Subword vector in fastText? - nlp

I can't figure out what a subword input vector is. I read in the newspaper that the subword is hashed, the subword is the hash code, hash code is a number, not a vector
Ex: Input vector of word eating is [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]
So what is the input vector of subwords "eat", "ati", "ing",...?
Link paper:
enter image description here
the subword is the hash code, hash code is a number, not a vector

The FastText subwords are, as you've suggested, fragments of the full word. For the purposes of subword creation, FastText will also prepend/append special start-of-word and end-of-word characters. (If I recall correctly, it uses < & >.)
So, for the full word token 'eating', it is considered as '<eating>'.
All the 3-character subwords would be '<ea', 'eat', 'ati', 'tin', 'ing', 'ng>'.
All the 4-character subwords would be '<eat', 'atin', 'ting', 'ing>'.
All the 5-character subwords would be '<eati', 'ating', 'ting>'.
I see you've written out a "one-hot" representation of the full word 'eating' – [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0] – as if 'eating' is the 4th word in a 9-word vocabulary. While diagrams & certain ways of thnking about the underlying model may consider such a one-hot vector, it's useful to realize that in actual code implementations, such a sparse one-hot vector for words is never actually created.
Instead, it's just represented as a single number – the index to the non-zero number. That's used as a lookup into an array of vectors of the configured 'dense' size, returning one input word-vector of that size for the word.
For example, imagine you have a model with a 1-million word known vocabulary, which offers 100-dimensional 'dense embedding' word-vectors. The word 'eating' is the 543,210th word.
That model will have an array of input-vectors that's has one million slots, and each slot has a 100-dimensional vector in it. We could call it word_vectors_in. The word 'eating''s vector will be at word_vectors_in[543209] (beccause the 1st vector is at word_vectors_in[0]).
At no point during the creation/training/use of this model will an actual 1-million-long one-hot vector for 'eating' be created. Most often, it'll just be referred-to inside the code as the word-index 543209. The model will have a helper lookup dictionary/hashmap, let's call it word_index that lets code find the right slot for a word. So word_index['eating'] will be 543209.
OK, now to your actual question, about the subwords. I've detailed how the the single vectors per one known full word are stored, above, in order to contrast it with the different way subwords are handled.
Subwords are also stored in a big array of vectors, but that array is treated as a collision-oblivious hashtable. That is, by design, many subwords can and do all reuse the same slot.
Let's call that big array of subword vectors subword_vector_in. Let's also make it 1 million slots long, where each slot has a 100-dimensional vector.
But now, there is no dictionary that remembers which subwords are in which slots - for example, remembering that subword '<eat' is in arbitrary slot 78789.
Instead, the string '<eat' is hashed to a number, that number is restricted to the possible indexes into the subwords, and the vector at that index, let's say it's 12344, is used for the subword.
And then when some other subword comes along, maybe '<dri', it might hash to the exact-same 12344 slot. And that same vector then gets adjusted for that other subword (during training), or returned for both those subwords (and possibly many others) during later FastText-vector synthesis from the finali model.
Notably, now even if there are far more than 1-million unique subwords, they can all be represented inside that single 1-million slot array, albeit with collisions/interference.
In practice, the collisions are tolerable because many collisions from very-rare subwords essentially just fuzz slots with lots of random noise that mostly cancels out. For the most-common subwords, that tend to carry any unique meaning because of the way word-roots/prefixes/suffixes hint at word meaning in English & similar langauges, those very-common examples overpower the other noise, and ensure that slot, for at least one or more of its most-common subwords, carries at least some hint of the subword's implied meaning(s).
So when FastText assembles its final word-vector, by adding:
word_vector_in[word_index['eating']] # learned known-word vector
+ subword_vector_in[slot_hash('<ea')] # 1st 3-char subword
+ subword_vector_in[slot_hash('eat')]
+ subword_vector_in[slot_hash('ati')]
... # other 3-char subwords
... # every 4-char subword
... # other 5-char subwords
+ subword_vector_in[slot_hash('ting>')] # last 5-char subword
…it gets something that's dominated by the (likely stronger-in-magnitude) known full-word vector, with some useful hints of meaning also contributed by the (probably lower-magnitude) many noisy subword vectors.
And then if we were to imagine that some other word that's not part of the known 1-million word vocabulary comes along, say 'eatery', it has nothing from word_vector_in for the full word, but it can still do:
subword_vector_in[slot_hash('<ea')] # 1st 3-char subword
+ subword_vector_in[slot_hash('eat')]
+ subword_vector_in[slot_hash('ate')]
... # other 3-char subwords
... # every 4-char subword
... # other 5-char subwords
+ subword_vector_in[slot_hash('tery>')] # last 5-char subword
Because at least a few of those subwords likely include some meaningful hints of the meaning of the word 'eatery' – especially meanings around 'eat' or even the venue/vendor aspects of the suffix -tery, this synthesized guess for an out-of-vocabulary (OOV) word will be better than a random vector, & often better than ignoring the word entirely in whatever upper-level process is using the FastText vectors.


