Can't open modal using `trigger_id` from Slash Command in Slack Bot - node.js

My goal is to trigger modal open using Slack slash command.
I got the trigger_id from the slash command in my slack app, and trying to open modal using it, but getting following error though I can see valid trigger_id in my console logs.
Error in trigger handler Error: An API error occurred: invalid_trigger_id

This is because of my bad.
I used push method instead of open method to open modal.
It is working after changing my code like this:
trigger_id: triggerId //You can get from slash command payload,
view: view // this is the modal content view


Chrome extension background script "Cannot access contens of URL devtools..." error?

I have a background script called events.js
I am occassionally getting this error
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Cannot access contents of url
Extension manifest must request permission to access this host.
It is apparently being generated not by events.js but by "_generated_background_page.html" but appearing in my background console log.
I suspect it is being caused by my call in events.js to:
chrome.webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated.addListener(function(e) {
// do stuff
It is driving me nuts. Can anyone please tell me what is going on?
Similar issue happened to me today. One of those facepalm moments. I discovered as i had a breakpoint in my background script to check something before the content-script was executed in the handle message, that this background devtools tab became the active tab and tired to inject the script and not the intended tab from which I activated my extension.
Hence the error.
Cannot access contents of url

How to fix 'Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.'

I have the following error in the Chrome Dev Tools console on every page-load of my Node/Express/React application:
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist
This error makes a reference to localhost/:1. When I hover over this, it shows http://localhost:3000/, the address I'm viewing the app at in the browser.
Anyone have an idea what is going on? Most of the other threads I've found that bring up this error seem to be related to someone trying to develop a Chrome Extension, and even then they tend to have very few responses.
I'd been getting the exact same error (except my app has no back-end and React front-end), and I discovered that it wasn't coming from my app, it was actually coming from the "Video Speed Controller" Chrome extension. If you aren't using that extension, try disabling all of your extensions and then turning them back on one-by-one?
I found the same problem when developing the Chrome extensions. I finally found the key problem.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist
The key problem is that when background.js sends a message to the active tab via chrome.tabs.sendMessage, the content.js on the page is not ready or not reloaded. When debugging. We must ensure that content.js is active. And it cannot be a page without refreshing , The old pages don not update you js itself
Here is my code:
chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true},function(tabs) {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {greeting: "hello"}, function(response) {
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse){
console.log(request, sender, sendResponse);
The error is often caused by a chrome extension.
Try disabling all your extensions, the problem should disapear.
For Chrome:
You have the window open with the console error, open up a second new window.
In the second window, go to:
Disable each extension by toggling (the blue slider on the bottom right of each card), and refresh the window with the console after toggling each extension.
Once you don't have the error, remove the extension.
If you are an extension developer see this Chrome Extension message passing: Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist
The core of the problem is that chrome API behavior change and you need add a workaround for it.
You need to handle in the runtime.sendMessage callback. This error just needs to be handled. Below is my code:
{ message:"---" }, // jsonable message
(result) => {
if (! {
// message processing code goes here
} else {
// error handling code goes here
🙂simple answer:🙂
if you have no response from another End it will also tell you Receiving end does not exist.
detailed answer:
if you have no answer from another end it will also tell you Receiving end does not exist. so if you have any callBack function which should use response in your .sendMessage part, you should either delete it or handle it if you probably have no response from another side.
if i wanted to re-write Simple one-time requests section of Message passing documents of google API i will write it with error handlers for callback functions in message-sending methods like this:
Sending a request from a content script looks like this:
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({greeting: "hello"}, function (response) {
if (!chrome.runtime.lastError) {
// if you have any response
} else {
// if you don't have any response it's ok but you should actually handle
// it and we are doing this when we are examining chrome.runtime.lastError
Sending a request from the extension to a content script looks very similar, except that you need to specify which tab to send it to. This example demonstrates sending a message to the content script in the selected tab.
chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs) {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {greeting: "hello"}, function(response) {
if (!chrome.runtime.lastError) {
// if you have any response
} else {
// if you don't have any response it's ok but you should actually handle
// it and we are doing this when we are examining chrome.runtime.lastError
On the receiving end, you need to set up an runtime.onMessage event listener to handle the message. This looks the same from a content script or extension page.
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
console.log( ?
"from a content script:" + :
"from the extension");
if (request.greeting === "hello")
sendResponse({farewell: "goodbye"});
Removing 'Udacity Frontend Feedback' chrome extension solved the issue for me.
This was happening in Chrome for me and I discovered it was McAfee WebAdvisor. Once I disabled it, the message went away:
The simple fix is to return true; from within the function that handles chrome.tabs.sendMessage.
It's stated
(this is similar to other answers)
