Why won't Visual Studio 2012 let me change fonts? - visual-studio-2012

Every font I try to change to that isn't Consolas or Courier just shows up as Courier.
I don't understand. Terminal, FixedSys, Terminus (custom), Lucida Console, and every other mono-space font I tried using just comes up as Courier.
I've ran VS as Administrator, re-logged, changed my control panel font size settings, tried different zoom %'s within VS, change the font size around a bunch within VS as well... nothing seems to work.
I googled around and couldn't find anyone with the same problem. Any help much appreciated!


Why does the font change so terribly when changing the font of the Android studio panel Settings -> appearance

After changing the idea android studio font, only a part of the elements changes, without affecting many, which can be seen below
choose the font size
Result marker
Changed the font, restarted idea, restarted the computer, reinstalled idea

Change the font in the Android Studio editor or IntelliJ IDEA

I think the title is already clear enough.
I have been able to change the font for my editor through accessing:
Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > Font
But happens that some of my fonts are not available there; although a lot of them they are. This happens to me in this machine with the FightingSpirit font. Not that I want to use it but it's one where the issue happens.
At work I have added ligatures to the Menlo font using an open source project and it doesn't show up. I've tried disabling Show only monospaced fonts and although more fonts show up, some of the fonts still are not available.
Is there any fix for this, is it impossible for some fonts or am I doing something wrong?
I have been able to set that ligaturized font to some of my editors and terminal, so the font is not corrupted and does work.
After some IDE updates the font showed up so the problem fixed itself

What causes control text to get cut off?

My VB6 application is having a layout problem on certain end user PCs, but so far we are unable to identify what is causing this.
Normal layout:
Broken layout:
The text on the left are the captions of the radio buttons. The text in the upper right is a label.
I am familiar with two different settings in Windows Control Panel which can affect text size, and initially we suspected this was the cause. In Windows 10, they are:
Control Panel >
Appearance and Personalization >
Display >
(1) "Use these display settings" > "Customize your display"
(2) "Set a custom scaling level"
(Terminology was different in earlier Windows versions but I think the features were the same?)
However upon testing these settings with our app neither reproduces the problem.
What else might be causing the text layout issue shown in the image?
This appears to be caused by a Windows bug.
The description & fix as mentioned in the source website are as follows:
if you have a high resolution screen at install time, Win7 will install a larger font set (125%) by default. If you then choose go back to the standard font size (100%), Windows will keep some of the large fonts even though everything else is adjusted for standard fonts, causing programs that use these fonts to break because the text will not always fit inside the GUI.
By editing the Windows registry you can get the original, intended fonts back:
Open the start menu and type regedit and then press Enter.
Locate the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts
Find the value MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24
Find MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24
Finally find Courier 10,12,15
Change from COURF.FON to COURE.FON
Restart your system in order for the changes to take effect!
The exact font names may vary depending on locale settings.
I was able to create the problem scenario as described here on Windows 10, and that reproduced the problem with our VB6 app. I think that confirms this as the fix.
A Microsoft blog post seems to be the authoritative original source of this information.

Android Studio IDE - Terminal Background Text Colors different from Terminal Background Color

I just recently installed Android Studio on my Windows 10 computer, and I am trying to resolve this dissonant background color issue in the built-in terminal. Screenshot here. I have not had this problem when I used Android Studio on Ubuntu 14.04.
The color of the text background is black, while the color of the console background is white. This issue is not related to my using Git Bash as my terminal as it also occurs when I use Windows Command Prompt.
I have checked through Settings --> Editor --> Colors and Fonts --> Console Colors and was unable to find anything that would allow me to resolve the background colors. I have also tried changing the color scheme to something different (e.g. Darcula). Screenshot here. Additionally, I also tried to change the overall UI theme and still got identical results.
The terminal is ugly, but I would love to take advantage of its built-in conveniences for using Git. The Android logcat output and Gradle messages look perfectly fine. How can I fix this so that the text and console background colors are the same? Thanks in advance.
I struggled with this issue for a while too.
From experience, the terminal takes the colors of the Windows console. Not that very well however that was the only way that I could do the required changes.
Open a cmd window in windows and on the main menu go to defaults.
Change the colors and save. Next terminal in Android Studio will change on next instance.
The colors won't follow exactly so one needs some experimenting. Best results I got with black text on white background.

Visual Studio 2012 Test results font

How do I change the font in VS2012's test results window ?
I'm guessing it's somewhere under Environment -> Fonts and Colors but there's just too many options there. Here's an image for clarification:
Yes, this is an awful bug that makes the already unusable test explorer even more unusable. There is a workaround, and that is to set Environment -> Fonts and Colors -> Environment Font which will change the font in the test explorer window. But this changes everything too.
