removing older version of Ubuntu OS - linux

I have installed ubuntu 10.x in my virtual box. From that i am upgrading the ubuntu machine to 12.04. Will the older versions[10.x] still remain in my machine or only the latest version will be available. If older versions available then how to clear my older versions of ubuntu? Please don't tell that install a new version of ubuntu. Because my data will be lost when i install a newer version of ubuntu.

Properly made upgrade process converts and replaces your old installation. That involves replacing libraries with never versions, updating sources list, converting and replacing configuration files etc. Some problems can appear, if you have not supported software installed (e.g. some PPA's can be not maintained for newer OS versions), but usually that is not a big issue.
All your private files and folders (your home folder) will survive this operation.
There are plenty of "how-tos" about upgrading Ubuntu to newer versions. Just take a look at how-do-i-upgrade-to-a-newer-version-of-ubuntu at AskUbuntu; after successfull upgrade you'll log into new version, no older version will remain on disk.
Of course, keep in mind that upgrading can take much more time than making a backup of your private files, doing clean install of new Ubuntu and getting your files back from backup.


Why is node.js "automatically" updating to latest version on Windows?

I have been using node.js for some years on Windows (10/11) and it has never automatically updated from the version that I originally installed.
Over the last few days, I have noticed that the version I originally installed (18.10.0) is being updated to 19.1.0.
Uninstalling version 19.1.0 and reinstalling 18.10.0 keeps the installed version temporarily, but at some undetermined point in time it automatically updates to later version again.
I am perplexed as to why the installation is automatically being updated. In this case to an odd numbered node.js version which results in the message "Odd numbered Node.js versions will not enter LTS status and should not be used for production." during a build.
Has anybody else experienced node.js automatically updating?
Is it possible that something else may be forcing the update?

Why are the same packages installed with older versions in certain linux distros?

So, I recently noticed that depending on which Linux machine I was running, valgrind would throw a solid 90k errors, for the exact same file/code that threw no errors using valgrind on a different machine. So, I looked into it, and it looks like while one is running valgrind-3.7.0, the other has valgrind-3.15.0. sudo apt update/upgrade didn't show anything, and reinstalling didn't make a difference. (For reference, I am using Raspbian on one and Ubuntu on the other)
Now the question: Why are packages installed with different versions on different distributions? Would it be advisable to manually install the newer version on a distro that defaults to an older version? If so, what is the easiest way to do so?
Yes i have encountered such an issue.Some packages require older versions.The errors depend on the dependencies and your system configurations.
I guess to install an older version of what you want to install, do some research and try changing /etc/sources.list.

Should my Docker base image variants match my underlying host OS?

For example, I have a server running Ubuntu 16.x that hosts a set of Docker containers that are running FROM node:x.x.x-stretch. The stretch variant is built off of Debian Jessie (the same version Ubuntu 16.x is built off of).
Is there any reason I shouldn't be using the latest Node image (node:x.x.x-buster), where -buster is built off of Debian 10?
From what I understand, this means that my node image would be more up-to-date / supported longer at the small cost of having less shared with the underlying host OS. Am I missing anything?
The main reason why people don't automatically update to the latest version, is due to package dependencies. It's difficult to keep track of what packages are dependent on what version of node, let alone what version of other packages.

Apache version upgrade issue

At present we are on Apache/2.2.15 (UNIX) version. To fix the vulnerabilities we are suggested to upgrade to new version. I got new version from online using "wget" command and followed steps mentioned on this link
Once I am done, checked version using httpd -v. It gives me old version Apache/2.2.15 (UNIX). If I check using /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd - v. It gives me new version. Did I successfully upgraded the version or not? If not what should I do?
I tried "yum install httpd" - It says "Nothing to do".
You now have two versions of Apache installed. You have the one installed with the system package manager (yum) in /usr/sbin/httpd. You have one installed manually in /usr/local/apache2/....
Which one you get will be determined entirely by which path you use.
In general, mixing system-managed packages with manually installed packages is a recipe for trouble. If you want to stick with the newer version in /usr/local, you should remove the system version, and realize that you will lose some manageability. For example, you will no longer be able to use yum install ... to install new Apache modules, and you will not be able to verify the installed files using tools like rpmverify.
If your distribution currently has Apache 2.2.x, that suggests your distribution is fairly old. For example, RHEL (and CentOS) 7 (and similar variants) have version 2.4.6 packaged, so you may want to update your host to something newer than whatever you're running now.
Yes, its successfully upgraded as per the screenshot.
httpd 2.2.15 is the version with RHEL 6 repository, here HTTPD_HOME is /etc/httpd (Highest version provided for HTTPD via RPM RHEL 6 is 2.2.15)
httpd 2.4.6 is the version with EPEL-HTTPD24 repository, here HTTPD_HOME is /usr/local/apache2/

Existing java process not affected during rpm based JDK upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7 in linux

We had java processes(cassandra service) running with jdk 1.6 in our linux machine and we did upgrade the JDK in the machine from 1.6 to 1.7 using rpm package without stopping the process (/usr/bin/jdk1.6/bin/java) which were running with earlier version of java.
After successful up gradation, the old version of jdk was removed from the machine and only the new version(1.7) was available, but the process which were running before with the older version(1.6) was not affected and still running from the old path. Eventhough the old java path which the process shows is not existing in the machine now.
Could someone please explain me this behavior?
This is the way Unix/Linux handles open files. The uninstall of the old version requested the OS to unlink the files. However, they were still open (this can be shown with lsof), so are still considered valid. Once all open file handles are closed, the files will be "permanently" deleted. A little more info can be found here.