I removed "Video Speed Controller" Chrome Extension and the error was removed.
It worked for me like this. In your case there may be some other extensions too which may cause this error.
It was tab bnundler for me:
Disabling the extension fixed the issue.
It was a few extensions for me. Disabling and then re-enabling fixed the problem though. Grammarly was one of them. Hope the errors don't return.
Oddly enough, for myself I simply disabled all my extensions and the error went away.
However, after re-enabling all of the ones I disabled, the error was still gone.
I was testing my extension on edge://extensions/ page/tab. Testing it on another tab solved this issue. I think this may also occur for chrome://extensions/.
This is caused simply by installed chrome extensions, so fix this first disable all chrome extensions then start to enable one after another to detect which extension is cause you can enable the remaining.
in my case removing 'adblocker youtube' extension work for me
For me the error was due to the onelogin chrome extension. Removing it fixed the issue.
Cacher Extension in my case - but yeah disable each and then reload page
This is usually caused by an extension.
If you don't want to disable or remove the extension which causes this error, you can filter out this specific error by typing -/^Unchecked\sruntime\.lastError\:\sCould\snot\sestablish\sconnection\.\sReceiving\send\sdoes\snot\sexist\.$/ in the Filter box in the console:
As far as I've seen, this filter will stay until you remove it manually, you can close and reopen the console, restart Chrome, etc as much as you want and the filter will never be removed automatically.
I get the message only on the first Chrome page =
When Chrome is not running, and I open it - either directly or by double-clicking on a page on my desktop.
(I don't know if this matters, but I have "Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed" off.)
So, I'm assuming it's Chrome's crap spying/"enhancing user experience" attempt.
I don't know what it's trying to send, but I'm glad it's not able to! :)
So, second (or any but first) tab has no error.
== No need to disable anything (extensions, etc.).
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
I "achieved" this error after
installing the Debugger for Chrome extension in Visual Studio Code,
debugging my code, and
closing and reopening the non-debugging Chrome window. (I had left Chrome running my app while debugging.)
Stop using the extension.
Refresh the non-debugging Chrome window.
Use a different debugger.
Of course, the console error reappears when I redo steps 2 and 3 above with the Debugger for Chrome. This encourages me to use other debuggers instead. Then I don't mistakenly think my own code produced the console errors!
For me this was caused by :
Iobit Surfing Protection & Ads Removal extension
which comes with Iobit advanced system care software. However, the console might provide you with relevant information on what you need do disable or the cause for that problem.
The likely cause of this error, as per google searches is because that extension which causes the error, might be using the chrome.runtime.sendMessage() and then tries to use the response callback.
Error shown in the console
Hope this information helps. Have a great day!
For chrome extension development, it's an error thrown by chrome.tabs.sendMessage method.
Here is the link of related documentation: In the link you can find the description for the callback function: If an error occurs while connecting to the specified tab, the callback is called with no arguments and runtime.lastError is set to the error message.
According to documentation above, the error is because of the specified tab. I restart chrome and reloaded the extension, and this issue is fixed
I solved this in following way. This is mainly chrome extension problem, try to first empty cache and hard reload for this inspect any window and hold reload button about 2 second then it will appear 3 options click last one which is mentioned above then go to manage extensions and turn off one by one and then turn on again one by one and check it's gone or not.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist
It's an error that appear in the Chrome devTools console.
And it's related to Chrome Chrome Message Passing
Because of the 'rigid structure' of the Chrome platform, it's not easy to pass data between different Chrome windows/tabs, as it's common to do in the 'object oriented' programming languages.
In Chrome extensions, usually, there is not a single file of code, that runs for all pages or tabs.
It's a common use, to build many different files of code in javascript, for different Windows/tabs/url address.
So, when the software, need to pass data from different windows/tabs/url, it's made using 'message passing'
The 'message passing', allow to send a 'message' and wait to receive a message as 'callBack'
But sometimes happens, in example, that the url of a window, or a tab, change, when there is a 'message passing' function which has been triggered, but still not returned.
If this situation it's not managed by code (as wrote TechDogLover OR kiaNasirzadeh), or it's an old extension not updated, this error can arise.
So as others users said, it could be an extension, which is running in your Chrome.
But if your window doesn't crash, it doesn't have much sense disable an extension because of such message appear in the devTools Console.
And it doesn't have sense try to understand how to fix it (if you are not the developer of the software which is causing the error), because the variables are so many, that it's not said that the error will be triggered again, in the same situation.
In those cases, in my opinion, if you really want to do something, a good thing to do could be, once you find the extension that cause the error, contact the extension developer and report it.
And if you are the developer, you could check for a missing
// here if there is no error
} else {
// here if there is an error
Or, also you could check your code, if you did more than one callBack, e.g. as explained there
wOxxOm comment
I also encountered this problem when I was developing chrome extensions.
Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
The error message from chrome.tabs.sendMessage
The solution is to make it return the promise and use catch to handle the error and define it yourself. Example
Apparently an error occurred during browser startup and the browser did not launch extensions such as stylish, adblock. I closed the browser and reopened it and my page worked without errors.

