Apply a custom rolling function with arguments on Pandas DataFrame - python-3.x

I have this df (here is the df.head()):
date colA
0 2018-01-05 0.6191
1 2018-01-20 0.5645
2 2018-01-25 0.5641
3 2018-01-27 0.5404
4 2018-01-30 0.4933
I would like to apply a function to every 3 rows recursively, meaning for rows: 1,2,3 then for rows: 2,3,4 then rows 3,4,5, etc.
This is what I wrote:
def my_rolling_func(df, val):
p1 = (df['date']-df['date'].min()).dt.days.tolist()[0],df[val].tolist()[0]
p2 = (df['date']-df['date'].min()).dt.days.tolist()[1],df[val].tolist()[1]
p3 = (df['date']-df['date'].min()).dt.days.tolist()[2],df[val].tolist()[2]
return sum([i*j for i,j in [p1,p2,p3]])
df.rolling(3,center=False,axis=1).apply(my_rolling_func, args=('colA'))
But I get this error:
ValueError: Length of passed values is 1, index implies 494.
494 is the number of rows in my df.
I'm not sure why it says I passed a length of 1, I thought the rolling generate slices of df according to the window size I defined (3), and then it applied the function for that subset of df.

First, you specified the wrong axis. Axis 1 means that the window will slide along the columns. You want the window to slide along the indexes, so you need to specify axis=0. Secondly, you misunderstand a little about how rolling works. It will apply your function to each column independently, so you cannot operate on both the date and colA columns at the same time inside your function.
I rewrote your code to make it work:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'date':pd.date_range('2018-01-05', '2018-01-30', freq='D'), 'A': np.random.random((26,))})
df = df.set_index('date')
def my_rolling_func(s):
days = (s.index - s.index[0]).days
return sum(s*days)
res = df.rolling(3, center=False, axis=0).apply(my_rolling_func)
2018-01-05 NaN
2018-01-06 NaN
2018-01-07 1.123872
2018-01-08 1.121119
2018-01-09 1.782860
2018-01-10 0.900717
2018-01-11 0.999509
2018-01-12 1.755408
2018-01-13 2.344914


Add Column For Results Of Dataframe Resample [duplicate]

