Impact of vim on a file being used by an other process - linux

I am using SLURM for my jobs on a computing cluster. I want to check my output file using vim in the login node when the job is running and will not do any editing. Will this have any impact on my SLURM job in progress?

It shouldn't effect the current job.
Whenever two different programs open a file on Unix operating systems, the operating system creates different entries in the global file table. Since they have different context (like current position, mode, etc.) a reader won't interfere with a writer. You will likely just read partial information.
If you want a safeguard to prevent writing to the file, you can use vim -R file to open the file in read-only mode. You can also use tail -f to "follow" the file, writing output to the terminal as information is appended to the file.


will io direction operation lock the file?

i have a growing nginx log file about 20G already, and i wish to rotate it.
1, i mv the old log file to a new log file
2, i do > old_log_file.log to truncate the old log file in about 2~3 seconds
if there's a lock(write lock?) on the old log file when i doing the truncating(about 2~3 seconds)?
at that 2~3s period, nginx returns 502 for waiting to append logs to old log file until lock released?
thank you for explaining.
On Linux, there is (almost) no mandatory file locks (more precisely, there used to be some mandatory locking feature in the kernel, but it is deprecated and you really should avoid using it). File locking happens with flock(2) or lockf(3) and is advisory and should be explicit (e.g. with flock(1) command, or some program calling flock or lockf).
So every locking related to files is practically a convention between all the software using that file (and mv(1) or the redirection by your shell don't use file locking).
Remember that a file on Linux is mostly an i-node (see inode(7)) which could have zero, one or several file paths (see path_resolution(7) and be aware of link(2), rename(2), unlink(2)) and used thru some file descriptor. Read ALP (and perhaps Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces) for more.
No file locking happens in the scenario of your question (and the i-nodes and file descriptors involved are independent).
Consider using logrotate(8).
Some software provide a way to reload their configuration and re-open log files. You should read the documentation of your nginx.
It depends on application if it locks the file. Application that generates this log file must have option to clear log file. One example is in editor like vim file can be externally modified while it is still open in editor.

How to check if a file is opened in Linux?

The thing is, I want to track if a user tries to open a file on a shared account. I'm looking for any record/technique that helps me know if the concerned file is opened, at run time.
I want to create a script which monitors if the file is open, and if it is, I want it to send an alert to a particular email address. The file I'm thinking of is a regular file.
I tried using lsof | grep filename for checking if a file is open in gedit, but the command doesn't return anything.
Actually, I'm trying this for a pet project, and thus the question.
The command lsof -t filename shows the IDs of all processes that have the particular file opened. lsof -t filename | wc -w gives you the number of processes currently accessing the file.
The fact that a file has been read into an editor like gedit does not mean that the file is still open. The editor most likely opens the file, reads its contents and then closes the file. After you have edited the file you have the choice to overwrite the existing file or save as another file.
You could (in addition of other answers) use the Linux-specific inotify(7) facilities.
I am understanding that you want to track one (or a few) particular given file, with a fixed file path (actually a given i-node). E.g. you would want to track when /var/run/foobar is accessed or modified, and do something when that happens
In particular, you might want to install and use incrond(8) and configure it thru incrontab(5)
If you want to run a script when some given file (on a native local, e.g. Ext4, BTRS, ... but not NFS file system) is accessed or modified, use inotify incrond is exactly done for that purpose.
PS. AFAIK, inotify don't work well for remote network files, e.g. NFS filesystems (in particular when another NFS client machine is modifying a file).
If the files you are fond of are somehow source files, you might be interested by revision control systems (like git) or builder systems (like GNU make); in a certain way these tools are related to file modification.
You could also have the particular file system sits in some FUSE filesystem, and write your own FUSE daemon.
If you can restrict and modify the programs accessing the file, you might want to use advisory locking, e.g. flock(2), lockf(3).
Perhaps the data sitting in the file should be in some database (e.g. sqlite or a real DBMS like PostGreSQL ou MongoDB). ACID properties are important ....
Notice that the filesystem and the mount options may matter a lot.
You might want to use the stat(1) command.
It is difficult to help more without understanding the real use case and the motivation. You should avoid some XY problem
Probably, the workflow is wrong (having a shared file between several users able to write it), and you should approach the overall issue in some other way. For a pet project I would at least recommend using some advisory lock, and access & modify the information only thru your own programs (perhaps setuid) using flock (this excludes ordinary editors like gedit or commands like cat ...). However, your implicit use case seems to be well suited for a DBMS approach (a database does not have to contain a lot of data, it might be tiny), or some index locked file like GDBM library is handling.
Remember that on POSIX systems and Linux, several processes can access (and even modify) the same file simultaneously (unless you use some locking or synchronization).
Reading the Advanced Linux Programming book (freely available) would give you a broader picture (but it does not mention inotify which appeared aften the book was written).
You can use ls -lrt, it displays the last RW operations in the shell. Then you can conclude whether the file is opened or not. Make sure that you are in the exact directory.

