AZURE SQL Server - Access trough the Azure Firewall - azure

i have a Question about an Azure SQL Server and the Azure Firewall.
I have configured the Azure SQL Server with Private Endpoints. The Network Hub and Spoke are with peerings connected.
The Private DNS Zone is linked to both Virtual Networks.
The Public Access is disabled on the Azure SQL Server.
No i would like to Use Azure Firewall Rules to Connect from External (WWW) trough the Azure Firewall the Azure SQL Server with Management Studio.
I can find nothing to this Scenario.
I have to tried it with "DNAT / Application NAT / Network Nut" but nothing works.
is it even possible to reach the SQL Database over the Public through the Firewall when the public Access is disabled on the SQL Database?
Thanks a lot.

I tried to reproduce to reproduce the same and tried "DNAT / Application / Network rule it work fine:
I have created a firewall rule with firewall policy like below:
Added application rule:
Network rule:
DNAT rule:
Check your source ip should be your virtual network subnet
Use destination address as the public ip of your firewall and port and translated port as 3389
Translated Address should be your virtual machine private ip address
Then, Go to virtual machine -> Networking -> click on network interface -> under setting DNS server -> custom
Add your destination server, same like below:
Make sure to Restart your virtual machine and try to connect remote desktop with you firewall public ip.
After restart when I try to connect with my external it works successfully like below:
You can refer my previous answer to connect sql server to access private endpoints.

The Problem is solved.
It workes only when i connect with the Azure SQL Server FQDN and it dont works with other FQDNs for Example CNAMES etc...
I must to edit my Hosts File on the local Machine and Point the FQDN from the SQL Server to the Public IP Address of the Azure Firewall.
On my DNAT Rule i check the Public IP of the Firewall and forward it to the FQDN or the Private IP from the Private Endpoint (both oft this works).
After this the DNAT Rule works and i can connect to the Firewall when i diable the public Access on the Azure SQL Server Firewall directly.


Access Azure Private Endpoint Using Azure VPN

I am trying to access resources that are secured behind private endpoint from a remote location using an Azure VPN Point-to-Site connection.
So far I have setup a conditional forwarder to send DNS requests to Azure's internal DNS IP address ( With my setup I can resolve all my private endpoints using nslookup to their private IP addresses. I can also connect to services such as SQL server from my local machine (using SQL Server Management Studio in the case of SQL server).
The problem I am facing is that I can only access resources if I use a desktop client for a given service. If I try to do anything using the Azure Portal, I get an error stating that I cannot access resources using my Public IP address without adding it as an inbound IP address. Whilst this is certainly an option, I don't want to go down this road.
I am hoping there is an option where I can connect to private endpoint resources from Azure Portal whilst connected to my point-to-site VPN. Any ideas?
So far I have setup a conditional forwarder to send DNS requests toAzure's internal DNS IP address ( With my setup I can resolve all my private endpoints using nslookup to their private IP addresses. I can also connect to services such as SQL server from my local machine (using SQL Server Management Studio in the case of SQL server.
AfAIK, the process which you are doing is correct, To fix this issue try to update the local host file on client desktop to deploy a recourse with private endpoint please refer this link for more in detail
By default when you create a Private Endpoint in the Azure Portal it will automatically lock out public access. Service Endpoints operate by adding routes to allow traffic out of the virtual network to reach the public endpoint of the service selected. If you are access resources error, update firewall rules to communicate with your Azure resources you really need to configure v-net traffic on the firewall settings
Next option is conditional forwarder, in your scenario the ble from every v-net, its public ip it won't overlap with any private ips, it available from inside of azure v-net unique to each
In conditional for forwarder, client asks the ip of a host like .The dns server looks to see the answer if knows, if not a lookup will done based on root servers or forwarder to find the ip address returns that to the client
For more information in detail, please refer below links:
Private Endpoints and DNS in Azure & Cannot access my own public IP

