Macro in PublishedSearchResult Content throw ArgumentNullException - search

I work with Umbraco version 8.9.1. I have a simple macro video to add local video (in Umbraco Media) in place of public url video. I also use a Search (IPublishedContentQuery) that return me a IEnumerable of PublishedSearchResult. It works well except when I use my macro video in a field, then the field (here body) throw an error : System.ArgumentNullException.
Apparently it's the mapping that cannot be done. The property is in the item.Content.Property and the item.Content.HasValue(property) return true.
public List<IPublishedProperty> CheckTheValues(PublishedSearchResult item, string searchValue)
foreach (var property in item.Content.Properties) // return me "body"
if (!item.Content.HasValue(property.Alias)) // HasValue return true
var contentValue = item.Content.Value(property.Alias); // throw System.ArgumentNullException
I suppose that's because the mapping cannot translate the macro in something known but it's awkward because I have the html code in my cache like <?UMBRACO_MACRO ... />.
Is there a way to add an alternative content to the macro (not on the video tag), I think about alt property that exists on html img to write an alternative text if the image doesn't exists ?
If not, is there a way to force to get the html code ? (to get the tag umbraco_macro in place of an error)
If not, is there a way to ignore the "not understand" part tags of the content "body" ? so return all except this macro tag.
If not, except with a try catch continue, is there a proper way to ignore this result from my search ?
Thanks a lot !


PXSubordinateSelector Using the Where

I need information on how to use the PXSubordinateSelector attribute with the Where type that you can allegedly set on the attribute. Does anybody know how to use this attribute?
Specifically, I need to filter the selector by a custom field in the EPCompanyTree table if possible. Not sure what tables this selector attribute usese. It seems to be tucked into the Acumatica black box. Something like this:
[PXSubordinateSelector(typeof(Where<EPCompanyTree.customField, Equal<{somevalue}>>))]
I've tried setting the Where to an arbitrary filter on the EPCompanyTree.sortorder field but, I'm getting an "is not bound" error when clicking on the lookup.
The reason for this error is the defined Search in the GetCommand method of the PXSubordinateSelectorAttribute. Below is the disassembled code of that method:
private static Type GetCommand(Type where)
Type whereType = typeof(Where<CREmployee.userID, Equal<Current<AccessInfo.userID>>, Or<EPCompanyTreeMember.workGroupID, Owned<Current<AccessInfo.userID>>>>);
if (where != null)
whereType = BqlCommand.Compose(new Type[]
typeof(Where2<, >),
typeof(Where<CREmployee.userID, Equal<Current<AccessInfo.userID>>, Or<EPCompanyTreeMember.workGroupID, Owned<Current<AccessInfo.userID>>>>),
return BqlCommand.Compose(new Type[]
typeof(Search5<, , , >),
typeof(LeftJoin<EPCompanyTreeMember, On<EPCompanyTreeMember.userID, Equal<CREmployee.userID>>>),
As you can see from code the Search is being organized on CREmployee with left joined EPCompanyTreeMember, meanwhile, your code is trying to add a condition on EPCompanyTree field which is not participating in the Search.

How To find Cross References(Internal Links) In Pdf File Using ItextSharp Lib

Hi I am using ItextSharp For searching Cross References(Internal Links) In pdf file. I already done with External Links.
Please Post If u have any solutions.
//Get the current page
PdfDictionary PageDictionary = R.GetPageN(page);
//Get all of the annotations for the current page
PdfArray Annots = PageDictionary.GetAsArray(PdfName.ANNOTS);
//Make sure we have something
if ((Annots == null) || (Annots.Length == 0))
// return null;
//Loop through each annotation
if (Annots != null)
foreach (PdfObject A in Annots.ArrayList)
//Convert the itext-specific object as a generic PDF object
PdfDictionary AnnotationDictionary = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.GetPdfObject(A);
//Make sure this annotation has a link
if (!AnnotationDictionary.Get(PdfName.SUBTYPE).Equals(PdfName.LINK))
//Make sure this annotation has an ACTION
if (AnnotationDictionary.Get(PdfName.A) == null)
//Get the ACTION for the current annotation
PdfDictionary AnnotationAction = AnnotationDictionary.GetAsDict(PdfName.A);
// PdfDictionary AnnotationAction = (PdfDictionary)AnnotationDictionary.Get(PdfName.A);
//Test if it is a URI action (There are tons of other types of actions, some of which might mimic URI, such as JavaScript, but those need to be handled seperately)
if (AnnotationAction.Get(PdfName.S).Equals(PdfName.URI))
PdfString Destination = AnnotationAction.GetAsString(PdfName.URI);
string url1 = Destination.ToString();
You've already done most of the work. Please take a look at the following screen shot:
You see the /Annots array of a page. You are already parsing that array in your code and you skip all annotations that aren't of the /Subtype /Link or don't have an /A key, which is excellent.
Currently you're only looking for values of /S that are of type /URI. You say you're already done with external links, but that's not true: you should also lok for entries where /S is /GoToR (remote goto). If you want internal links, you need to look for /S values equal to /GoTo, /GoToE, and (in the future) /GoToDp. Maybe you also want to remove the /JavaScript actions, because they can also be used to jump to a specific page.
Please download The ABC of PDF and take a look at table 3.11 for more info. (The book is available for free.)

