Follow Solver - To follow on Z Axis Only - hololens

I am working on a project which shows navigation from one point to another in Hololens. I am trying to create this application via MRTK2.
I have created a navigator Arrow and I want it to follow the user Head only on Z- Axis. It should Restrict any movement on the X and Y axis.
For this, I have attached Follow Solver to Object and have Added tracked Target type to Head.
Also, I have attached Move Axis COnstraint Script to restrict movement on the X and Y axis.
But When I play scenes, Object position and rotation values are changed. Something like below.
It works from the script when I calculate the camera position and Update the arrow position.
straightarrow.transform.position = new Vector3(straightarrowpos.x, straightarrowpos.y, camposition.z + 2.623f);
Is there any way this can be handled via Solvers instead of updating the position via script?
Mayank Pande

The constraints and Constraint manager provided by MRTK are currently only applicable to Bounds control and Object manipulator, please refer to Constraint manager - MRTK 2 | Microsoft Learn. Existing solvers cannot meet your needs, but you can create a new solver, please refer to Solver overview - MRTK 2 | Microsoft Learn.


Is there a way to have a x-axis "independent" from x-values for a hboxplot in Zingchart?

I have a selection of weathersensors from which I want to display temperature boxplots. All sensors(weatherstations) are located at various altitudes.
Is there a way to have the x-axis display steps of say 100, and place the boxplots where they "belong" based on the altitude of the sensor/station?
I have created a demo here:
As demonstrated, the altitudes on the x-axis gets a bit odd when just using the altitudes from the stations as values.
This is a feature already implemented in the dev stage, the new public release (due end of October) will contain this feature. See below how the output will look:

Generic Inquiry as Primary List/Entry Point

As I build custom entry screens for our business requirements, an objective is to utilize generic inquiries as the entry point for a consistent user experience with the rest of the system. I have 3 user entry screens, each of which is on the Site Map in the same place. Two of the GI's allow me to select the Site Map node for these user screens and assign the Entry Point to display the GI instead of the user entry screen. One does not. All of them appear to have very similar DAC structure as well as Graph structure including naming the primary graph in the DAC.
What causes the site map node to be available (or not) for assignment of the GI as an entry point. (For instance, is there an orphaned record I might seek out in SQL from deleting a previous attempt?)
I am on Acumatica ERP 2018R1 (Build 18.113.0018).
There were a couple of issues that prevented the Generic Inquiry from allowing it to be set as an Entry Point. If you have this same issue, review the related DAC's carefully for errors that may not be compile time issues. Also, double check all of the definition tabs in the generic inquiry for fields that you renamed or dropped but failed to adjust in the GI. In my case, the last issue resolved that allowed the GI to be turned into an entry screen was a poorly defined parameter.
To troubleshoot, try making the GI very simple. If you cannot reach the screen to select as the entry point and the GI is very basic, odds are that you have a problem somewhere in the DAC. In some of the DAC's for screens that I could not setup as an entry point, I had reference to a setup DAC that was not using Currrent when it should. This small error in the DAC was the problem on 2 of my 3 screens.
In my case, the primary view name in the graph was not 100% the same as the datamember on the screen. One was camelcase and the other pascal case. Make sure the view name on both the screen and the graph is exactly the same.

Direct Shape Import material quirk, Material Color is invalid via API until material is edited via UI

- Testing in Revit 2017
- Dynamo Python node (/ revit lookup / any API call)
I would like to query a material's Color Property. This material is an automatically generated material from a Rhino 3dm(DirectShape Import). The Color property should be the layer color and this holds true when looking in the material browser and how its rendered. However, querying it via the Revit API results in an invalid color property.
The color parameter stored in a material from a direct shape is not properly initialized/errors out until you actively use the ui material browser and modify the material. Until then, using the API (u can test this with revit lookup) to get the material color return an invalid color, making retrieving the rgb value not possible
However edit the material via the Ui, such as editing the surface pattern or color...This somehow refreshes the color parameter and allows one to use the revit API to read the color parameter afterward.
Things I've tried thus far
+ Updating another property (such as surface pattern / color) via the API, doesn't do the same as when updating via the UI material browser
+ Doc.Regenerate() after updating the property. (No changes)
+ tried getting built in parameter'doc.GetElement(ElementId(28736714)).Parameter[BuiltInParameter.MATERIAL_PARAM_COLOR].AsValueString()' returns blank.
+ tried saving document after updating misc. property via api, doesn't change anything.
+ reading the solids and faces , somehow translating them to brep geometry and recreating the direct shape. in this way one can assign the material IDs to each face. however, geometry faces as far as i know cannot be converted into brep builder faces.
Visual Explanation
Visual PDF explanation of the problem can be seen here:
You might want to ask this same question in the official Dynamo forum as well, since that is monitored actively by the Autodesk Dynamo guys, who are in closer contact with the Revit development team:

ArangoDb Web Graph visualization - Select node attributes

I'm using ArangoDb Graph web interface.
I have created a graph with nodes from different collections.
As each node collection has its own attribute set, is there any way to choose different labels to be shown?
there currently is no way to select the label attribute per vertex collection.
You may want to open a feature request via github, or take a look at - However, the used Sigma.js library has to support it in first place.
I was having the same problem before. But, after setting the start node, the labels appear correctly.
Otherwise, the arrows, as you can see in the picture, do not appear. I set documents and edges. I tried changing colors, types, label, and nothing.
The worst problem is that I can save the properties one thousand times and, if I close the graph open it again, it loses the changes. I tried to find a Python code to set the label, but nothing till now.
Maybe the number of edges (1,435,022)?

How do I rotate an object around an arbitrary pivot?

I want to implement physical draggable behavior - when an object is dragged by a certain point the whole object "follows" that point - sort like the balls here:
Now in order to do that, I need to set the touch-point (when the user clicks the object in order to drag it) as the rotation center.
I havn't found a relevant property in fabric.js objects to achieve that, I tried using groups as pivots but I failed miserably. Would appreciate a pointer in the right direction.
