Rust move an `impl Trait` into an owned `Box<dyn Trait>` without adding lifetime bound [duplicate] - rust

This question already has answers here:
The compiler suggests I add a 'static lifetime because the parameter type may not live long enough, but I don't think that's what I want
(2 answers)
Closed last month.
Here, the compiler complains that impl Foo may not live long enough:
struct VecWrapper(Vec<Box<dyn Foo>>);
impl VecWrapper {
fn push(&mut self, item: impl Foo) {
trait Foo {}
This is not what I expect, because item should be moved into the Box. The compiler recommends adding a static lifetime:
4 | fn push(&mut self, item: impl Foo + 'static) {
| +++++++++
In my case, item and VecWrapper are created at runtime for error handling, so I would like to avoid using lifetimes here.

Your trait can be implemented by something like struct Bar<'a, T>(&'a T);, if you pass a value of this type to your function, your struct would not sufficiently reflect the lifetime 'a imposed by &'a T.
You can add a lifetime to VecWrapper and put that lifetime on impl Foo if you don't want to restrict VecWrapper to owned types. Adding a 'static bound to impl Foo would limit VecWrapper to owned types.
struct VecWrapper<'a>(Vec<Box<dyn Foo + 'a>>);
impl<'a> VecWrapper<'a> {
fn push(&mut self, item: impl Foo + 'a) {
trait Foo {}
struct Bar<'a, T>(&'a T);
impl<'a, T> Foo for Bar<'a, T> {
fn foo() {
let s = String::new();


Rust - implementing trait for Deref: the parameter type `T` may not live long enough

I have a trait:
trait Foo {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<str>;
And I want to implement it for any type that implements Deref with a target of a type that implements Foo. Basically:
impl<T: Foo, D: std::ops::Deref<Target = T>> Foo for D {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<str> {
<T as Foo>::bar(std::ops::Deref::deref(self))
Unfortunately, this gives the error the parameter type T may not live long enough.
My understanding is that T could have a reference within it that has a short lifetime, and the lifetime bound of the return value of Cow<str> is linked to the lifetime of &self due to lifetime elision, which would cause problems.
I'm not sure how I can fix this, since I'm not able to bound any of the lifetimes in bar. I can try to make sure T lives as long as &self, but this doesn't work.
impl<'a, T: Foo + 'a, D: std::ops::Deref<Target = T>> Foo for D {
fn bar(&'a self) -> Cow<'a, str> {
<T as Foo>::bar(std::ops::Deref::deref(self))
I get the error method not compatible with trait since the lifetimes don't match the trait defenition anymore. I've tried all sorts of different ways of adding lifetime bounds and I always get one of those two errors.
I am able to implement Foo for a specific type that implements Deref:
impl<T: Foo> Foo for Box<T> {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<str> {
<T as Foo>::bar(self)
I'm not sure why that works but the original example doesn't.
The Box version works because of the deref coercion the compiler will do when it sees a reference and expects a different reference.
You can use the same mechanic when using a generic implementor of Deref to ensure that it Derefs to an owned type you can simply add a 'static lifetime bound on T like this:
impl<T: Foo + 'static, D: std::ops::Deref<Target = T>> Foo for D {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<str> {
<T as Foo>::bar(self)
Note: there is rarely a need to call methods of std::ops traits directly, they're all just the methods behind Rusts operators, deref for example is the method behind unary *
Since there is an additional requirement that T might not be static we have to thread through the lifetime like you tried in your second example, like the error you're getting suggest you have to adjust the trait to take a lifetime as well:
use std::borrow::Cow;
trait Foo<'a> {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<'a, str>;
impl<'a, T: Foo<'a>, D: std::ops::Deref<Target = T>> Foo<'a> for D {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<'a, str> {
<T as Foo>::bar(self)
struct S<'a> {
val: &'a str,
impl<'a> Foo<'a> for S<'a> {
fn bar(&self) -> Cow<'a, str> {
fn main() {
let val = String::from("test");
let s = S { val: &val }; // error: `val` does not live long enough
let b = Box::new(s);
let cow = Foo::bar(&b); // argument requires that `val` is borrowed for `'static`

Why is a static lifetime needed when using move? [duplicate]

