Why is node.js "automatically" updating to latest version on Windows? - node.js

I have been using node.js for some years on Windows (10/11) and it has never automatically updated from the version that I originally installed.
Over the last few days, I have noticed that the version I originally installed (18.10.0) is being updated to 19.1.0.
Uninstalling version 19.1.0 and reinstalling 18.10.0 keeps the installed version temporarily, but at some undetermined point in time it automatically updates to later version again.
I am perplexed as to why the installation is automatically being updated. In this case to an odd numbered node.js version which results in the message "Odd numbered Node.js versions will not enter LTS status and should not be used for production." during a build.
Has anybody else experienced node.js automatically updating?
Is it possible that something else may be forcing the update?


Any way to prevent Node.js update automatically on Windows 10?

I installed Node.js on Windows version v14.15.5 for a project without checking anything on the prompts during the installation. Then at some point Node.js automagically updates to latest version v16... Any way to disable this update regardless what is happening in the code of the project or elsewhere in the system. Just wish to always keep same version that was installed or specific version, in this case v14.15.5. Thank you
Except nvm there is another reason for the automatic update.
Disclaimer: In my case it was Chocolatey.
Chocolatey can be installed as last step of node installation.
You should be able to stop this with chocolatey pin command.
Something like this:
choco pin add -n="nodejs"
choco pin add -n="nodejs.install"

How can I revert Protractor back to a selected version?

Current Node Version: V15.3.0
Current Webdriver-manager Version: 7.0.15
I am at a loss. My end-to-end automated testing was running great, until the company I work for upgraded Google Chrome to 86.0.4240.111, previously we were using Chrome 83. So naturally with the update I ran the following command webdriver-manager update --versions.chrome=86.0.4240.111 however afterwards when I attempted to run my testing, I received the error stating that ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 87. During this time I believe I had Node version V14.5.x or close to, Webdriver was version 6.14.x.
I talked with IT and we were unable to find an older version of Chrome from a trusted website to revert Google Chrome back, and so I upgraded Node and npm to the current versions stated above. Now after updating Webdriver-manager I get the error that ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 87. I talked with IT and they will not upgrade to 87 even though it was released this past week.
My question is there any version which I can install Node and NPM in which I can use my testing with the current version of chrome which is 86.0.4240.111?
And what specific commands would I need to install the said version. Would it be npm install npm#[Enter Version Here]?
Thank you for taking the time to read and look at my question. If any more info is needed please let me know and I will gladly give you what I can!
Node version doesn't matter
npm version doesn't matter
You don't need to revert protractor
It's difficult to downgrade your browser, due to security concerns. You can only go up in version, but you can install any version of the chromedriver
what you actually need to do is to match a version of your local chrome to the version of chromedriver (the driver is the layer that controls your browser, so it's important to make them correspond to each other). So
First, find out what your version of chrome is. From your example I understand it is 86.0.4240.111
Then, find out what chromedriver version can be used. Take the major version of the browser (first 3 numbers, 86.0.4240 in your case) and find the corresponding version of the driver by going to this url https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE_${CHROME_VERSION} (put the major browser version instead of ${CHROME_VERSION}). You'll see the chromedriver you're looking for is 86.0.4240.22
This is where the trickiest part begins. There are 2 installation of protractor usually:
I won't go over how to find which one you use, you can look it up. But when you find it, make sure you're updating the right one
When you know which protractor you're updating, go to it's folder and from that folder run npm i webdriver-manager#latest and then node ./bin/webdriver-manager update --gecko=false
when you updated the right webdriver, install the right chromedriver like so
node ./bin/webdriver-manager update --gecko=false --versions.chrome $VERSION
Make sure to put 86.0.4240.22 instead of $VERSION

Error with node-sass when I use the latest node:stretch docker image

Starting from today, my builds started failing with errors related with node-sass.
After some research, I found the docker image was trying to find some binding.node that doesn't exist in the node-sass GitHub repository.
After a lot of failures, I realized the docker image I was using, was node:stretch and this image was updated 13 hours ago.
I tried to change to the previous version, node:11.14.0-stretch and the error is gone.
I know I fixed the problem for now, but was this the right procedure? Was there anything else I could do?
node-sass 4.12 has been released with support for Node 12. Because it is a binary module, it needs to recompile new bindings when new releases of Node are released. Pinning to "latest" or a non-specified version of the image can cause this to happen with a new Node release is made (which you figured out by re-pinning to a particular version).

What versions of Angular 2 and Angular-cli worktogether on windows vista?

would anybody happen to know the latest versions that work together on Windows Vista? I've been back and forth trying to get the right combination together but ng new never works for some reason or another.
(this is the older post showing what I already tried)
I'm having a bit of a problem here. I attempted to update angular/cli and I got errors telling me I need to update my version of node. I have windows vista so I'm pretty much stuck with node 5.7 and npm 3.6 until I can afford a new computer.
I tried uninstalling angular and clearing the cache and installing angular-cli#1.0.0-beta.14 and it installs. I can create a new project with it though it takes a long time to create it, and it also throws an error with node-pre-gyp. I came across an article on Github that said it's meant to be installed locally in the project and not globally. So I tried uninstalling, clearing cache and installing without -g to make it local within my project folder and it still has errors installing and I still can't serve my project.
How can I clear this all up and just start back with a clean slate of Angular2? I've looked around and everything I find leads me to the docs which are now updated to something beyond what my computer can handle.
I have windows vista so I'm pretty much stuck with node 5.7 and npm 3.6 until I can afford a new computer.
Have you considered running Linux? There are many versions with a lightweight GUI that runs well on older hardware. Ubuntu Mate is an example. It's harder to run node on Windows because of symlinks.

removing older version of Ubuntu OS

I have installed ubuntu 10.x in my virtual box. From that i am upgrading the ubuntu machine to 12.04. Will the older versions[10.x] still remain in my machine or only the latest version will be available. If older versions available then how to clear my older versions of ubuntu? Please don't tell that install a new version of ubuntu. Because my data will be lost when i install a newer version of ubuntu.
Properly made upgrade process converts and replaces your old installation. That involves replacing libraries with never versions, updating sources list, converting and replacing configuration files etc. Some problems can appear, if you have not supported software installed (e.g. some PPA's can be not maintained for newer OS versions), but usually that is not a big issue.
All your private files and folders (your home folder) will survive this operation.
There are plenty of "how-tos" about upgrading Ubuntu to newer versions. Just take a look at how-do-i-upgrade-to-a-newer-version-of-ubuntu at AskUbuntu; after successfull upgrade you'll log into new version, no older version will remain on disk.
Of course, keep in mind that upgrading can take much more time than making a backup of your private files, doing clean install of new Ubuntu and getting your files back from backup.