Modifying a file that is being used as an output redirection by another program

If I have a file of which some output are redirected to, what will happen if I modify that file from another program? Will both changes be recorded to the file?
To illustrate:
Terminal 1 (a file is used to store output of a program using either tee or the redirection operator >:
$ ./program | tee output.log
Terminal 2 (at the same time, the log file is being modified by another program, e.g. vim):
$ vim output.log
It depends on the program and the system calls they make.
vim for example will not write to the file until you issue the ":w" or ":x" commands. It will then detect that the file has changed and makes you confirm the overwriting.
If the program does open(2) on the file with the O_APPEND flag, before each write(2) the file offset is positioned at the end of the file, as if with lseek(2).
So if you have two commands that append like "tee" they will take turns appending.
However, with NFS you still may get corrupted files if more than one process appends data to a file at once, because NFS doesn't support appending to a file and the kernel has to simulate it.
The effect of two or more processes modifying the data of the same file (inode in tech lingo) is undefined. The result depends on the particular order the writing processes are scheduled. This is a classic case of a race condition, i.e. a result depends on the particular order of process execution.

how to get linux file modification history including who:group

I want to trace the modification history of a specific file. Does linux have commands allow me to get some details like who, when, did what(access, write, execute).
bob:adm read $timestamp
alice:user write $timestamp
I know stat can do some of it, but can it also show me who/group modified the file?
Most File Systems simply don't track those data.
Journaling file systems track them (at least the write operations) but usually just the last ones.
Without a very specific file system, you won't have those data.

Is the file mutex in Linux? How to implement it?

In windows, if I open a file with MS Word, then try to delete it.
The system will stop me. It prevents the file being deleted.
There is a similar mechanism in Linux?
How can I implement it when writing my own program?
There is not a similar mechanism in Linux. I, in fact, find that feature of windows to be an incredible misfeature and a big problem.
It is not typical for a program to hold a file open that it is working on anyway unless the program is a database and updating the file as it works. Programs usually just open the file, write contents and close it when you save your document.
vim's .swp file is updated as vim works, and vim holds it open the whole time, so even if you delete it, the file doesn't really go away. vim will just lose its recovery ability if you delete the .swp file while it's running.
In Linux, if you delete a file while a process has it open, the system keeps it in existence until all references to it are gone. The name in the filesystem that refers to the file will be gone. But the file itself is still there on disk.
If the system crashes while the file is still open it will be cleaned up and removed from the disk when the system comes back up.
The reason this is such a problem in Windows is that mandatory locking frequently prevents operations that should succeed from succeeding. For example, a backup process should be able to read a file that is being written to. It shouldn't have to stop the process that is doing the writing before the backup proceeds. In many other cases, operations that should be able to move forward are blocked for silly reasons.
The semantics of most Unix filesystems (such as Linux's ext2 fs family) is that a file can be unlink(2)'d at any time, even if it is open. However, after such a call, if the file has been opened by some other process, they can continue to read and write to the file through the open file descriptor. The filesystem does not actually free the storage until all open file descriptors have been closed. These are very long-standing semantics.
You may wish to read more about file locking in Unix and Linux (e.g., the Wikipedia article on File Locking.) Basically, mandatory and advisory locks on Linux exist but they're not guaranteed to prevent what you want to prevent.