I'm trying to implement something that looks like this minimal example:
trait Bar<T> {}
struct Foo<T> {
data: Vec<Box<Bar<T>>>,
impl<T> Foo<T> {
fn add<U: Bar<T>>(&mut self, x: U) {;
Since Rust defaults to (as far as I can tell) pass-by-ownership, my mental model thinks this should work. The add method takes ownership of object x and is able to move this object into a Box because it knows the full type U (and not just trait Bar<T>). Once moved into a Box, the lifetime of the item inside the box should be tied to the actual lifetime of the box (e.g., when pop()ed off the vector the object will be destroyed).
Clearly, however, the compiler disagrees (and I'm sure knows a bit more than I...), asking me to consider adding a 'static lifetime qualifier (E0310). I am 99% sure that's not what I want, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do.
To clarify what I'm thinking and help identify misconceptions, my mental model, coming from a C++ background, is:
Box<T> is essentially std::unique_ptr<T>
Without any annotations, variables are passed by value if Copy and rvalue-reference otherwise
With a reference annotation, & is roughly const& and &mut is roughly &
The default lifetime is lexical scope
Check out the entire error:
error[E0310]: the parameter type `U` may not live long enough
--> src/
8 | fn add<U: Bar<T>>(&mut self, x: U) {
| -- help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `U: 'static`...
9 |;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
note: that the type `U` will meet its required lifetime bounds
--> src/
9 |;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
Specifically, the compiler is letting you know that it's possible that some arbitrary type U might contain a reference, and that reference could then become invalid:
impl<'a, T> Bar<T> for &'a str {}
fn main() {
let mut foo = Foo { data: vec![] };
let s = "oh no".to_string();
That would be Bad News.
Whether you want a 'static lifetime or a parameterized lifetime is up to your needs. The 'static lifetime is easier to use, but has more restrictions. Because of this, it's the default when you declare a trait object in a struct or a type alias:
struct Foo<T> {
data: Vec<Box<dyn Bar<T>>>,
// same as
// data: Vec<Box<dyn Bar<T> + 'static>>,
However, when used as an argument, a trait object uses lifetime elision and gets a unique lifetime:
fn foo(&self, x: Box<dyn Bar<T>>)
// same as
// fn foo<'a, 'b>(&'a self, x: Box<dyn Bar<T> + 'b>)
These two things need to match up.
struct Foo<'a, T> {
data: Vec<Box<dyn Bar<T> + 'a>>,
impl<'a, T> Foo<'a, T> {
fn add<U>(&mut self, x: U)
U: Bar<T> + 'a,
struct Foo<T> {
data: Vec<Box<dyn Bar<T>>>,
impl<T> Foo<T> {
fn add<U>(&mut self, x: U)
U: Bar<T> + 'static,
asking me to consider adding a 'static lifetime qualifier (E0310). I am 99% sure that's not what I want, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do.
Yes it is. The compiler does not want a &'static reference, it wants U: 'static.
Having U: 'static means that U contains no references with a lifetime less than 'static. This is required because you want to put a U instance in a structure without lifetimes.
trait Bar<T> {}
struct Foo<T> {
data: Vec<Box<dyn Bar<T>>>,
impl<T> Foo<T> {
fn add<U: Bar<T> + 'static>(&mut self, x: U) {;

Parameter T might not live long enough [duplicate]

