SuiteScript 2.0 - Load Custom Record Table Data - netsuite

Within Customization -> List, Records & Fields -> Custom Records I have a table with id: customrecord_{name} with the type "customrecordtype". I have multiple fields in that record
How can I use the load function to get all the data for this table/record? (For all the fields)
const data= record.load({
type: 'customrecord_{name}',
isDynamic: false
... //get all fields
I tried to look at the help center but am a bit lost on how to accomplish this.

As far as I know load won't do it. After loading a custom record with load, you can check all the fields of this custom record by calling data.getFields() method. This will return a list of field ids (including custom ones) that you can fetch by calling data.getValue such as data.getValue({'fieldId':'isinactive'}) // a regular field or data.getValue({'fieldId':'custrecord_routeproduce_highpriority'}) // a custom field
loading a custom record, checking its fields, fetching value of a custom field


How to lookupfield in lines of Client script API 2.0?

i need to pick a field from item master record. The item type is sometimes service item and sometimes itemgroup. There is some issue in record 'type' and 'id'. Please help.
My Code:
var govFeeFieldInside = search.lookupFields({
type: search.Type.ITEM,
id: item_,
lookupFields is only for body-level fields. To retrieve sublist data from any record, you will need to either perform a search or load the record.

NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0 How to specify field, sublist field or subrecord field in N/search create API

I have a button on the Purchase Order record that performs a saved search query on the current record and then uses the http module to send that data via a POST to a url. That url then sends the data posted back as part of the success confirmation. The idea with the saved search is to create a javascript object that contains all the data that I want from the purchase order (main record and items sublist with subrecords) and then to use JSON.stringify to create a JSON payload for the http POST. I can't do this with the currentRecord because if you inspect it it only contains the internal id. This would also prevent me from having to go to the great lengths of writing a lot of code to manually build up a JSON string from the currentRecord.
Unfortunately I don't really understand how to specify the column names in the dynamically created saved search. Sometimes it looks to me like the column names are those from the NetSuite Records Browser and other times the script gives an error (column not found) if I use a column name from the NetSuite Records Browser (for example currencysymbol).
I'm also not sure how to specify columns that appear in sublists or subrecords in sublists. I tried to use item.itemtype but this gave me a column not found error. Just item completes successfully but I'm not sure whether this was really successfull since it is difficult to decode the returned result after the JSON.stringify (it adds a lot of backslashes). Using console.log (for some reason I don't get anything back using the NetSuite log.audit) is also quite difficult, although it looks like it is returning an array with 5 rows. So using item might sort of be successful. I say sort of because I have 3 item lines and it is returning 5 array rows.
So basically I would like to know where one can find the names of the columns to use in NetSuite for a saved search; and also how to specify sublist column names and sublist subrecord column names in a saved search.
* #NApiVersion 2.0
* #NScriptType ClientScript
* #NModuleScope SameAccount
define(['N/ui/dialog', 'N/currentRecord', 'N/record', 'N/url', 'N/http', 'N/search'], function (dialog, rec, record, url, http, s) {
function pageInit(context) {
// All client scripts need at least one dummy function.
} // pageInit
function onButtonClick() {
var currentRecord = rec.get();
// Create a saved search dynamically.
var rs = s.create({
type: s.Type.PURCHASE_ORDER,
filters: [
["mainline", s.Operator.IS, "F"], "and",
["internalid", s.Operator.IS,]
columns: [
name: "item",
sort: s.Sort.ASC // DESC
var myPostDataObj =, 1000);
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
url: '',
body: JSON.stringify(myPostDataObj),
headers: headers
console.log('SUCCESS: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
.catch(function onRejected(reason) {
console.log('ERROR: ' + JSON.stringify(reason));
return {
pageInit: pageInit,
onButtonClick: onButtonClick
}); // Define
There are two Chrome extensions I suggest you get;
NetSuite Field Explorer. This extension will show you the ids (and values) of all the fields in a NetSuite record.
NetSuite Search Export. This extension will convert/export a saved search to SuiteScript.
For what you're doing, I would create your saved search in the UI, and then export it using the Saved Search Export extension, paste that into your code (where s.create is), and work from there.
The first extension is nice to get to the sublist field ids. Saves a lookup in the record browser.

nlapiSendEmail not attaching to a custom record

I have a script emailing a custom PDF to an entity. The PDF is generated from a custom record, and I want to be able to see the email from the entity (ok - no problem), and also the custom record mail merge tab (or comms).
Entity is fine, but the custom record is not showing the email:
The code:
var records = new Object();
records['entity'] = venId[each];
records['customrecord_sow'] = sowId;
log('Attach email to records: '+stringify(records));
nlapiSendEmail(nlapiGetUser(), recipient, subject, body, null, null, records , newFile,true);
When I view the log, the record variable contains the following:
Attach email to records: { "entity": 11, "customrecord_sow": "264" }
The record internal id is correct, as the the custom record id. But the email does not show in the mail merge on the record.
What have I missed?
For custom records, you have to specify both the custom record type id as well as the custom record id in the records object. So in your case, you would need to do something like this:
records['recordtype'] = 'customrecord_sow';
records['record'] = sowId;
in place of records['customrecord_sow'] = sowId;

Record Id and Type coming as null when I get the result from a saved search in a suitscript

I have a saved search already in my sandbox account.I am not sure on what record the saved search is created. I tried loading the saved search as :
var savedSearch = nlapiLoadSearch("item", searchId);
var resultset = savedSearch.runSearch();
resultset.getResults(0, 1000);//Actually I have looped and got all my search results.
When I run it on the debugger I get to see the results in the columns correctly, but I see the recordId and recordType of the savedsearch result is null. I want to have the recordtype, so that I can load that particular record as required.
Attached is a screenshot of the debugger results in variables section.
If the methods Eric mentions are returning nulls the your search is probably using aggregates like count and sum.
You can get internal id by including internal id as a group field and you can include type as a group field too but you can't use it directly like you can results[i].getRecordType()
nlobjSearchResult Objects have getId() and getRecordType() methods for this purpose.
For example, if you store your results in an Array called searchResults:
function printResult(result) {
var recordId = result.getId();
var recordType = result.getRecordType();
// ...

insert custom value to table using grocerycrud Add/Edit

I have a table customer with fields id,name,nickname.. I'm using grocery crud for add/edit. The field nickname should be automatically created based upon the name field. Can anyone suggest what can be done to accomplish this
You can accomplish this by using the callback_before_insert function of grocerycrud.
Here is a link to the description: callback_before_insert
Before you render your output add this:
Add the callback method:
function create_nickname_callback($post_array) {
$post_array['nickname'] = your_nickname_value;
return $post_array;
