How to rename multiple files, contained in multiple sub-directories - linux

I have a parent directory that contains multiple subdirectories, and each subdirectory has multiple files. For example:
I'd like to add the subdirectory name, as a prefix, to each file in each subdirectory.
I've been trying to do this with a loop that uses subdir and FILENAME, but can't get it right. Any help is appreciated.

You can use find command:
$ find . -type f -exec bash -c 'mv {} "$(dirname {})/$(dirname {})_$(basename {})"' \;


Extract .7z's recursively by name - P7zip

I have multiple directories, with .7z's inside each, but also other directories inside the same start directory which I do not want to extract. The ones I do want to extract all have a common name, for example: each directory has the word "extract" in it. How could I recursively extract each .7z to a chosen folder that contains the word "extract" in it?
The command you should use is:
find . -name "*extract*.7z" -print -exec 7z x {} \;
I would have run the command withtout -exec before, just to make sure these are the files you would actually like to extract:
find . -name "*extract*.7z" -print

Loop through a directory with any level of depth

I want to execute a command on all files present on all levels in the directory. It may have any number of files and sub directories. Even these sub directories may contain any number of files and subdirectories. I want to do this using shell script. As I am new to this field can any one suggest me a way out.
You can use the command "find" with "xargs" after "|"(pipe).
Example: Suppose that I want to remove all files that have ".txt" extension on "Documents" directory:
find Documents -iname *.txt |xargs rm -f
You can use a recursive command that uses wildcard characters (*) like so:
for dir in ~/dev/myproject/*; do (cd "$dir" && git status); done
If you want to apply commands on the individual files you should use the find command and execute commands on it like so:
find yourdirectory -type f -exec echo "File found: '{}'" \;
What this does:
finds all the items in the directory yourdirectory
that have the type f - so are a file
runs an exec on each file
Use find:
find -type f -exec COMMAND {} \;
-f applies the command only to files, not to directories. The command is recursive by default.

Get list of files that contain given text within directory given by pattern

I want to get a list of files that contain a given text within my file-system. Furthermore only files should be considdered that are located in a directoy given by a pattern.
So let´s say I have a number of directories called myDir within my filelsystem as shown here:
Now I want to get all the files within those directories that contain the text.
So basically I need to perform these steps:
loop all directories names myDir on the whole file-system
for every directory within that list get the files that contain the search-string
What I tried so far is find /etc /opt /tmp /usr /var -iname myDir -type d -exec ls -exec grep -l "SearchString" {} \;
However this doesn´t work as the results of find are directories which I may not use as input for grep. I assume I have to do one step in between the find and the grep but can´t find out how to do this.
I think I got it and will show you a little script that achieves what I need:
for i in $(find / -type d -iname myDir) do
for j in $(find "$i" -type f) do
grep "SearchString" "$j"
This will give me all the files that contain the SearchString and are located in any of the folders named myDir.

Search for text files in a directory and append a (static) line to each of them

I have a directory with many subdirectories and files with suffixes in those subdirectories (e.g FileA-suffixA FileB-SuffixB FileC-SuffixC FileD-SuffixA, etc).
How can I recursively search for files with a certain suffix, and append a user-defined line of text to those files? I feel like this is a job for grep and sed, but I'm not sure how I would go about doing it. I'm fairly new to scripting, so please bear with me.
You can do it like
find /where/to/search -type f -iname '*.SUFFIX' -exec echo "USER DEFINED STRING" >> \{\} \;
find searches in the suplied path
-type f finds only files
-iname '*.SUFFIX' find the .SUFFIXed names, case ignored
find ./ -name "*suffix" -exec bash -c 'echo "line_to_add" >> $1' -- {} \;
Basically you use find to get a list of the files. Then you use bash to echo append your line to that list.

Howto replace a file in several sub-folders

I've a series of directories containing a set of files. There is a new copy of this file which I would like to replace all instances with. How can do this with find command?
Latest file is in /var/www/html is called update_user.php
There are 125 directories with several other files including a copy of update_user.php. I want to replace these with the one in update_user.php excluding itself.
This should do the job:
find /path/to/old/files -type f -name update_user.php -exec cp /path/to/new/update_user.php {} \;
You should check if the new file is not inside /path/to/old and if so than first copy it outside and use that copy but.. it'll not harm if you don't - one cp will fail with are the same file error.
You can use
cp -v to see what it does
cp -u to update only when source file is newer
echo cp to perform dry run
I would suggest to check first if all dest. files are the same with:
find /path/to/old/files -type f -name update_user.php -exec md5sum {} \;|awk '{print $1}'|sort|uniq
