I'm looking for ways to end a thread that is handling alarms.
Right now I make use of threads started via concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor and I have one thread that simply waits to be given a datetime.datetime object through one queue.Queue, sleeps until the time specified in the datetime object is reached and then sends an alarm through another queue.
Since alarms will be scheduled repeatedly and the program is expected to run on a longer time scale, I don't want to make use of solutions like threading.Timer or asyncio.create_task, since they spawn new threads for each scheduled alarm. Is there a way to end/kill the sleeping thread prematurely or is there a better alternative for scheduling alarms than using ThreadPoolExecutor and a continuously sleeping thread?
Sadly I cannot find the question with the answer I ended up using anymore, but basically, I modified the timeout value to be the time I want to sleep. In combination with block=True, my script either gets another item from the queue or throws an Empty exception once the timeout is reached and I can continue as if my script just woke up from sleep.
I was studying about multi-threading and came across join().
As I understand right, using join() on the thread makes process wait until 'joined' thread terminates. For example, calling t1.join() in main will make main wait until the job in thread t1 is finished and t1 terminates.
I'm just curious that how the function join() make this possible - how does it make current thread 'blocked' inside the function? Does join() force execution of joined thread first so any other thread should wait until that thread terminates? Or, is there some way to communicate between two threads(the thread who called join() and the thread who is joined)?
I will be waiting for the answer. Thanks a lot!
To be able to join you need to be able to wait on some event. Then join looks like this:
function join(t : Thread)
// do this atomically
if already done
wait on termination event of t
Waiting can be done in one of two ways:
Looping and periodically checking if the event has happened (busy wait)
Letting the system reclaim the resources of the thread and be woken up on a system event, in that case waking the thread is managed by the scheduler of the OS
It's rather language specific.
Once you create a thread, it starts running.
A join operation is when your main process stops and waits for the thread to exit and capture a return code. It will block until your thread completes - that's rather the point, as it allows for a synchronization to occur - everything in your program is at a 'known state'.
Related is the detach operation, which is effectively saying 'I don't care any more'.
I'm new to multithreading and I ran into a two questions about thread scheduling with thread.yield and sleep in which I couldn't find a clear anwser to from my book or with googling. I'm going to save all pseudo codes or real codes because I think I already understand the possible starvation problem if my assumptions aren't right.
I'm going to refer to 3 pseudo threads in my questions:
My first question is that if I call thread yield or sleep in one of my 3 threads, is it guaranteed that CPU tries to schelude and process the other 2 threads before it comes back to the thread which called yield? So basically are threads in a clear queue, that makes the yiealding thread go to last of the queue?
I know that yield should give other threads chance to run but is it possible for example that after the yielding thread one of the 2 other threads tries to run and after that it goes back to the original thread which called yield, skipping the last thread and not giving it a chance to run at all?
My second question is related to the first. So do yield and sleep both have the same propeties that they both go to be the last on the queue when called like I assumed in my first question or is there anything other differences between them but the sleeping time in sleep?
If these question doesn't make sense the possible problem in my code is that before the thread which goes to sleep it has unlocked a mutex which one of the other threads has tried locking before, failed and gone waiting for it to open. So after the thread has gone to sleep, is it guaranteed that the thread which tried to lock the mutex will lock it before the sleeping thread?
Thread.yield() is a hint to thread scheduler which means "hey, right now I feel ok if you alseep me and let other thread run". There is no guarantees, it is only a hint. The assumption about the ordering of threads in "queue" is also incorrect because thread scheduling is done also by OS and it is very hard to predict a particular exection order without additional thread interaction mechanisms.
Thread.sleep() puts current thread to sleep for a specified amount of time, so the answer to your second question is - no, they do different things.
I've been searching and reading about killing threads (C posix threads), and everybody says that is not a good idea because a thread should make its work and then return... but my problem is the next:
I'm reciving messages in my local network (using the recvfrom function), but this function "blocks" my program, I mean, if I don't revice any messege the function keeps locked (forever) until it recives something.
To avoid this, I thought to use threads, so, while my main thread is "counting", my second thread is try to recive messages. If in a determinated time (i.e. 1 second), my second thread is still waiting for a message (is locked in the recvfrom function) I need to "kill it" and then create another thread to start again (and try to recive messages from another IP). This means that not always my thread going to finish its work and I can't wait forever...
So far I can do that (create a lot of threads and recive the messages from the IP I'm interested in), but I don't know how to kill the threads that never recived anything...
Someone knows how to kill the threads? Or they are killed automatically when my main program returns?
Thank you and really sorry for my poor english...
Looks like its related to one of my questions How to avoid thread waiting in the following or similar scenarios (want to make a thread wait iff its really really necessary)?
But its .net, though (code sample is in C#)
Essentially i spawned new thread and performing some i/o oeprations and its a blocking call.
And for some reason it just waits foreve, i do have timeout so that i can abort the thread 'abort' method.
Rearchitect so the thread can receive messages from any IP. That way, you can try to receive messages from another IP without having to disturb the thread.
In UNIX, if a thread calls sleep function, will the entire process not do any work for that time or only the sleep calling thread will not do any work for that time?
In a multi-threaded program, I want a thread to work for certain amount of time, how to achieve this?
man sleep says:
The sleep() function suspends execution of the calling thread until either seconds seconds have elapsed
or a signal is delivered to the thread and its action is to invoke a signal-catching function or to
terminate the thread or process. System activity may lengthen the sleep by an indeterminate amount.
This function is implemented using nanosleep(2) by pausing for seconds seconds or until a signal
occurs. Consequently, in this implementation, sleeping has no effect on the state of process timers,
and there is no special handling for SIGALRM.
so "only the calling thread".
As for your second question: It's mostly beyond your control and most people should rethink their design and leave that to the OS -- your OS controls your threads' execution. You can use conditions and signals to coordinate threads' actions to some extent. It's typically better/easier to use fewer threads and manage tasks, rather than threads directly. Even if you want to time it, there's a lot of work in trying to figure out at runtime how much time your threads are being given.
Given a System.Timers.Timer, is there a way from the main thread to tell if the worker thread running the elapsed event code is still running?
In other words, how can one make sure the code running in the worker thread is not currently running before stopping the timer or the main app/service thread the timer is running in?
Is this a matter of ditching Timer for threading timer using state, or is it just time to use threads directly?
Look up ManualResetEvent, as it is made to do specifically what you're asking for.
Your threads create a new reset event, and add it to an accessible queue that your main thread can use to see if any threads are still running.
// main thread owns this
private List<ManualResetEvent> _resetEvents;
// main thread does this to wait for executing threads to finish
WaitHandle.WaitAll(_resetEvents.ToArray(), 2000, false)
// worker threads do this to signal the thread is done
I can give you more sample code if you want, but I basically just copied it from the couple articles I read when I had to do this a year ago or so.
Forgot to mention, you can't add this functionality to the default threads you'll get when your timer fires. So you should make your timer handler be very lean and do nothing more than prepare and start a new worker thread.
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(MyWorkerDelegate),
For the out of the box solution, there is no way. The main reason is the thread running the TimerCallback function is in all likelihood still alive even if the code running the callback has completed. The TimerCallback is executed by a Thread out of the ThreadPool. When the task is completed the thread does not die, but instead goes back into the queue for the next thread pool task.
In order to get this to work your going to have to use a manner of thread safe signalling to detect the operation has completed.
Timer Documentation