How to connect to an Azure SQL Server using the PrivateLink IP

I have an Azure logical SQL server to which I added a Private Link, the NIC is attached to an existing vnet\subnet. Our company's VPN is linked to that vnet and I can see other devices on the private link's subnet but not the SQL Server.
The SQL Server is reachable on the public URL (temporarily for testing) but trying to ping or tracert the server with the private IP fails, I can ping and tracert to other VMs on the same subnet.
I'm not using a custom DNS zone because it's imperative that we configure it with the IP and I haven't made any changes to our company DNS (I'm expecting not to have to).
Other than creating the private link and attaching it to the SQL Server, what else needs to be done? What am I missing?
I'am working on the same Issue. It's still not solved yet but there are some steps you need to do.
For the Connectivity it's required to add a DNS, especially if you want to connect from the On-Prem. Azure has a default DNS-Solution for Azure-Resources. The Problem is: From On-Prem you can't access the default Azure-DNS-Service.
So you have to configure a DNS-Zone (in Azure or On-Prem).

Connect to Azure Resource under VPN P2S

I'm trying to setup a Point-to-Site (P2S) VPN from my Windows 10 machine to my Azure Server and, even successfull connect to the VPN, I cannot connect to the server.
My Azure server has 2 network interfaces:
1st has private IP (and an associated Public IP, that allow me to connect with Remote Desktop normally, but off the VPN).
2nd has private IP, without Public IP. (the other public IP is used with the virtual network gateway to use the VPN).
I've added the net/subnet "" as addresses pool in my virtual network gateway.
* When I connect, an IP /32 address is assignet to my local machine, like /, and I can ping
(no code to be displayed)
The certificate setting is ok, the connection to the VPN is OK. I only cannot connect to my Azure Server on my second interface
Any idea that I've forgot to do?
Thank you.
The solution: My Private IP range on Azure local network Gateway has been wrong on setup. I've fixed specifying my correct local IP range, but, not only this, a new route table was created, associating this with the GatewaySubnet (in the Virtual Network).
Thanks to Nancy Xiong and msrini-MSIT for help.

Cannot access Qliksense url outside Azure Vnet

I am new to Qliksense and Azure. We have installed Qliksense in Azure Virtual machine. Trying to access the Qliksense hub/QMC URL ( from the internet/outside the azure Network, but was unsuccessful. The url is working well in the intranet.
Azure VM has a private ip address.
Created inbound rules in NSG(Network Security group) at Azure to open ports 443,80, 4244.
2.Created firewall inbound rule in VM server to open ports 80, 443, 4244, 4243, 4248, 4242
Added the url to the host white list at the virtual proxy side in Qlik QMC
May I know what wrong am doing or what I am missing here?
Firstly, If you want to access qlik url to work from the internet, you need a public IP address attached to the Azure VM or load balancer service like Azure application gateway in front of Azure VM with a public IP address. Refer to this. If you have no public IP address, you can directly deploy one and attach to the VM network interface on the Azure portal. Try to restart the Azure VM or refresh VM.
Then, make sure you have a DNS map which is pointing FQDN to your VM public IP address. You can try to access the Qliksense hub/QMC URL like https://PublicIPaddress/hub first.
Also, you can run the command netstat -anbo as the administrator in the CMD to check if the port is listening on Qliksense service. Try to telnet or Test-NetConnection the Qliksense URL before you access the Qliksense URL on the remote machine.
If the above all are no effect, you can look at this. Let me know if this works.

Assign public IP to VM on Microsoft Azure

I have created a VM instance on Windows Azure is a Windows Server 2016 and I have deployed a web application on the server. When I run the web application with localhost or private IP and it's all working fine. But, when I try typing the address with the public IP address that provided by the Azure VM instance, and the page just didn't show up.
I thought the default assigned public IP should have already mapped it to the private IP address?
Please advice.
Thank you.
Updated the NSG setting with the advice. Still no luck!
Have you allow port in NSG inbound firewall settings and OS's firewall inbound rules.
Please follow this article to add port to NSG inbound rules via Azure portal.
Also you should add ports to OS firewall inbound rules.
NSG can associate to Vnet and Subnet, please check them.
Here a similar case about it.
Azure blocks all ports by default, you need to open port 80 (443 if you are using SSL) and map them to port 80 on the server
I think the config is on VMs > Networks > Inbound Rules