I have the following data frame in IPython, where each row is a single stock:
In [261]: bdata
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 21210 entries, 0 to 21209
Data columns:
BloombergTicker 21206 non-null values
Company 21210 non-null values
Country 21210 non-null values
MarketCap 21210 non-null values
PriceReturn 21210 non-null values
SEDOL 21210 non-null values
yearmonth 21210 non-null values
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(4)
I want to apply a groupby operation that computes cap-weighted average return across everything, per each date in the "yearmonth" column.
This works as expected:
In [262]: bdata.groupby("yearmonth").apply(lambda x: (x["PriceReturn"]*x["MarketCap"]/x["MarketCap"].sum()).sum())
201204 -0.109444
201205 -0.290546
But then I want to sort of "broadcast" these values back to the indices in the original data frame, and save them as constant columns where the dates match.
In [263]: dateGrps = bdata.groupby("yearmonth")
In [264]: dateGrps["MarketReturn"] = dateGrps.apply(lambda x: (x["PriceReturn"]*x["MarketCap"]/x["MarketCap"].sum()).sum())
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/mnt/bos-devrnd04/usr6/home/espears/ws/Research/Projects/python-util/src/util/<ipython-input-264-4a68c8782426> in <module>()
----> 1 dateGrps["MarketReturn"] = dateGrps.apply(lambda x: (x["PriceReturn"]*x["MarketCap"]/x["MarketCap"].sum()).sum())
TypeError: 'DataFrameGroupBy' object does not support item assignment
I realize this naive assignment should not work. But what is the "right" Pandas idiom for assigning the result of a groupby operation into a new column on the parent dataframe?
In the end, I want a column called "MarketReturn" than will be a repeated constant value for all indices that have matching date with the output of the groupby operation.
One hack to achieve this would be the following:
marketRetsByDate = dateGrps.apply(lambda x: (x["PriceReturn"]*x["MarketCap"]/x["MarketCap"].sum()).sum())
bdata["MarketReturn"] = np.repeat(np.NaN, len(bdata))
for elem in marketRetsByDate.index.values:
bdata["MarketReturn"][bdata["yearmonth"]==elem] = marketRetsByDate.ix[elem]
But this is slow, bad, and unPythonic.
In [97]: df = pandas.DataFrame({'month': np.random.randint(0,11, 100), 'A': np.random.randn(100), 'B': np.random.randn(100)})
In [98]: df.join(df.groupby('month')['A'].sum(), on='month', rsuffix='_r')
A B month A_r
0 -0.040710 0.182269 0 -0.331816
1 -0.004867 0.642243 1 2.448232
2 -0.162191 0.442338 4 2.045909
3 -0.979875 1.367018 5 -2.736399
4 -1.126198 0.338946 5 -2.736399
5 -0.992209 -1.343258 1 2.448232
6 -1.450310 0.021290 0 -0.331816
7 -0.675345 -1.359915 9 2.722156
While I'm still exploring all of the incredibly smart ways that apply concatenates the pieces it's given, here's another way to add a new column in the parent after a groupby operation.
In [236]: df
yearmonth return
0 201202 0.922132
1 201202 0.220270
2 201202 0.228856
3 201203 0.277170
4 201203 0.747347
In [237]: def add_mkt_return(grp):
.....: grp['mkt_return'] = grp['return'].sum()
.....: return grp
In [238]: df.groupby('yearmonth').apply(add_mkt_return)
yearmonth return mkt_return
0 201202 0.922132 1.371258
1 201202 0.220270 1.371258
2 201202 0.228856 1.371258
3 201203 0.277170 1.024516
4 201203 0.747347 1.024516
As a general rule when using groupby(), if you use the .transform() function pandas will return a table with the same length as your original. When you use other functions like .sum() or .first() then pandas will return a table where each row is a group.
I'm not sure how this works with apply but implementing elaborate lambda functions with transform can be fairly tricky so the strategy that I find most helpful is to create the variables I need, place them in the original dataset and then do my operations there.
If I understand what you're trying to do correctly first you can calculate the total market cap for each group:
bdata['group_MarketCap'] = bdata.groupby('yearmonth')['MarketCap'].transform('sum')
This will add a column called "group_MarketCap" to your original data which would contain the sum of market caps for each group. Then you can calculate the weighted values directly:
bdata['weighted_P'] = bdata['PriceReturn'] * (bdata['MarketCap']/bdata['group_MarketCap'])
And finally you would calculate the weighted average for each group using the same transform function:
bdata['MarketReturn'] = bdata.groupby('yearmonth')['weighted_P'].transform('sum')
I tend to build my variables this way. Sometimes you can pull off putting it all in a single command but that doesn't always work with groupby() because most of the time pandas needs to instantiate the new object to operate on it at the full dataset scale (i.e. you can't add two columns together if one doesn't exist yet).
Hope this helps :)
May I suggest the transform method (instead of aggregate)? If you use it in your original example it should do what you want (the broadcasting).
I did not find a way to make assignment to the original dataframe. So I just store the results from the groups and concatenate them. Then we sort the concatenated dataframe by index to get the original order as the input dataframe. Here is a sample code:
In [10]: df = pd.DataFrame({'month': np.random.randint(0,11, 100), 'A': np.random.randn(100), 'B': np.random.randn(100)})
In [11]: df.head()
month A B
0 4 -0.029106 -0.904648
1 2 -2.724073 0.492751
2 7 0.732403 0.689530
3 2 0.487685 -1.017337
4 1 1.160858 -0.025232
In [12]: res = []
In [13]: for month, group in df.groupby('month'):
...: new_df = pd.DataFrame({
...: 'A^2+B': group.A ** 2 + group.B,
...: 'A+B^2': group.A + group.B**2
...: })
...: res.append(new_df)
In [14]: res = pd.concat(res).sort_index()
In [15]: res.head()
A^2+B A+B^2
0 -0.903801 0.789282
1 7.913327 -2.481270
2 1.225944 1.207855
3 -0.779501 1.522660
4 1.322360 1.161495
This method is pretty fast and extensible. You can derive any feature here.
Note: If the dataframe is too large, concat may cause you MMO error.

