how to add creating protobuf python files [duplicate] - python-3.x

I'm trying to use add_custom_command to generate a file during the build. The command never seemed to be run, so I made this test file.
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.6 )
OUTPUT hello.txt
COMMAND touch hello.txt
DEPENDS hello.txt
I tried running:
cmake .
And hello.txt was not generated. What have I done wrong?

The add_custom_target(run ALL ... solution will work for simple cases when you only have one target you're building, but breaks down when you have multiple top level targets, e.g. app and tests.
I ran into this same problem when I was trying to package up some test data files into an object file so my unit tests wouldn't depend on anything external. I solved it using add_custom_command and some additional dependency magic with set_property.
OUTPUT testData.cpp
COMMAND reswrap
ARGS testData.src > testData.cpp
DEPENDS testData.src
set_property(SOURCE unit-tests.cpp APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS testData.cpp)
add_executable(app main.cpp)
add_executable(tests unit-tests.cpp)
So now testData.cpp will generated before unit-tests.cpp is compiled, and any time testData.src changes. If the command you're calling is really slow you get the added bonus that when you build just the app target you won't have to wait around for that command (which only the tests executable needs) to finish.
It's not shown above, but careful application of ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}, ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} and include_directories() will keep your source tree clean of generated files.

Add the following:
add_custom_target(run ALL
DEPENDS hello.txt)
If you're familiar with makefiles, this means:
all: run
run: hello.txt

The problem with two existing answers is that they either make the dependency global (add_custom_target(name ALL ...)), or they assign it to a specific, single file (set_property(...)) which gets obnoxious if you have many files that need it as a dependency. Instead what we want is a target that we can make a dependency of another target.
The way to do this is to use add_custom_command to define the rule, and then add_custom_target to define a new target based on that rule. Then you can add that target as a dependency of another target via add_dependencies.
# this defines the build rule for some_file
OUTPUT some_file
# create a target that includes some_file, this gives us a name that we can use later
DEPENDS some_file
# then let's suppose we're creating a library
add_library(some_library some_other_file.c)
# we can add the target as a dependency, and it will affect only this library
add_dependencies(some_library some_target)
The advantages of this approach:
some_target is not a dependency for ALL, which means you only build it when it's required by a specific target. (Whereas add_custom_target(name ALL ...) would build it unconditionally for all targets.)
Because some_target is a dependency for the library as a whole, it will get built before all of the files in that library. That means that if there are many files in the library, we don't have to do set_property on every single one of them.
If we add DEPENDS to add_custom_command then it will only get rebuilt when its inputs change. (Compare this to the approach that uses add_custom_target(name ALL ...) where the command gets run on every build regardless of whether it needs to or not.)
For more information on why things work this way, see this blog post:

This question is pretty old, but even if I follow the suggested recommendations, it does not work for me (at least not every time).
I am using Android Studio and I need to call cMake to build C++ library. It works fine until I add the code to run my custom script (in fact, at the moment I try to run 'touch', as in the example above).
First of,
does not work at all.
I tried
execute_process (
COMMAND touch hello.txt
it works, but not every time!
I tried to clean the project, remove the created file(s) manually, same thing.
Tried cMake versions:
when they work, they produce different results, depending on cMake version, one file or several. This is not that important as long as they work, but that's the issue.
Can somebody shed light on this mystery?


I am using coverity to analyse node-ts template for a service. What should I use to build it?

Installed coverity
Configured compiler
cov-configure --javascript
cov-configure --cs
I am stuck at the build step of cov-build. Yarn is used to run and configure the service. But I am not sure what coverity wants here.
I tried a couple of npm run commands, every time end up getting this:
[WARNING] No files were emitted. This may be due to a problem with your configuration
or because no files were actually compiled by your build command.
Please make sure you have configured the compilers actually used in the compilation.
I also tried different compilers, but no luck.
What should be done in this case?
You need to do a file system capture for Javascript files. You can accomplish this by running cov-build with the --no-command flag.
cov-build --dir CoverityIntermedediateDir --no-command --fs-capture-list list.txt
Lets break down these commands:
--dir: intermediate directory to store the emitted results (used for cov-analyze later).
--no-command: Do not run a build command and to look for certain file types
--fs-capture-list: Use the file that is provided to specify which files to look at and possibly emit to the intermediate directory.
A recommended way to generate the list.txt file is to grab it from your source control. If using git run:
git ls-files > list.txt
I want to also point out that if you don't have a convenient way to get a file listing in order to use the --fs-capture-list command you can use --fs-capture-search command and pair that with a filter to exclude the node_modules directory.
The coverity forums have some useful questions and answers:
Node.js File system capture
Really, the best place to look is at the documentation. There are several examples of what you want to do in their guides.

