Visio Shape Text positioning below the shape using Text Transform - text

I have a building a set of stencil shapes and I need the text to display below the shape. I am using custom formulas to generate the text, and as such the volume of text changes from use case to use case.
What I have come across is using the Text Transform set of properties, and I have tried the following with success for a single line of text:
TxtWidth = TEXTWIDTH(TheText)
TxtPinX = Width * 0.5
TxtLocPinX = TxtWidth * 0.5
TxtHeight = Height * 0
TxtPinY = Height * -0.2
TxtLocPinY = TxtHieght * 0.5
TxtAngle = 0 deg
The problem arises when there is more than a single line of text to display -> the text appears 'half above (inside) and half below' the bottom the shape.
I would like to place all the text, regardless of how many lines there are, underneath the shape.
What I have tried is to set the TxtPinY = some formula different from above eg/ Height * -(TxtHeight). This seems to always result in an 'error in formula'.
I am sure that this is something simple that I am missing, but I cannot figure it out.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
Cheers and thanks for taking a look at this,
The Frog

You could try the TEXTHEIGHT function to get around this. Specify a reasonable maximum text widht as a second parameter for it:
TxtHeight = TEXTHEIGHT(TheText,100)
TxtPinY = 0
TxtLocPinY = TxtHeight

You can use the code provided with the stencil available in this post:


Is there a way to change height of tkinter Treeview heading?

I got a problem with changing the height of the Treeview.heading. I have found some answers about the dimensions of Treeview.column, but when I access Treeview.heading in the documentation, there is not a single word about changing the height of the heading dynamically when the text doesn't fit (and wrapping it) or even just hard-coding height of the heading in pixels.
I don't have to split the text to two rows, but when I just keep it that long the whole table (as it has many entries) takes up the whole screen. I want to keep it smaller, therefore I need to split longer entries.
Here is how it looks like:
I can't find any documentation to verify this but it looks like the height of the heading is determined by the heading in the first column.
Reproducing the problem
col_list = ('Name', 'Three\nLine\nHeader', 'Two\nline')
tree = Treeview(parent, columns=col_list[1:])
ix = -1
for col in col_list:
ix += 1
tree.heading(f'#{ix}', text=col)
The fix
col_list = ('Name\n\n', 'Three\nLine\nHeader', 'Two\nline')
or, if you want to make it look prettier
col_list = ('\nName\n', 'Three\nLine\nHeader', 'Two\nline')
The only problem is I haven't figured out how to centre the heading on a two line header
The newlines work if it is the top level window but not if it is a dialog. Another way of doing this is to set the style. I've got no idea why this works.
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure('Treeview.Heading', foreground='black')
you can use font size to increase the header height for sometimes;
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure('Treeview.Heading', foreground='black', background='white', font=('Arial',25),)

Formatted String from List Psychopy

My task is a variation of a multiple object tracking task. There are 7 circles on the screen. It randomly selects 3 circles to change the color (red, green, blue) briefly to indicate to the participant to track these circles. After the color change, all the circles will change to the same color and the circles will move for a period of time. When the circles stop moving, a response prompt will appear, where the participant is to select one of the three colored circles ('select the red/green/blue circle'). I am having difficulty inserting which color circle to select into the formatted string. I keep getting the error message: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'TextStim' and 'list'
I'm not sure if I need to or how to convert these lists, so any help would be much appreciated!
n_targets = 7 #seven locations
circles = [] #setting up the circle stimuli
for i in range(n_targets):
tmp = visual.Circle(win,radius = 27,units = 'pix',edges = 32,fillColor='white',lineColor = 'black',lineWidth = 1, pos=(posx[i],posy[i]))
cols = ['blue','red','green'] #3 colors the circles will change to
targets = random.sample(circles,3) #randomly select 3 of the 7 circles
TrialTarget = random.sample(targets, 1) #select 1 of the 3 circles to be the target for the trial
#code for movement would go here (skipping since it is not relevant)
#at end of trial, response prompt appears and ask user to select target and is where error occurs
ResponsePrompt = visual.TextStim(win, text = "Select the %s circle") %TrialTarget
In this line, you are trying to create a formatted string from a TextStim object and a Circle stimulus object rather than a string object and another string object:
ResponsePrompt = visual.TextStim(win, text = "Select the %s circle") %TrialTarget
i.e. ResponsePrompt is clearly a visual.TextStim, as you are creating it as one, and I think TrialTarget is a visual.Circle stimulus, as you randomly sample it from a list of Circles.
I'm guessing that you actually want to incorporate the colour label into the prompt text. So to fix both problems (the type incompatibility and the formatting syntax), you need to actually get one of the elements of cols, called say trialColour, and use something like this:
ResponsePrompt = visual.TextStim(win, text = "Select the %s circle" % trialColour)
i.e. here trialColour is actually a string, and the formatting operation is brought inside the brackets so it applies directly to the text string "Select the %s circle"
That should hopefully fix your immediate problem. You might also want to investigate using random.shuffle() to shuffle lists in place instead of random.sample().

