How can I implement server sent events (SSE) in SvelteKit? - node.js

I can't find a tutorial for SvelteKit without using custom express server. Are there any alternatives with an API endpoint?
I've tried setting up the API endpoint myself, but I can't make it send an update when the data changes.

You would probably have to return a ReadableStream that you can write the updates to. That way the connection is not closed.
As of now there is an open issue regarding more documentation on this.

Related question: how can a user that posted something delete/edit his post

Following documentation, I implemented an example react native app.
Is there a way to delete or update posts? From the StatusUpdateForm component or from the platform dashboard.
Updating posts (activities) are only supported server side so it can't be done by a client directly.
Deleting posts is supported by client side auth. However, support in the library isn't there though. Created a ticket for it.

Sending and Receiving data from a website to NodeJs application

basically I am trying to figure out a way to make a connection between my Discord Bot and my Website, I have some ideas in mind in using GET and POST methods but IDK how to use them in NodeJs nor in the website as I am still new to it, so what I want is to send a packet of data from the website after a submit button and the bot which is hosted locally with the website will receive this data and work with it.
Express is a commonly used web framework for Node that takes care of routing fairly easily. You can see their documentation here.

How should I start implementing telegram-mtproto without using any packages in nodeJS?

I want to implement the telegram-mtproto using nodejs and create a client nodejs telegram app but I don't know how to do this. the api and protocol part in telegram website make me confused and I didn't understand anything from them.
my starting question is how to create a keppalive connection with telegram server?
Take a look at How to implement authorization using a Telegram API? it's the most exhaustive answer that exists on the subject. None of the code is in Node but with some effort you'll be able to translate things.

Caching the response to an external web service in hapi.js

Im building a web app in hapi.js. Im pretty new to hapi.js so may not be following the framework correctly. But here is what I intend to do.
Create a hapi route which will use one of the route params to make a series of web service calls to an external host. These calls need to be done in series.
I am currently using axios to make the calls and chaining them with
.then().then() etc.
I would like to cache these responses to a redis store. I read up on the hapi caching examples of using catbox and hapi "server.methods" feature but not sure how they could be applied to a promise based call chain that I have currently. Is there something wrong with my thinking.
Catbox the caching module used by hapi does not support promises as stated here, maybe open an issue on Github or ask a question on gitter or on Github user forum to see what other users are doing.

Using Twilio with Meteor to respond to SMS

I have recently started learning how to use node.js and Meteor. I am trying to create a small app that I can query via a client built in meteor, but also query that same MongoDB via SMS using the Twilio API. I can see that this can be done with Express: How can I respond to incoming Twilio calls and SMS messages using node.js? but I wanted to use Meteor because of its apparent ease-of-use and integration with a database. I've been reading various questions about routing templates and serving static html pages in Meteor, but is there a solid way someone think I can make this work? Should I just go back to plain Express?
Twilio expects you to give them the URL where the XML response will be hosted:
My earlier response is outdated. Today one should use iron:router and create a server-side route.