Why does CMake generator for Unix Makefiles delete files?

I have a rather complex CMake configuration, which contains several execute_process commands which create files during the configuration stage. Sometimes after some changes in the CMake configuration the generation stage deletes these files. I can reproduce that.
I've checked that the files exist after the configuration stage but are gone after the Makefile generation and before actually calling make.
The files are created in some cases simply by ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy and in other cases by calling a script with ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P which contains a configure_file call to replace some placeholders in a template.
The files are created in the source tree. Their purpose is to provide the developer with some initial code. When the developer has edited the files, they should be committed to version control and not be re-created again unless they are missing. I have add_custom_commands to recreate the files if they're missing, but those are not the culprit.
I know, you'd prefer a simple test example, but unfortunately this is not so easy to create, so my question is:
What might be the cause and how can I debug that?
Unfortunately, the --trace options of cmake do not give any log data about the generation stage.
OS: Ubuntu 16.04
CMake 3.5.1 (belonging to Ubuntu 16.04)
I've compiled CMake itself with the current master commit (696b2d4) and the behavior is still the same.
By running CMake under a debugger I've discovered that the line
in function cmGlobalGenerator::CheckRuleHashes(std::string const& pfile, std::string const& home) actually deletes the files. It is called from cmGlobalGenerator::Generate().
With further debugging (see update in the question) I've found the cause of my problem.
CMake's behavior
CMake's global generator creates the file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/CMakeRuleHashes.txt. It contains a line for every custom command with outputs. Each line contains a hash and the path to the first output of the custom command.
The hash is made over the current binary dir of the custom command and the entire content of the COMMAND arguments of add_custom_command.
On generation CMake executes cmGlobalGenerator::CheckRuleHashes to check if the hashes are still up to date. If a hash is not up to date the corresponding output file will be removed, obviously to trigger re-execution of the custom command in the build stage.
Cause of my problem
As mentioned in the question I execute the file creation command with execute_process during configuration and call add_custom_command with the same file creation command to trigger re-creation of the file in case it was missing.
So, CMake creates a hash line in its CMakeRuleHashes.txt for the file to be created.
Some of my add_custom_command calls are contained in a CMake file included from different CMakeLists.txt belonging to different sub-directories of the source. Depending on my actual configuration only specific sub-directories are added with add_subdirectory.
Thus, because the sub-directory is part of the hash of the custom command, the hash changes depending on the sub-directory added which includes the custom command. The changed hash then causes the deletion of the output file.
I have to redesign my CMake configuration to resolve the dependency of the custom command on the CMake binary directory.
Debugging generation stage
This could be done by compiling CMake itself as Debug build type and run it under a debugger.

