Hololens2 MRTK2 - ScrollingObjectCollection with dymaic prefab doesn't work - hololens

Just for studing purpose,I am play with the MRTK Scrolling object, as you can see from the picture below the example works fine with some static 3D objecst, but if add trought a script a Dynamic Prefabs there is no way to see the objects visible even on the inspector is not possible set the visibility.)
Please note that the script works fine outside of the scrolling and please not that the example comes from
Am i wronge something? The idea is to create a scrollable dynamic components,if you have any tips i would be more than happy because i am stuck :-)
MRTK version 2.8.3
thanks in advance for your help


Having issues with wxPython (Pheonix) sizes

I am trying to port over a bit of code from wx2.8 to wxPheonix (3.0.3.dev78356 msw). I'm using code from the pyfa project (https://github.com/DarkFenX/Pyfa) which is currently being rewritten for python3. This code takes some concepts from PyCollapsiblePane and implements it better (there are some bugs with PCP). If you download and open pyfa, the collapsible panels are on the right side (resources, resistances, etc) if you want to get a feel for how it is supposed to work.
Anyway, I'm trying to port this over and I cannot seem to get it to work well. I know Pheonix introduces some changes to sizers and how things are resized. I am able to collapse the panel (and have the parent panel fit to the new size), and then open it again. But when I try to collapse it again nothing seems to happen.
Here's what is currently happening:
And here is how it's suppposed to work (wxPython 2.8 in the pyfa app)
This is the module that I'm working on (the script has a test case if run directly): http://pastebin.com/ghuVGXWN
Any ideas?
I had to remove self.SetMinSize(sz) from OnStateChange, works great now.

plotclick events in flot and enyo 1.0

I am new to programming so please bear with me. I have an app built in enyo 1.0 with a working flot graph. I am trying to register click events on the graph so I can use that info elsewhere in the app. I have set clickable to true and I can see the data points highlight when I click on them so I know that part is working. How do I get the series and data point I click on into enyo? I am just having a difficult time figuring out from the different partial examples I can find what I need to put where. I see reference to enyo.dispatcher.listen(document, “plotclick”); but I am not sure where that goes. Does anyone have a working example they could share?
Thanks in advance!

masonry images loaded not working

Dear community im using the masonry script on this site: http://www.hoeckernetworks.impulsfaktor.abcde.biz/
I was searching for an option to fix the picture loading problem and i found imagesLoaded. I try to get it to work, but it wont do its job. I am not a great javascript programmer and tryed it with the example code. Maybe someone has a hint for me. Just to inform: i use masonry working with html. If its needed i can send my source but i think one can see it on the site.
regards an already thanks for any help

Weird results when converting SVG to js for Raphael

Im trying to use this image with Raphael:
I convert it to js with: http://toki-woki.net/p/SVG2RaphaelJS/
And I get this:
Any Idea of what can I do to solve this? This is worst apparently when I add text in inkscape above each reagion to change later via javascript.
Im using SVGWEB now without problems buy Im trying another alternatives because I cannot make the addeventlistener work in IE7/8 like I said here:
can't add listener to a SVG in Internet Explorer using SVGweb
Any ideas?
Try mapSVG plugin instead.
Demo with your map: http://map.karaliki.ru/bu.html (zoom in-out with mouse wheel)
It works in IE7-8 as well.
Plugin's description: http://map.karaliki.ru

How to set Legend with Open Flash Chart 2 graphic using Open source Java API - JOFC?

I have a Seam 2.2 app running under JBoss5.1. In this application I have successfully developed some Graphics using Java Open Flash Chart, which is a Java API for Open Flash Chart.
Now I would like to add a X and Y legend like this one.
Well I have a graphic which is rendering properly and than I try to set X Label using:
chart.setXLegend(new Text("Legenda X"));
But than instead of showing the legend it corrupts something which causes the graphic to renders completely blank.
This is the generated JSon when the graphics renders correctly.
{"y_axis":{"min":388,"max":866,"steps":20},"title":{"text":"Gráfico de gasto mensal com Combustível"},"bg_colour":"#FFFFFF","is_decimal_separator_comma":0,"elements":[{"values":[{"tip":"R$:610.0\n05/2010","top":610},{"tip":"R$:488.0\n06/2010","top":488},{"tip":"R$:634.57\n07/2010","top":634.57},{"tip":"R$:766.0\n08/2010","top":766},{"tip":"R$:396.0\n09/2010","top":396},{"tip":"R$:610.0\n10/2010","top":610}],"type":"bar"}],"num_decimals":2,"is_fixed_num_decimals_forced":0,"x_axis":{"labels":{"labels":["05/2010","06/2010","07/2010","08/2010","09/2010","10/2010"]}},"is_thousand_separator_disabled":0}
I took a deeply look at it and turns out that whenever I try to add the x legend with the code fragment showed above the JSon is actually NOT generated by JOFC.
I could not find much useful documentation on JOFC on the web and the API itself is not very well documented, so I am completely lost on trying to add this simple x label, which should be the easiest part :( . Any Ideas on that.
An update:
Now I just have downloaded JOFC source code and will take a look at this.
It looks like there's an open issue on the JOFC page: http://code.google.com/p/jofc2/issues/detail?id=29
It suggests a workaround of calling the function like:
chart.setXLegend(new Text("Legenda X", Text.TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER))
I would try with Open Flash Grapix, it is easier to use, and just sets parameters on FlashVars.
Open Flash Grapix
