problems VsCode integrated terminal - node.js

I just installed ubuntu yesterday and I just cant run any file in the output tab of VsCode (its integrated terminal). In other terminals, everything just works fine but I really want to understand, and if Its possible solve, this little problem
I already tried to reinstall both vscode and the coderunner extension. Also, Its important to mention that in some situations, the output that I got was "need to run as root or suid".


Terminal resize issue with Intellij and Git for Windows SDK

I am on Windows running Intellij and Git for Windows SDK for a feature rich terminal on Windows (pacman, oh my zsh, etc...)
I looked up previously on which command to use to make it the default Intellij Terminal and SO delivered:
How can I launch git-for-windows SDK's git-bash in Windows Terminal?
I am using the cmd from above's 2nd post:
C:\git-sdk-64\msys2_shell.cmd -defterm -here -no-start -mingw64
Everything works fine except for a stubborn resizing issue :
Every time I resize the Intellij Terminal, the MSYS terminal stops receiving key strokes and I have to reopen a new one:
( can't type after the resize under the echo hello )
Trying to avoid WSL for now as I noticed maven builds through wsl were noticeably slower than directly on powershell or via git terminal.
Not exactly a solution but if you run with MinGW32, the resize no longer causes the problem
To be seen if I will suffer from other 32/64 bit incompatibilities
using for now:
C:\git-sdk-64\msys2_shell.cmd -defterm -here -no-start -mingw32

Yarn Project Not Working After Mac OS Ventura Installation

I have updated my mac's OS and when I try to run the same commands that I did prior to the update (see file, it was simply just yarn), I get a vomit of errors on my terminal and I get a system prompt that states: The "make" command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now? After I click Install it takes about 20 minutes and it says installation finished, only to have the same behavior when I run the same command in my terminal.
Any one else a developer using Ventura running into weird problems running their code base?
Will be happy to share my output logs if somebody cares to help.
Did exactly what system prompts said, only to give me the same behavior when trying to run my code locally. It is in a feedback loop and am un sure how to approach it at this point.

Mint Linux Visual Studio terminal cant run commands

This issue is just driving me crazy. I have used VB with SSH before and had no issues. For the first time I decided to make the change to mint for my computer just run into a crazy amount of privilege's issues. However this one I just cant figure it out.
I am opened the terminal in Visual Studio and tried to send a sudo, php, apt-get literally any command. It will always come back with command not found. I also tried to open a bash terminal and got the same result.
However if I just open a normal mint terminal all the commands work. So it is not that i dont have sudo or apt-get install.
What am i doing wrong here?
i once had this problem and fixed it by changing the sh ( top right corner of the terminal ) to bash by clicking it, check if maybe you have the option to

VSCode: terminal uses different nodejs version than launch / debugger

I know there are various questions about the nodejs version used by Visual Studio Code, but none of them helped, and I noticed a very peculiar discrepancy:
If I run terminal inside vscode, I see the new version of node:
But as soon as I launch the debugger (F5), it invokes an old version of node:
I've already checked, and I am not specifying runtimeExecutable or runtimeVersion in my launch.json (and I prefer not to).
In desperation, I tried deleting /opt/node-v8.12.0-* and then F5 resulted in the error: Cannot find runtime 'node' on PATH -- but clearly it can in the terminal!
So how is it possible that vscode finds two different versions of nodejs?
Aha! While I was closing my VSCode window between attempts, I wasn't closing every VSCode window on my system (even on multiple workspaces.)
Presumably VSCode (I'm using 1.40.2 on Linux) detects the location/version of node on initial startup, and it doesn't detect new installations of node unless you shut down all instances of vscode (close all windows, or more severely, killall code.)
That's an hour I'll never get back, hope this helps someone else. :)

How to install/use Meteor with Babun Windows Shell

so I have a problem here with this custom cmd shell for windows called Babun and using it with meteor. To be honest, I am still a beginner when it comes to the cmd etc... but here is the situation.
So I am working on a meteor website and I am using WebStorm for this, meteor is already installed on my computer and the meteor commands are recognized on the windows cmd. I don't really like the default look of the windows cmd and add to the fact that I have to force it into legacy code mode in order for it to properly work as a terminal for WebStorm. That's why I searched for a more 'feature - rich' cmd and came across Babun which seems pretty handy.
I got as far as getting Babun to work within WebStorm without any problems, but its not recognizing meteor at all like my default windows cmd. This is the error I keep receiving from the console: zsh: command not found: meteor
Which is funny because my default windows cmd can pick it up, why can't Babun or this "oh-my-zsh".
I already tried adding the meteor plugin as instructed here: but meteor is still not being recognized for me. I'm running windows 10 if that helps with the latest versions of both Meteor JS and WebStorm.
If anyone could shed some light into this issue I'm having that would be greatly appreciated!
Did you add the path in the .zshrc file? See how to add path in cygwin. A lot of Babun issue can be resolved by using cygwin solution.
You can confirm by running: which meteor