Build libpng without PNG_READ_eXIf_SUPPORTED for linux

I need to build libpng, but without #define PNG_READ_eXIf_SUPPORTED in pnglibconf.h
I've read comments from pnglibconf.dfa, and here are some ways of disabling features, however I didn't manage to make what I want using them.
The problem is in that, build process is performed on build server, so I can't change any files inside of libpng submodule. Here is how server works:
Download clone sources from git
Generate makefile by running cmake ..
Run make command.
Thus I have libnpg, but with included PNG_READ_eXIf_SUPPORTED option.
Libpng is a submodule of my project, so it checked out by build server automatically so I can't change pnglibconf manually.
As it said in pnglibconf.dfa file:
There are three ways of disabling features, in no particular order:
1) Create 'pngusr.h', enter the required private build information
detailed below and #define PNG_NO_<option> for each option you
don't want in that file in that file. You can also turn on options
using PNG_<option>_SUPPORTED. When you have finished rerun
configure and rebuild pnglibconf.h file with -DPNG_USER_CONFIG:
make clean
make pnglibconf.h
pngusr.h is only used during the creation of pnglibconf.h, but it
is safer to ensure that -DPNG_USER_CONFIG is specified throughout
the build by changing the CPPFLAGS passed to the initial ./configure
I tried to do what is written here. I run cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-DPNG_USER_CONFIG -I/home/me/dev/include" where /home/me/dev/include - is a path to pngusr.h file
Then I run make command. However, PNG_READ_eXIf_SUPPORTED is still present in generated (by make command pnglibconf.h file).
So my main question is how to make libpng without PNG_READ_eXIf_SUPPORTED option?
It remains unclear to me whether and to what extent the specific customization mechanism you are trying to use works in the version of libpng you are trying to use. But it looks like there's a simpler way. Just below the excerpt you posted, in the same file, is the second (of three) alternatives:
2) Add definitions of the settings you want to change to CPPFLAGS;
for example:
(lightly formatted). I'm not in a good position to test that on the CMake-based build system, but it seems to work like a charm in the Autotools build system. From examining and comparing the two, I think it will work for CMake, too. In particular, you would want to run
for your particular case.
Note, by the way, that the CPP (i.e. preprocessor) flags are the right place for an option such as you are specifying (for -DPNG_USR_CONFIG in your original attempt, too). In practice, though, they probably still work in the C compiler flags.

CMake: How to execute a command before make install?

This is the way I install the config files:
file(GLOB ConfigFiles ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/configs/*.xml
install(FILES ${ConfigFiles} DESTINATION ${INSTDIR})
But I need to convert one of the xml files before installing it. There is an executable that can do this job for me:
./Convertor a.xml a-converted.xml
How can I automatically convert the xml file before installing it? It should be a custom command or target that installing depends on it, I just don't know how to make the install command depend on it though. Any advice would be appreciated!
Take a look at the SCRIPT version of install:
The SCRIPT and CODE signature:
install([[SCRIPT <file>] [CODE <code>]] [...])
The SCRIPT form will invoke the given CMake script files during
installation. If the script file name is a relative path it will be
interpreted with respect to the current source directory. The CODE
form will invoke the given CMake code during installation. Code is
specified as a single argument inside a double-quoted string.
For example:
install(CODE "execute_process(\"./Convertor a.xml a-converted.xml\")")
install(FILES a-converted.xml DESTINATION ${INSTDIR})
Be sure to checkout the entry for execute_process in the manual. Also be aware that macro expansion inside the CODE parameter can be a bit tricky to get right. Check the generated cmake_install.cmake in your build directory where the generated code will be placed.
I think that your specific case would work better if you were to use a custom command and target like so:
OUTPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/a-converted.xml
COMMAND ./Convertor a.xml a-converted.xml
add_custom_target(run ALL
DEPENDS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/a-converted.xml
COMMENT "Generating a-converted.xml" VERBATIM
FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/a-converted.xml
Note: I don't have all the details, so the directories are probably
not exactly what you'd want in your environment, although it's
a good idea to generate files in the ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} area.
That way you can be sure that the file a-converted.xml is built at the time you want to install it. Especially, these two rules make sure that if you make changes to the file, it gets recompiled.

Running a program from the source tree

Should it generally be possible to run a program from the source directory (src) after having invoked ./configure and make (but not make install)? I'm trying to fix a bug in an application and it seems unnecessary to run make install after each code change. Unfortunately I can't run the application in the source directory since it tries to access files in the lib installation directory (which do not exist before make install). Is the application wrongly configured or do I have to reinstall it after each change to the source code?
It all depends on the application and what components or files it expects to be visible and where. But assuming no required configuration or dependencies, then yes, you can run the program in-place.
To add a directory to your lib search path, add to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Like so:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/user/myproject/lib" ./someprogram
Note that specifiying a variable assignment on the command line in front of the program you run sets that variable for that run only. (Note, no semicolon -- this is a single command.) If you want to set the variable for the entire session, use
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/user/myproject/lib"
I'd recommend against this, though. It can lead to problems and confusion.