Dask apply with custom function

I am experimenting with Dask, but I encountered a problem while using apply after grouping.
I have a Dask DataFrame with a large number of rows. Let's consider for example the following
df = pd.DataFrame({'col_1':np.random.random(N), 'col_2': np.random.random(N) })
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=8)
I want to bin the values of col_1 and I follow the solution from here
bins = np.linspace(0,1,11)
labels = list(range(len(bins)-1))
ddf2 = ddf.map_partitions(test_f, 'col_1',bins,labels)
def test_f(df,col,bins,labels):
return df.assign(bin_num = pd.cut(df[col],bins,labels=labels))
and this works as I expect it to.
Now I want to take the median value in each bin (taken from here)
median = ddf2.groupby('bin_num')['col_1'].apply(pd.Series.median).compute()
Having 10 bins, I expect median to have 10 rows, but it actually has 80. The dataframe has 8 partitions so I guess that somehow the apply is working on each one individually.
However, If I want the mean and use mean
median = ddf2.groupby('bin_num')['col_1'].mean().compute()
it works and the output has 10 rows.
The question is then: what am I doing wrong that is preventing apply from operating as mean?
Maybe this warning is the key (Dask doc: SeriesGroupBy.apply) :
Pandas’ groupby-apply can be used to to apply arbitrary functions, including aggregations that result in one row per group. Dask’s groupby-apply will apply func once to each partition-group pair, so when func is a reduction you’ll end up with one row per partition-group pair. To apply a custom aggregation with Dask, use dask.dataframe.groupby.Aggregation.
You are right! I was able to reproduce your problem on Dask 2.11.0. The good news is that there's a solution! It appears that the Dask groupby problem is specifically with the category type (pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes.CategoricalDtype). By casting the category column to another column type (float, int, str), then the groupby will work correctly.
Here's your code that I copied:
import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def test_f(df, col, bins, labels):
return df.assign(bin_num=pd.cut(df[col], bins, labels=labels))
N = 10000
df = pd.DataFrame({'col_1': np.random.random(N), 'col_2': np.random.random(N)})
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=8)
bins = np.linspace(0,1,11)
labels = list(range(len(bins)-1))
ddf2 = ddf.map_partitions(test_f, 'col_1', bins, labels)
which prints out the problem you mentioned
0 NaN
1 NaN
2 NaN
3 NaN
4 NaN
5 0.550844
6 0.651036
7 0.751220
8 NaN
9 NaN
Name: col_1, Length: 80, dtype: float64
Here's my solution:
ddf3 = ddf2.copy()
ddf3["bin_num"] = ddf3["bin_num"].astype("int")
which printed:
9 0.951369
2 0.249150
1 0.149563
0 0.049897
3 0.347906
8 0.847819
4 0.449029
5 0.550608
6 0.652778
7 0.749922
Name: col_1, dtype: float64
#MRocklin or #TomAugspurger
Would you be able to create a fix for this in a new release? I think there is sufficient reproducible code here. Thanks for all your hard work. I love Dask and use it every day ;)

How to declare range based grouping in pd.Dataframe? [duplicate]

Is there an easy method in pandas to invoke groupby on a range of values increments? For instance given the example below can I bin and group column B with a 0.155 increment so that for example, the first couple of groups in column B are divided into ranges between '0 - 0.155, 0.155 - 0.31 ...`
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
0 0.383493 0.250785
1 0.572949 0.139555
2 0.652391 0.401983
3 0.214145 0.696935
4 0.848551 0.516692
Alternatively I could first categorize the data by those increments into a new column and subsequently use groupby to determine any relevant statistics that may be applicable in column A?
You might be interested in pd.cut:
>>> df.groupby(pd.cut(df["B"], np.arange(0, 1.0+0.155, 0.155))).sum()
(0, 0.155] 2.775458 0.246394
(0.155, 0.31] 1.123989 0.471618
(0.31, 0.465] 2.051814 1.882763
(0.465, 0.62] 2.277960 1.528492
(0.62, 0.775] 1.577419 2.810723
(0.775, 0.93] 0.535100 1.694955
(0.93, 1.085] NaN NaN
[7 rows x 2 columns]
Try this:
df = df.sort_values('B')
bins = np.arange(0, 1.0, 0.155)
ind = np.digitize(df['B'], bins)
print df.groupby(ind).head()
Of course you can use any function on the groups not just head.
so this is how I use the groupby function
bins = [0,40,50,60,70,100]

How to join two dataframes for which column time values are within a certain range and are not datetime or timestamp objects?