how to click cancel in prompt box?

I am developing a chrome extension to suppress a prompt box.
The access is protected in server side and user is triggered with prompt box for username/password as shown below,
I am injecting a content_script in the url at document_start and trying to detect the presence of this prompt, if present "cancel" button need to be clicked.
Here is a test link to get the login prompt,
You technically can't close the prompt only using the javascript api... You might need to use an NPAPI plugin or other external software such as Selenium to emulate a click on the close button.
But, what you can do is prevent that dialog from popping up in the first place by intercepting an authentication request.
First add "webRequest" permission in your manifest. Then try this code:
// to listen to all urls use { urls: ["<all_urls>"] }
chrome.webRequest.onAuthRequired.addListener(function(details) {
return {cancel: true};
}, {urls: [""]}, ["blocking"]);
For better documentation, visit

Showing a notice when site fails to load completely

Sometimes during overload some sites fail to load.
I can detect this error using chrome.webRequest.onErrorOccurred api.
I guess the content script will not run at all in this case so sending message from background page to content script is of no use.
How can I paste a notice in the site body that it has failed to load?
Maybe using script execute from the background page? Will the page have a body content?
You've got a few options here. If you're using chrome.webRequest.onErrorOccurred() though I'd suggest you redirect the tab to an error page when an error occurs, using chrome.tabs.update().
For example:
chrome.tabs.update(details.tabId, {url: "URL FOR AN ERROR PAGE"});
{types: ["main_frame"]});
This will redirect the tab the error occurred in when a web request with a resourceType of main_frame errors.
There are a few things you need to consider here. Do you only want to capture errors from requests with a type of main_frame? If not, just remove the 'types' filter from the event.
The other thing you need to consider is what page you're redirecting to. You can package a HTML file within your extension and then redirect to that. To generate the URL of your error page you can run chrome.extension.getURL('customerrorpage.html').

Chrome Extension + Getting Hang while any dialogue comes while opening a page

I have created one extension to test my website, which will open page and do some activity like set text, get text etc etc.
I have created one C# application and via websocket I will communicate with extension.
In my extension I have added listener as below,
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
websocket.send(""); // Send signal to C# to execute next command
so when I will open any website e.g, it will fire above event and my next action will come to execute, but issue is while I open any website which will have alert box at the first stage of loading page, will never execute above listener e.g If I will open, it will give you an alert message, till your click on OK, the page will be busy and so It will get stuck.
I am created automated script, in which I will place one MSAA command to click on that "OK" button, but my it just got hanged.
Is there any option that I can make it work in this situation?
Move code of DOMContentLoaded Listener
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
websocket.send(""); // Send signal to C# to execute next command
in Content Scripts to listener of tabs.onUpdated or any of webRequest, webNavigation Appropriate Listeners in Background Page.