I want to write a function that takes in an arbitrary word and generates a sentence where the word has a high probability of appearing

I want to write a function that takes in an arbitrary word and generates a sentence (or set of sentences) where the word has a high probability of appearing. For example,
>> generate_sentence("lawn")
>> ['Joe mowed the lawn', 'Nothing beats the smell of a freshly mown lawn', ...]
How do I approach this problem?
If I already have a set of candidate sentences, it is easy to order them according to the probability of my word appearing, by using a language model (e.g., GPT-2). However, I want to generate these sentences from the language model directly, while enforcing a minimum probability of my word as a constraint (e.g., minimum probability = 50%).

What do negative vectors mean on word2vec?

I am doing a research on travel reviews and used word2vec to analyze the reviews. However, when I showed my output to my adviser, he said that I have a lot of words with negative vector values and that only words with positive values are considered logical.
What could these negative values mean? Is there a way to ensure that all vector values I will get in my analysis would be positive?
While some other word-modeling algorithms do in fact model words into spaces where dimensions are 0 or positive, and the individual positive dimensions might be clearly meaningful to humans, that is not the case with the original, canonical 'word2vec' algorithm.
The positive/negativeness of any word2vec word-vector – in a particular dimension, or in net magnitude – has no strong meaning. Meaningful words will be spread out in every direction from the origin point. Directions or neighborhoods in this space that loosely correlate to recognizable categories may appear anywhere, and skew with respect to any of the dimensional axes.
(Here's a related algorithm that does use non-negative constraints – But most references to 'word2vec' mean the classic approach where dimensions usefully range over all reals.)

How does gensim calculate doc2vec paragraph vectors

i am going thorugh this paper
and it states that
" Theparagraph vector and word vectors are averaged or concatenated
to predict the next word in a context. In the experiments, we use
concatenation as the method to combine the vectors."
How does concatenation or averaging work?
example (if paragraph 1 contain word1 and word2):
word1 vector =[0.1,0.2,0.3]
word2 vector =[0.4,0.5,0.6]
concat method
does paragraph vector = [0.1+0.4,0.2+0.5,0.3+0.6] ?
Average method
does paragraph vector = [(0.1+0.4)/2,(0.2+0.5)/2,(0.3+0.6)/2] ?
Also from this image:
It is stated that :
The paragraph token can be thought of as another word. It acts as a
memory that remembers what is missing from the current context – or
the topic of the paragraph. For this reason, we often call this model
the Distributed Memory Model of Paragraph Vectors (PV-DM).
Is the paragraph token equal to the paragraph vector which is equal to on?
How does concatenation or averaging work?
You got it right for the average. The concatenation is: [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6].
Is the paragraph token equal to the paragraph vector which is equal to on?
The "paragraph token" is mapped to a vector that is called "paragraph vector". It is different from the token "on", and different from the word vector that the token "on" is mapped to.
A simple (and sometimes useful) vector for a range of text is the sum or average of the text's words' vectors – but that's not what the 'Paragraph Vector' of the 'Paragraph Vectors' paper is.
Rather, the Paragraph Vector is another vector, trained similarly to the word vectors, which is also adjusted to help in word-prediction. These vectors are combined (or interleaved) with the word vectors to feed the prediction model. That is, the averaging (in DM mode) includes the PV alongside word-vectors - it doesn't compose the PV from word-vectors.
In the diagram, on is the target-word being predicted, in that diagram by a combination of closely-neighboring words and the full-example's PV, which may perhaps be informally thought of as a special pseudoword, ranging over the entire text example, participating in all the sliding 'windows' of real words.

Tensorflow : RNN with char input

Suppose I want to train an RNN on pseudo-random words (not part of any dictionary) so I can't use word2vec. How can I represent each char in the word using tensorflow?
If you are just doing characters you can just use a one hot vector of size 128 which can represent every ascii character (you may want to use smaller since I doubt you will use all ascii characters, maybe just 26 for every letter). You don't really need to use anything like word vectors since the range of possibilities is small.
Actually when you use the one hot encodings you are kind of learning vectors for each character. Say your first dense layer (or rnn layer) contains 100 neurons. Then this would result in a 128x100 matrix multiply with the one hot encoding. Since all but one of the values is non zero you are essentially selecting a single row of size 100 from the matrix which is a vector representation of that character. Essentially that first matrix is just a list of the vectors which represent each character and your model will learn these vector representations. Due to the sparseness of the one hot encodings it is often faster to just look up the row rather than carry out the full matrix multiply. This is what the tf.nn.embedding_lookup or tf.gather function is used for.

What is the meaning of "isolated symbol probabilities of English"

In a note I found this phrase:
Using isolated symbol probabilities of English language, you can find out the entropy of the language.
What is actually meant by "isolated symbol probabilities"? This is related to the entropy of an information source.
It would be helpful to know where the note came from and what the context is, but even without that I am quite sure this simply means that they use the frequency of individual symbols (e.g. characters) as the basis for entropy, rather than for example the joint probability (of character sequences), or the conditional probability (of one particular character to follow another).
So if you have an alphabet X={a,b,c,...,z} and a probability P(a), P(b),... for each character to appear in text (e.g. based on the frequency found in a data example), you'd compute the entropy by computing -P(x) * log(P(x)) for each character x individually and then taking the sum of all. Then, obviously, you'd have used the probability of each character in isolation, rather than the probability of each character in context.
Note, however, that the term symbol in the note you found does not necessarily refer to characters. It might refer to words or other units of text. Nevertheless, the point they are making is that they apply the classical formula for entropy to probabilities of individual events (characters, words, whatever), not probabilities of complex or conditional events.