I have two dataframes as shown below:
time browncarbon blackcarbon
181.7335 0.105270 NaN
181.3809 0.166545 0.001217
181.6197 0.071581 NaN
422 rows x 3 columns
start end toc
179.9989 180.0002 155.0
180.0002 180.0016 152.0
180.0016 180.0030 151.0
1364 rows x 3 columns
The first dataframe has a time column that has instants every four minutes. The second dataframe has a two time columns spaced every two minutes. Both these time columns do not start and end at the same time. However, they contain data collected over the same day. How could I make another dataframe containing:
time browncarbon blackcarbon toc
422 rows X 4 columns
There is a related answer on Stack Overflow, however, that is applicable only when the time columns are datetime or timestamp objects. The link is: How to join two dataframes for which column values are within a certain range?
Addendum 1: The multiple start and end rows that get encapsulated into one of the time rows should also correspond to one toc row, as it does right now, however, it should be the average of the multiple toc rows, which is not the case presently.
Addendum 2: Merging two pandas dataframes with complex conditions
We create a artificial key column to do an outer merge to get the cartesian product back (all matches between the rows). Then we filter all the rows where time falls in between the range with .query.
note: I edited the value of one row so we can get a match (see row 0 in example dataframes on the bottom)
df1.assign(key=1).merge(df2.assign(key=1), on='key', how='outer')\
.query('(time >= start) & (time <= end)')\
.drop(['key', 'start', 'end'], axis=1)
time browncarbon blackcarbon toc
1 180.0008 0.10527 NaN 152.0
Example dataframes used:
time browncarbon blackcarbon
0 180.0008 0.105270 NaN
1 181.3809 0.166545 0.001217
2 181.6197 0.071581 NaN
start end toc
0 179.9989 180.0002 155.0
1 180.0002 180.0016 152.0
2 180.0016 180.0030 151.0
Since the start and end intervals are mutually exclusive, we may be able to create new columns in df2 such that it would contain all the integer values in the range of floor(start) and floor(end). Later, add another column in df1 as floor(time) and then take left outer join on df1 and df2. I think that should do except that you may have to remove nan values and extra columns if required. If you send me the csv files, I may be able to send you the script. I hope I answered your question.
Perhaps you could just convert your columns to Timestamps and then use the answer in the other question you linked
from pandas import Timestamp
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd
def to_timestamp(x):
return Timestamp(2000, 1, 1) + rd(days=x)
df['start_time'] = df.start.apply(to_timestamp)
df['end_time'] = df.end.apply(to_timestamp)
Your 2nd data frame is too short, so it wouldn't reflect a meaningful merge. So I modified it a little:
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'start': [179.9989, 180.0002, 180.0016, 181.3, 181.5, 181.7],
'end': [180.0002, 180.0016, 180.003, 181.5, 185.7, 181.8],
'toc': [155.0, 152.0, 151.0, 150.0, 149.0, 148.0]})
df1['Rank'] = np.arange(len(df1))
new_df = pd.merge_asof(df1.sort_values('time'), df2,
gives you:
time browncarbon blackcarbon Rank start end toc
0 181.3809 0.166545 0.001217 1 181.3 181.5 150.0
1 181.6197 0.071581 NaN 2 181.5 185.7 149.0
2 181.7335 0.105270 NaN 0 181.7 181.8 148.0
which you can drop extra column and sort_values on Rank. For example:
new_df.sort_values('Rank').drop(['Rank','start','end'], axis=1)
time browncarbon blackcarbon toc
2 181.7335 0.105270 NaN 148.0
0 181.3809 0.166545 0.001217 150.0
1 181.6197 0.071581 NaN 149.0

How can I loop over rows in my DataFrame, calculate a value and put that value in a new column with this lambda function

./test.csv looks like:
price datetime
1 100 2019-10-10
2 150 2019-11-10
import pandas as pd
import datetime as date
import datetime as time
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
csv_df = pd.read_csv('./test.csv')
today =
csv_df['datetime'] = csv_df['expiration_date'].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x)) #convert `expiration_date` to datetime Series
def days_until_exp(expiration_date, today):
diff = (expiration_date - today)
return [diff]
csv_df['days_until_expiration'] = csv_df['datetime'].apply(lambda x: days_until_exp(csv_df['datetime'], today))
I am trying to iterate over a specific column in my DateFrame labeled csv_df['datetime'] which in each cell has just one value, a date, and do a calcation defined by diff.
Then I want the single value diff to be put into the new Series csv_df['days_until_expiration'].
The problem is, it's calculating values for every row (673 rows) and putting all those values in a list in each row of csv_df['days_until_expiration. I realize it may be due to the brackets around [diff], but without them I get an error.
In Excel, I would just do something like =SUM(datetime - price) and click and drag down the rows to have it populate a new column. However, I want to do this in Pandas as it's part of a bigger application.
csv_df['datetime'] is series, so x of apply is each cell of series. You call apply with lambda and days_until_exp(), but you doesn't passing x to it. Therefore, the result is wrong.
Anyway, Without your sample data, I guess that you want to find sum of csv_df['datetime'] - today(). To do this, you don't need apply. Just do direct vectorized operation on series and sum.
I make 2 columns dataframe for sample:
datetime days_until_expiration
0 2019-09-01 NaN
1 2019-09-02 NaN
2 2019-09-03 NaN
Do the following return series of delta between csv_df['datetime'] and today(). I guess you want this::
td =
csv_df['days_until_expiration'] = (csv_df['datetime'] - td).dt.days
datetime days_until_expiration
0 2019-09-01 115
1 2019-09-02 116
2 2019-09-03 117
To find sum of all deltas and assign the same sum value to csv_df['days_until_expiration']
csv_df['days_until_expiration'] = (csv_df['datetime'] - td).dt.days.sum()
datetime days_until_expiration
0 2019-09-01 348
1 2019-09-02 348
2 2019-09-03 348