Kentico 7 hide editable text if it's empty

I have an editable text web part on a page template. It has a custom HTML envelope before and after the text. How can I hide the whole thing, envelope included, if the editable text is empty?
I need to hide it because the envelope adds stylized markup that shouldn't be visible when there is no text.
Can it be done with a K# snippet on the Visible property? I'm unclear how interrogating a document's property works.
Try this as the "Visible" property:
{% (ViewMode != "LiveSite") || (CMSContext.CurrentDocument.editabletext != "") #%}
Change "editabletext" to whatever you have for your web part control ID.
I'm not familiar with Kentico but these solutions might help. They may not address your problem specifically but might aid in a solution.
CMSEditableImage Extension Method
I came up with a way to check this, I added an extension method for
the CMSEditableImage class that takes the CurrentPage PageInfo object
to check the value of the editable region, don't know if this is the
best way or not, but here's the code.
public static bool IsPopulated(this CMSEditableImage editableImage, PageInfo currentPage)
bool isPopulated = false;
string value = currentPage.EditableItems.EditableRegions[editableImage.ID.ToLower()].ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
value = value.ToUpper();
isPopulated = (value == "<IMAGE><PROPERTY NAME=\"IMAGEPATH\"></PROPERTY></IMAGE>") ? false : true;
return isPopulated;
JavaScript Method
The webcontainer needs an id, example:
<h2 id="webpart-header">Headline</h2>
Then I have a small javascript function that is attached in an
external js file:
/* Hide Webcontainer via javascript if empty*/
function hideLayer(element) {
elem = document.getElementById( element ); = "none";
Now in the wep part configuration, at no data behaviour, you uncheck the checkbox and call the js function by entering following
script in the no record found text: hideLayer("webpart-header");
Whereby webpart-header the id name of your container is. You could
also have a more complex <div> structure here.

Implementing List.cshtml for Projection throws 'Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentItem' does not contain a definition for 'TagsPart'

I have implemented List.cshtml to provide a custom display for an image gallery. This is the first time I have tried to override a Projection with a Template and at first it seemed to work fine. Then I noticed that when I try to access the Projection on the backend Orchard 1.7 falls over with:
RuntimeBinderException 'Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentItem' does
not contain a definition for 'TagsPart'
Here is some code from the template List.cshtml:
List<TagRecord> uniqueTags = new List<TagRecord>();
List<dynamic> items = Model.Items;
if (items != null && items.Any())
foreach (var item in items)
if (item != null && item.ContentItem != null)
TagsPart part = item.ContentItem.TagsPart;
if (part != null && part.CurrentTags != null)
foreach (var t in part.CurrentTags)
if (!uniqueTags.Contains(t))
I am ignorant on a couple of points, which I suspect may be causing the error:
How to specify a template for a Projection (more specific than 'List.cshtml'). Can I use How?
How should I test for the presence of a specific part in the ContentItem? Just assigning TagsPart part = item.ContentItem.TagsPart; throws the exception above.
UPDATE: I had implemented this as a Module; that is, the List.cshtml was in the Views folder of a simple Module. If I move List.cshtml to the Theme then the problem goes away. However, I would still prefer to use a module so that the layout is independent of the theme.
Orchard 1.7 includes a new query layout provider called 'Shape'. I simply used this provider, gave it a Shape Type of 'LightboxIsotope', and created a view called 'LightboxIsotope.cshtml'.
In a projection you can customize the html rendered for each property on the List. In order to acomplish this you need to go to your query, and add a new Layout, choose the properties you need, and set everything you want.
If the layouts provided in the Queries Module donĀ“t fullfill your requirements, you can allways create your own layout provider, this blog post shows an example:

Remove parent div if duplicate words

I'm using a service called Embedly to style my RSS feeds from Google Feedburner. I have an example code over her: JsFiddle
If you look closely you will see the source (CNN) at the end of every title. This is called .provider I would like to get rid of the whole div (.embed) IF the the word CNN is located elsewere (meaning duplicate) in the div, either .description or a
I tried many things, this is one of them really straight forward code:
$('.embed').each(function() {
if($('.embed a:first **could also be .description**', this).text() == $('.provider', this).text())
I cant figure out why its not working. I also used it with on and live click with no luck.
I just realized the 'embeds' are not there on document tready. I added a button with click event which you can click after the embedly has loaded in:
You can use success event to filter provider class from the data like this :
key: ':3eccf441bf0f43acbb076da9817af27d',
success: function(oembed, dict) {
output = $(oembed['code']);
description = $(oembed['code']).find(".description").text();
var regex =new RegExp(output.find('.provider').text(),"i");
if(regex.exec(description) == null ) {
output.find("a:eq(0)").text(); // First
output.find("a:eq(1)").text(); // Provider
Checkout this jsfiddle demo
Is it that what you want?
var regex = /CNN/;
$('.embed').each(function(index, element) {
if (regex.exec($('.embed a:first').text()) != null
&& regex.exec($('.provider').text()) != null) {
