities - I looked around at Templating using T4 and RazorEngine but could not find any concrete examples of how to create word documents using these two technologies.
Now what is the best approach?
I would really appreciate your inputs on what is the best and most flexible way to generate word documents using C#.
I'm actually working a project where the business users are designing word template with mail merge fields and we are populating the values using a 3rd party software package Aspose Words.
The software includes a library for merging data from datatables into the mail merge fields in the word document.
I also wrote a customized word task pane add in that retrieves data views from the database and lists the fields in a drag/drop interface that mimics a crystal or sql report writing interface.
Probably would of been easier to just use crystal or sql reporting though...
It's certainly possible to generate the contents of an Office doc using T4 or Razor and then package it up. The TestScribe powertool for Visual Studio Test Manager does just that with T4. There is a thread by Sally Cavanagh in the Q&A on this page that suggests a way to look at the T4 templates that it uses, which might get you jump-started.
Here is sample to play word document template with C#
You could use a content control databinding approach.
XML Mapping Task Pane for Word 2007/2010 is an authoring tool.
To create an instance document, you just attach your XML data file.
If the resulting documents will be opened in Word, that is all that is required: Word will bind the data itself. If your consuming application is not Word, you might want to resolve the bindings yourself (eg via Open XML SDK).
Content control databinding isn't intended to support repeats and conditionals. For a way to do that, look at my OpenDoPE convention
Take a look at Templater. Disclamer: I'm the author.
Check out JODReports or Docmosis. They are Java based but some of the templating features and output options might be ideal. You can call the command line interfaces unless they also have something better to reach from C#.

When generating SubSonic DAL, is it possible to have .gen.cs in the generated filenames?

When generating my DAL files with SubSonic, I'd like the names of the files to be .gen.cs. The main reason for this is that the files are partial classes, and I would like to add some additional implementation details into another source file for the table called .cs. This is somewhat the standard pattern for generated source files , and I'm wondering if its possible with SubSonic? I'm using SubSonic 2.2.
I thought you might be able to do this by using a set of custom templates, but the CS_ClassTemplate.aspx (or VB_ClassTemplate.aspx) doesn't control the file name of the class.
I don't think this is possible.
As an alternative, you can do what I do. I have a "generated" directory, such as \database\generated and then I put my partial classes at \database\custom. As long as the namespaces of the files in the two different directories match (like .database or whatever), then it works fine. By using two different directories, it's easier to find your custom files without looking at the generated ones.