I'm trying to implement something that looks like this minimal example:
trait Bar<T> {}
struct Foo<T> {
data: Vec<Box<Bar<T>>>,
impl<T> Foo<T> {
fn add<U: Bar<T>>(&mut self, x: U) {;
Since Rust defaults to (as far as I can tell) pass-by-ownership, my mental model thinks this should work. The add method takes ownership of object x and is able to move this object into a Box because it knows the full type U (and not just trait Bar<T>). Once moved into a Box, the lifetime of the item inside the box should be tied to the actual lifetime of the box (e.g., when pop()ed off the vector the object will be destroyed).
Clearly, however, the compiler disagrees (and I'm sure knows a bit more than I...), asking me to consider adding a 'static lifetime qualifier (E0310). I am 99% sure that's not what I want, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do.
To clarify what I'm thinking and help identify misconceptions, my mental model, coming from a C++ background, is:
Box<T> is essentially std::unique_ptr<T>
Without any annotations, variables are passed by value if Copy and rvalue-reference otherwise
With a reference annotation, & is roughly const& and &mut is roughly &
The default lifetime is lexical scope
Check out the entire error:
error[E0310]: the parameter type `U` may not live long enough
--> src/
8 | fn add<U: Bar<T>>(&mut self, x: U) {
| -- help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `U: 'static`...
9 |;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
note: that the type `U` will meet its required lifetime bounds
--> src/
9 |;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
Specifically, the compiler is letting you know that it's possible that some arbitrary type U might contain a reference, and that reference could then become invalid:
impl<'a, T> Bar<T> for &'a str {}
fn main() {
let mut foo = Foo { data: vec![] };
let s = "oh no".to_string();
That would be Bad News.
Whether you want a 'static lifetime or a parameterized lifetime is up to your needs. The 'static lifetime is easier to use, but has more restrictions. Because of this, it's the default when you declare a trait object in a struct or a type alias:
struct Foo<T> {
data: Vec<Box<dyn Bar<T>>>,
// same as
// data: Vec<Box<dyn Bar<T> + 'static>>,
However, when used as an argument, a trait object uses lifetime elision and gets a unique lifetime:
fn foo(&self, x: Box<dyn Bar<T>>)
// same as
// fn foo<'a, 'b>(&'a self, x: Box<dyn Bar<T> + 'b>)
These two things need to match up.
struct Foo<'a, T> {
data: Vec<Box<dyn Bar<T> + 'a>>,
impl<'a, T> Foo<'a, T> {
fn add<U>(&mut self, x: U)
U: Bar<T> + 'a,
struct Foo<T> {
data: Vec<Box<dyn Bar<T>>>,
impl<T> Foo<T> {
fn add<U>(&mut self, x: U)
U: Bar<T> + 'static,
asking me to consider adding a 'static lifetime qualifier (E0310). I am 99% sure that's not what I want, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do.
Yes it is. The compiler does not want a &'static reference, it wants U: 'static.
Having U: 'static means that U contains no references with a lifetime less than 'static. This is required because you want to put a U instance in a structure without lifetimes.
trait Bar<T> {}
struct Foo<T> {
data: Vec<Box<dyn Bar<T>>>,
impl<T> Foo<T> {
fn add<U: Bar<T> + 'static>(&mut self, x: U) {;

How to use non-'static trait objects with associated types?

