Why does the font change so terribly when changing the font of the Android studio panel Settings -> appearance - android-studio

After changing the idea android studio font, only a part of the elements changes, without affecting many, which can be seen below
choose the font size
Result marker
Changed the font, restarted idea, restarted the computer, reinstalled idea


Change the font in the Android Studio editor or IntelliJ IDEA

I think the title is already clear enough.
I have been able to change the font for my editor through accessing:
Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > Font
But happens that some of my fonts are not available there; although a lot of them they are. This happens to me in this machine with the FightingSpirit font. Not that I want to use it but it's one where the issue happens.
At work I have added ligatures to the Menlo font using an open source project and it doesn't show up. I've tried disabling Show only monospaced fonts and although more fonts show up, some of the fonts still are not available.
Is there any fix for this, is it impossible for some fonts or am I doing something wrong?
I have been able to set that ligaturized font to some of my editors and terminal, so the font is not corrupted and does work.
After some IDE updates the font showed up so the problem fixed itself

Android Studio Fabric Plugin displays wrong characters - the weirdest bug

I have the weirdest display bug in the Fabric Plugin for Android Studio.
Check it out :
Interestingly :
I discovered that each and every character was replaced by its ASCII value minus 2. Ex : "2 PEOPLE" is displayed "0 NCMNJC".
Characters are weirdly overlapping each other. As the typeface is not monospace ('m' takes more space than 'i'), it indicates that the required space for each character is rightfully calculated, but the wrong character is finally displayed.
Any idea ?
I'm running Android Studio 2.3.2 on Windows 10.
Turned out to be a much wider problem I solved by deleting hundreds of fonts following that piece of advice
I don't know which font was causing this and why it only affected this particular plugin of this particular software though.
i'm running windows 7 and run into the same problem what worked for me is :
startMenu>control panel>
top right on control panel window choosing any other view than category >
choose fonts folder>
in the fonts window on the top left choose font setting
and than press the restore default font setting
after all this restart your computer and than you should see the right font displayed also note that i did a full uninstall and reinstall of the fabric.io plugin to android studio before restarting computer cause when i reset the font setting it caused a quick display of the right font and than jumped to the bugged font all over...

Why won't Visual Studio 2012 let me change fonts?

Every font I try to change to that isn't Consolas or Courier just shows up as Courier.
I don't understand. Terminal, FixedSys, Terminus (custom), Lucida Console, and every other mono-space font I tried using just comes up as Courier.
I've ran VS as Administrator, re-logged, changed my control panel font size settings, tried different zoom %'s within VS, change the font size around a bunch within VS as well... nothing seems to work.
I googled around and couldn't find anyone with the same problem. Any help much appreciated!

Visual Studio 2012 Test results font

How do I change the font in VS2012's test results window ?
I'm guessing it's somewhere under Environment -> Fonts and Colors but there's just too many options there. Here's an image for clarification:
Yes, this is an awful bug that makes the already unusable test explorer even more unusable. There is a workaround, and that is to set Environment -> Fonts and Colors -> Environment Font which will change the font in the test explorer window. But this changes everything too.

How to change the font size of Resharper?

How to change the font size of the Resharper?
I found the font size of File Structure, Live Templates and other UI components unbearably small.
I couldn't find any options to customize font size. I tried to increase Windows DPI to 150%. That works but cause a lot of other problems.
I'm using Resharper 5.1.3.
ReSharper still uses system font settings for many of its controls. Use the Control Panel to change font size in these controls.
Same as changing the colors, it's in visual studio options not resharper.
but under resharper settings.
Look at this link:
Changing Resharper's color scheme
look carefully at the issues presented in some user's visual studio. I had to reinstall resharper in order to change the color and font size.