How to encircle Invalid data in Excel?

I want to show a circle around only invalid data.
i have done the complete steps shown in this link
But this circle shown is very big and covers the entire cell.
I want a small circle only covering the data not the entire cell's width.
Data validation is a built in Excel functionality. It checks whole cell value.
So it is not possible, using Data validation, to accomplish what your trying.
It MAY BE POSSIBLE using VBA, shapes, events and (hard) parsing character rendering. In your place, I would be glad with this very big circles!!! :)
I agree with #LS_dev. See this MS Article about changing data validation for printing. Try modifying it to loop through all your data validation and change the width and height.
You can probably do it with this part of the code by changing the width and height:
If Not c.Validation.Value Then
Set o = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, _
c.Left - 2, c.Top - 2, c.Width + 4, c.Height + 4)
o.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
o.Line.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 10
o.Line.Weight = 1.25

SKIA - Inaccurate value returned by measureText()

I have a problem measuring text using skia measureText() function.
The value returned is inaccurate.
SkPaint *skPaint = new SkPaint();
SkTypeface* myFont = SkTypeface::CreateFromName("Impact", SkTypeface::kNormal);
canvas->drawText(text, length, SkIntToScalar(x) , SkIntToScalar(y) , *skPaint);
SkScalar width = skPaint->measureText(text, length);
The width returned by measureText() is 451.
I checked the generated bitmap text via a photo editor app, the actual width is only 438.
Any thoughts on getting the accurate width of text in SKIA?
Thank you!
I believe what you are trying to match will come from "bounds"
SkRect bounds;
SkScalar textWidth = paint.measureText("some", 4, &bounds);
which is a minimum rectangle to fit a given text, whereas textWidth is slightly larger than that.
I faced this issue too. Dont know why exactly it happens, maybe because of kerning differences, but i came to this:
SizeF RenderTextAndroid::GetStringSizeF() {
const base::string16& text = GetLayoutText();
std::vector<SkScalar> widths(text.length());
paint_.getTextWidths(text.c_str(), GetStrByteLen(text), &widths[0], NULL);
return SizeF(std::accumulate(widths.begin(), widths.end(), 0),
font_metrics_.fBottom - font_metrics_.fTop);
Where UpdateFont just sets new parameters to SkPaint

How can I "best fit" an arbitrary cairo (pycairo) path?

It seems like given the information in stroke_extents() and the translate(x, y) and scale(x, y) functions, I should be able to take any arbitrary cairo (I'm using pycairo) path and "best fit" it. In other words, center it and expand it to fill the available space.
Before drawing the path, I have scaled the canvas such that the origin is the lower left corner, up is y+, right is x+, and the height and width are both 1. Given these conditions, this code seems to correctly scale the path:
# cr is the canvas
extents = cr.stroke_extents()
x_size = abs(extents[0]) + abs(extents[2])
y_size = abs(extents[1]) + abs(extents[3])
cr.scale(1.0 / x_size, 1.0 / y_size)
I cannot for the life of me figure out the translating though. Is there a simpler approach? How can I "best fit" a cairo path on its canvas?
Please ask for clarification if anything is unclear in this question.
I have found a solution that I like (at least for my purposes). Just create a new surface and paint the old surface on to the new one.
As for the scale only, I have done a similar thing to adjust an image inside a box with a "best-fit" approach. As about scale, here is the code:
available_width = 800
available_height = 600
path_width = 500
figure_height = 700
# formulas
width_ratio = float(available_width)/path_width
height_ratio = float(available_height)/figure_height
scale = min(height_ratio, width_ratio)
# result
new_path_width = path_width*scale
new_figure_height = figure_height*scale
print new_path_width, new_figure_height
The image gets drawn aligned to the origin (top left in my case), so perhaps a similar thing should be done to translate the path.
Also, this best fit is intended to preserve aspect ratio. If you want to stretch the figure, use each of the ratios instead of the 'scale' variable.
Hope I have helped