I have this type:
struct Wrap<T>(Vec<T>);
I want to implement std::ops::Index and return references to trait objects. This was my first attempt (Playground):
use std::ops::Index;
use std::fmt::Display;
impl<T> Index<usize> for Wrap<T>
T: Display
type Output = Display;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
This doesn't work and leads to this error:
error[E0310]: the parameter type `T` may not live long enough
--> src/
7 | impl<T> Index<usize> for Wrap<T>
| - help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `T: 'static`...
13 | &self.0[index]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: that the type `T` will meet its required lifetime bounds
--> src/
13 | &self.0[index]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I think I know why this happens: type Output = Display is equivalent to type Output = Display + 'static as every trait object carries a lifetime bound which defaults to 'static.
So now I can just add the 'static bound to my parameter T, but this is over-constrained I think. I can easily implement such a method when not using an associated type:
impl<T> Wrap<T>
T: Display,
fn my_index(&self, index: usize) -> &Display {
No 'static bound needed, because now the signature desugars to:
fn my_index<'a>(&'a self, index: usize) -> &'a Display + 'a
Which makes sense: the trait object has to live for at least 'a. (Playground with all the code).
But can I make this work using associated types (like with the Index trait)? I have the feeling that this might work with generic associated types, but (a) I'm not sure and (b) they are not implemented yet.
One attempt is to attach a lifetime to the impl:
// Note: won't work.
impl<'a, T> Index<usize> for Wrap<T>
T: Display + 'a,
type Output = Display + 'a;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
However, the compiler will not accept it because 'a is not used.
error[E0207]: the lifetime parameter `'a` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
--> src/
7 | impl<'a, T> Index<usize> for Wrap<T>
| ^^ unconstrained lifetime parameter
There are several solutions suggested by the error code E0207, but since we cannot change the Index trait, the only acceptable solution is to make Wrap capture that unconstrained lifetime parameter:
use std::ops::Index;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct Wrap<'a, T>(Vec<T>, PhantomData<&'a ()>);
// ^~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
impl<'a, T> Index<usize> for Wrap<'a, T>
T: Display + 'a,
type Output = Display + 'a;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
fn main() {
let w = Wrap(vec!['a', 'b'], PhantomData);
println!("{}", &w[0]); // prints "a"
let s = "hi".to_string();
let w = Wrap(vec![&s], PhantomData);
println!("{}", &w[0]); // prints "hi"
For sure, this will change your API and that extra lifetime will infect everywhere... If this is not acceptable, you could either
Not use the Index trait, introduce your own lifetime-sensitive trait instead (thus users will need to use w.my_index(i) instead of &w[i]); or
Set Output = Display + 'static, and exclude all transient types. Users will need to clone or use Rc.
Return a reference to T instead of returning a reference to a trait object and let the user cast to a trait object, or just let Rust implicitly infer from the context when to perform the cast:
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::ops::Index;
fn main() {
let w1 = Wrap(vec!['I', 'b']);
let s = "am".to_string();
let w2 = Wrap(vec![&s]);
let w3 = Wrap(vec![1, 2]);
let mut trait_store: Vec<Box<Display>> = Vec::new();
for el in trait_store {
println!("{}", el);
struct Wrap<T>(Vec<T>);
impl<T> Index<usize> for Wrap<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
Hi I met the same problem as you. "Like &Index<usize, Output = Display>. This doesn't work with Index directly, but using Index in my question made it a bit easier."
I didn't find out whether the Rust releases some related features or not. But I figure out a rather foolish way to fulfill my demands.
This method only works when the structs which implement the trait are enumerable. Suppose that you have three structs Index1, Index2, Index3, they all implement the trait Index<usize, Output = Display>
Then we can simply wrap these structs by
pub enum Indices{
And then implement the trait for the enum and all of its variants, there is an example for this:
rust - How do I implement a trait for an enum and its respective variants? - Stack Overflow

How can I get impl Trait to use the appropriate lifetime for a mutable reference to a value with another lifetime in it?

I have a struct with a lifetime:
struct HasLifetime<'a>( /* ... */ );
There is there is an implementation of the trait Foo:
impl<'a, 'b: 'a> Foo for &'a mut HasLifetime<'b> { }
I want to implement the following function:
fn bar_to_foo<'a, 'b: 'a>(bar: &'a mut Lifetime<'b>) -> impl Foo {
This won't compile because the returned impl is only valid for 'a. However, specifying impl Foo + 'a results in:
error[E0909]: hidden type for `impl Trait` captures lifetime that does not appear in bounds
--> src/
7 | fn bar_to_foo<'a, 'b: 'a>(bar: &'a mut HasLifetime<'b>) -> impl Trait + 'a {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: hidden type `&'a mut HasLifetime<'b>` captures the lifetime 'b as defined on the function body at 7:1
--> src/
7 | fn bar_to_foo<'a, 'b: 'a>(bar: &'a mut HasLifetime<'b>) -> impl Trait + 'a {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The seemingly equivalent function with a boxed trait object compiles:
fn bar_to_foo<'a, 'b: 'a>(bar: &'a mut Lifetime<'b>) -> Box<Foo + 'a> {
How can I define bar_to_foo with impl Trait?
Playground link
You need to indicate that the returned value is built upon multiple lifetimes. However, you can't use multiple lifetime bounds with impl Trait, and attempting to do so doesn't have a useful error message.
There's a trick you can use that involves creating a dummy trait that has a lifetime parameter:
trait Captures<'a> {}
impl<'a, T: ?Sized> Captures<'a> for T {}
fn bar_to_foo<'a, 'b: 'a>(bar: &'a mut HasLifetime<'b>) -> impl Trait + Captures<'b> + 'a {
Thankfully, this only occurs when the "hidden" lifetime is invariant, which occurs because the reference is mutable.
