insert custom value to table using grocerycrud Add/Edit - grocery-crud

I have a table customer with fields id,name,nickname.. I'm using grocery crud for add/edit. The field nickname should be automatically created based upon the name field. Can anyone suggest what can be done to accomplish this

You can accomplish this by using the callback_before_insert function of grocerycrud.
Here is a link to the description: callback_before_insert
Before you render your output add this:
Add the callback method:
function create_nickname_callback($post_array) {
$post_array['nickname'] = your_nickname_value;
return $post_array;


SuiteScript 2.0 - Load Custom Record Table Data

Within Customization -> List, Records & Fields -> Custom Records I have a table with id: customrecord_{name} with the type "customrecordtype". I have multiple fields in that record
How can I use the load function to get all the data for this table/record? (For all the fields)
const data= record.load({
type: 'customrecord_{name}',
isDynamic: false
... //get all fields
I tried to look at the help center but am a bit lost on how to accomplish this.
As far as I know load won't do it. After loading a custom record with load, you can check all the fields of this custom record by calling data.getFields() method. This will return a list of field ids (including custom ones) that you can fetch by calling data.getValue such as data.getValue({'fieldId':'isinactive'}) // a regular field or data.getValue({'fieldId':'custrecord_routeproduce_highpriority'}) // a custom field
loading a custom record, checking its fields, fetching value of a custom field

GraphQl filter in list field

I'm working on GraphQL API, and I want to filter my data "Products" by sellerId knowing that a product can be sold by several sellers, which means the sellers' field is an array.
Here is the query:
query GetProducts($filterObject:ProductWhereInput!){
Filter variable is defined like that
and when I execute this query I get the error
"message": "unknown field 'filterObject.sellers' in variables"
I'm not sure if that's the correct method to apply the filter, it worked for me when I use it for single-value fields, but not with arrays.
If someone could help me, I'll be thankful.
Here you defined $filterObject as a query variable
query GetProducts($filterObject:ProductWhereInput!)
But the way this line is written, it "uses" a variable that is not defined:
It's looking for a variable named: "$filterObject.sellers", not a property "sellers" of $filterObject.
Possible solution 1 - server side:
You can change the sellers field definition to use the whole $filterObject and then the resolver function on the server can extract the field it needs.
This solution makes sense if you have control over the server side.
Possible solution 2 - client side:
If you cannot change the code on the server side, you can define a separate variable and use it instead:
query GetProducts($filterObject:ProductWhereInput!, $filterSellersObject:ProductSellersWhereInput!){
(assuming ProductSellersWhereInput is a defined type)

Airtable add column dynamically

I have a base in airtable and now I need to up columns(fields) programmatically.
For example sql has a query for this operation
ADD EmployeeID numeric NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1)
Is there a API for Airtable to do such operations?
Airtable offers an API to use, but not for adding columns. There is a Node.js package and several other programing libraries available on Github.
They have official Doc's as well With out getting creative and hacking something together, it is not possible to modify a table’s schema via the API. So you cannot do actions like add columns or modify the values in an existing table.
var Airtable = require('airtable');
var base = new Airtable({apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'}).base('app$$%&#*(#');
base('Employees').update('EmployeeID', {
"EmployeeID": "Number"
}, function(err, record) {
if (err) { console.error(err); return; }
Here is a quick snippet of an update function to update a record.
you can't update dynamically an Airtable table. You can update only the existent field values. The response from Nick C is the syntax to PATCH a record.

How to autogenerate id if there is no id in document with elasticjs v5.0

I am trying to add documents, according to elastic search documents, we can add document, even if we dont provide id... See Here
I am trying to add a document even if it doesnt have any ID. in elastic search, how can i do that?
My current code looks like this
var params = _.defaults({}, {
index: index,
type: type, //'customer'
id: || null,
body: data
return this.client.create(params);
The above code gives this error
"error": "Unable to build a path with those params. Supply at least index, type, id"
Any hint would help, thanks
With the create call you MUST provide an id.
If you are not sure if an ID will be present in your data , then you can use the client.index() function instead. using that function, ES will auto-generate an ID if none is provided.

Sails.js: Dynamic table name on models

I have made a JS logger application in Sails.js and everything looks great.
Now, I'm on my way to scale the application: I need to use several tables for the same model (e.g. a table for session1 sesson2 etc based on id).
Let's say that for model "Pageview", I'll be using different tables, like "Pageview1", "Pageview2", and so on.
How could I define dynamically the tableName of that model, so I can change it on every request according to a param or attribute.
So far, I have tried this way
var tableId = 2;
Pageview.tableName = "pageview" + tableId;
Pageview.create(values, function...);
That code does not break the application, or throw any errors, but the record was saved on the default table, instead of the one I wanted.
I dont think it is possible to do so , but when i read this
I think you can use the custom format to dynamically define table names.
If you are inserting a row into a table with an auto increment primary key, you can retrieve the insert id like this:
connection.query('INSERT INTO posts SET ?', {title: 'test'}, function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
if this is valid for rows , then it might be valid for tables.
