Extract .7z's recursively by name - P7zip - linux

I have multiple directories, with .7z's inside each, but also other directories inside the same start directory which I do not want to extract. The ones I do want to extract all have a common name, for example: each directory has the word "extract" in it. How could I recursively extract each .7z to a chosen folder that contains the word "extract" in it?

The command you should use is:
find . -name "*extract*.7z" -print -exec 7z x {} \;
I would have run the command withtout -exec before, just to make sure these are the files you would actually like to extract:
find . -name "*extract*.7z" -print


How to rename multiple files, contained in multiple sub-directories

I have a parent directory that contains multiple subdirectories, and each subdirectory has multiple files. For example:
I'd like to add the subdirectory name, as a prefix, to each file in each subdirectory.
I've been trying to do this with a loop that uses subdir and FILENAME, but can't get it right. Any help is appreciated.
You can use find command:
$ find . -type f -exec bash -c 'mv {} "$(dirname {})/$(dirname {})_$(basename {})"' \;

How can I remove specific directories that all start with a common letter?

I have many EC2 instances in a folder that I need to delete. Using -delete doesn't work because the directories are not empty. I tried looking for a way to get -rmdir -f to work with no success. The instance folders are all started with "i-" which led me to add wildcard "i-*" like that to get it to delete all directories starting with those characters. How can I manage to do this? the directories will never be empty either.
Assuming your current dir is the folder in question, how about:
find . -type d -name 'i-*'
If that lists the directories you want to remove, then change it to:
find . -type d -name 'i-*' -exec rm -r {} \;
In the command line interface/shell/born again shell/etc...
rm -r i-*
will remove ANY and ALL contained file(s) or directory(s) with subfiles and sub directories (recursive = -r) where the name begins with "i-" .
To delete the directories matching the pattern graphene-80* directly under /tmp, use
rm -rf /tmp/graphene-80*/
Here, the trailing / ensures that only directories whose names match the graphene-80* pattern are deleted (or symbolic links to directories), and not files etc.
To find the matching directories elsewhere under /tmp and delete them wherever they may be, use
find /tmp -type d -name 'graphene-80*' -prune -exec rm -rf {} +
To additionally see the names of the directories as they are deleted, insert -print before -exec.
The two tests -type d and -name 'graphene-80*' tests for directories with the names that we're looking for. The -prune removes the found directory from the search path (we don't want to look inside these directories as they are being deleted), and the -exec, finally, does the actual removal by means of calling rm.

Linux backup all files with known extensions with timestamps

I want to backup all files with a given extension in a directory but I want them to be with timestamps.
Given a directory:
Sample/ with multiple subdirectory and a subfolder name BACKUPS.
cd Sample
find . -name '*.xml' -exec cp {} BACKUPS \;
Say I have multiple xml files in this Sample folder and I want them to be copied to the BACKUPS folder but I want them to be timestamp
I am able to backup the files but I could not figure out how to append a timestamp to the files using the find command.
You could try this:
find . -name '*.xml' -execdir cp {} "$PWD/BACKUPS/{}.$(date +%Y%m%d)" \;
As before, we use find . -name '*.xml' to locate all the files. However, in order to get rid of the names of subdirectories, we use -execdir instead of exec. This causes the specified command to be run from inside the subdirectory the current file is in and replaces {} by its base name.
This means we have to modify cp's second argument (the target filename). We now pass "$PWD/BACKUPS" to create an absolute path ($PWD is the current working directory). This way cp always targets the right directory, even when invoked from a subdirectory of Sample.
Finally, the filename we use is constructed from {}.$(date +%Y%m%d). $( ) runs the specified command and substitutes its output (the current date, in this case). This is done by the shell before find is invoked, so find just sees .../{}.20171107. The {} part is replaced by find itself just before it runs each cp.

Get list of files that contain given text within directory given by pattern

I want to get a list of files that contain a given text within my file-system. Furthermore only files should be considdered that are located in a directoy given by a pattern.
So let´s say I have a number of directories called myDir within my filelsystem as shown here:
Now I want to get all the files within those directories that contain the text.
So basically I need to perform these steps:
loop all directories names myDir on the whole file-system
for every directory within that list get the files that contain the search-string
What I tried so far is find /etc /opt /tmp /usr /var -iname myDir -type d -exec ls -exec grep -l "SearchString" {} \;
However this doesn´t work as the results of find are directories which I may not use as input for grep. I assume I have to do one step in between the find and the grep but can´t find out how to do this.
I think I got it and will show you a little script that achieves what I need:
for i in $(find / -type d -iname myDir) do
for j in $(find "$i" -type f) do
grep "SearchString" "$j"
This will give me all the files that contain the SearchString and are located in any of the folders named myDir.

Linux: how to look for files with a certain extension in hierarchy and execute command whenever one is found?

I have a directory hierarchy, whose names do not follow a pattern. E.g.
and so on.
Inside some of such directories there is a file with "gr" extension. I need to find each of such files, cd to its dir and execute "gnuplot" command having the .gr file as argument. I tried the following to nest two find commands, but the {} of the inner one does not work as I need. The outer find should iterate for every directory, and the inner find should look for the presence of the .gr file.
find $parentDir -type d -exec sh -c '(cd {} && find . -maxdepth 1 -name *.gr -exec /usr/bin/gnuplot {} \;)' \;
Perhaps this is what you are looking for:
find . -type f -name "*.gr" -execdir /usr/bin/gnuplot {} \;
Read through man find for other useful information.
