MS Subcriptions REST API returns empty value - azure

I register a new app to my Azure tenant and then use the Subscription REST API below to get my subscription id. But, it returns an empty value.
Is this a bug of the REST API, or the app is missing some required configurations?

I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got below results:
I registered one Azure AD application and granted API permission like below:
I generated the access token via Postman using below parameters:
When I used the above token to get subscriptions, I got same response as you like below:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
To get the desired results, make sure to assign required role like Reader to the service principal under your subscription like below:
Go to Azure Portal -> Subscriptions -> Your Subscription -> Access control (IAM) -> Add role assignment
Now I generated token again and got the subscription details like ID successfully with below API call:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
If you want to list all subscriptions, then assign Reader role to your service principal under management group level instead of specific subscription.


Query Application Insights via Azure REST API

I'm trying to query application insights via their REST API. I'm stuck on getting a token.
I have created an API key using the API Access blade in Azure Application Insights:
That gives you an Application ID and an API Key.
I have populated postman with the following:
url:<Our Tenant ID>/oauth2/token
tenant: <Our Tenant ID>
client_id: <The Application ID from the API Access screen>
client_secret: <The API Key from the API Access screen>
grant_type: client_credentials
All of this is taken from their documentation page here:
The error is as follows:
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"error_description": "AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '<application ID from API Access screen>' was not found in the directory '<My Company Name>'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.\r\nTrace ID: 57f78a92-fe94-40e3-a183-e3002be32801\r\nCorrelation ID: 0ab8e3ec-655d-44aa-93fa-4d3941862d11\r\nTimestamp: 2022-11-30 15:04:20Z",
I checked with the Azure Admin for our company and I'm definitely sending this to the right tenant. Also he created another key for me so it's not that either.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got below results:
I created an API key from API Access blade in Azure Application Insights like below:
When I tried to acquire the token via Postman with below parameters, I got same error as below:
client_id: <Application ID from API Access screen>
client_secret: <API Key from API Access screen>
There is no need to generate token separately if you want to query Application insights using API key.
Without including token, you can directly query Application insights by including x-api-key header like below:
GET{Application ID from API Access screen}/metadata
x-api-key: <API Key from API Access screen>
The process you are currently following works only if you want to authenticate your API via Azure AD. In that case, you can generate the access token by granting required roles and scopes to registered Azure AD application.
But if your requirement is using API key, you can run any query by simply including x-api-key header for Authorization purpose.

Microsoft Azure OAuth Client Credentials Token gets "AuthorizationFailed" response

I want create APIM subscriptions through rest api, And was able to do it successfully by following this Microsoft doc,
And for Authentication I am generating a bearer token using ROPC grant type(My UserName & Password). Everything works fine with this flow.
But i dont want to configure my username & password in a application to get a bearer token, instead i followed Client-Credentials grant type(get token by client id & secret), i am able to generate token, but when i use that token to create subscription in APIM, i am getting a exception
The client '0--e' with object id '0--e' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/write'
Is it possible to add a AAD application inside APIM AccessControl(IAM) to grant permission.
Or is this any other way to do this? or ROPC is the only way?
Can someone please help.
Yes, you can grant permission to AAD application (service principal) in APIM Access Control (IAM) by assigning it API Management Service Contributor role.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the below results:
I have generated one access token using Client-Credentials grant type like below:
When I used the above token to create APIM subscription with below query, I got the same error:
"properties": {
"ownerId": "/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgname/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/servicename/users/xxxxxxxxxxx",
"scope": "/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgname/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/servicename/products/xxxxxxxxxxx",
"displayName": "testsub"
To resolve the error, you need to grant API Management Service Contributor role for that application like below:
Go to Azure Portal -> APIM Services -> Your APIM -> Access control (IAM) -> Add role assignment
After granting the above role, I generated the access token again and ran the same query as below:
When I checked the Portal, APIM subscription got created successfully like below:
How to use Role-Based Access Control in Azure API Management | Microsoft Docs

What scope for Azure resource management with the device authorization grant type?

I'm building a CLI app for provisioning Azure resources. Previously I was using the authorization code flow with the resource set to Now, I would like to switch to using the RFC 8628 device authorization grant type (Azure documentation). I can successfully login with scopes like openid profile. However, when I use a scope like I get an error:
"error": "invalid_scope",
"error_description": "AADSTS70011: The provided request must include a 'scope' input parameter. The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid. The scope openid is not valid. The scope format is invalid. Scope must be in a valid URI form <https://example/scope> or a valid Guid <guid/scope>.\r\n[..]",
"error_codes": [70011],
I'm sending a POST request with a body like client_id=<client-id>& to<tenant>/oauth2/v2.0/devicecode. With these scopes, I can login just fine, but any subsequent requests to Azure resource management APIs (for example, to DELETE a resource group) will fail with 401 Unauthorized.
If you want to use the device code flow to access the azure resources, please follow the steps as below.
1.Navigate to your AD App in the Azure Active Directory in the portal -> API permissions -> Add a permission -> select Azure Service Management API -> select the user_impersonation.
2.Navigate to the subscription in the portal -> Access control (IAM), make sure your user account used to login has a role e.g. Contributor in the subscription. If not, please add the user as a role in the subscription, follow this doc.
3.In the postman, use the request below.
Request URL:
Request Body:
In the browser, navigate to the, input the code and login your user account, the app will let you consent the permission, click the Accept.
4.After login successfully, in the postman, use the request below.
Request URL:
Request Body:
grant_type: urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code
client_id: <client-id>
device_code: <device_code in the screenshot of step 3>
5.Use the access_token in step 4 to call Azure REST API, e.g. Resource Groups - List, it works fine.
For more details, you could refer to - Microsoft identity platform and the OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant flow.
Besides, to consent the permission successfully in step 3, make sure the setting below( Azure AD -> Enterprise applications -> User settings -> Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf) in your tenant is set to Yes, otherwise, you need to let your admin click the Grant admin consent for xxxx button in step 1.

Authenticate for Azure REST API without login

I have a backend process that doesn't directly interact with the user. I want to access reservations associated with my Azure account but I'm having trouble with the authentication step. I was following the guide here and I managed to get the authentication request to work by calling{tenant-ID}/oauth2/token
as a POST with the following x-www-form-urlencoded body:
However, when I attempt to call:{order-ID}/reservations/{reservation-ID}?api-version=2019-04-01
with the bearer token I received during the authentication step, I get the following error message:
The access token has been obtained for wrong audience or resource 'http://myapp42'. It should exactly match with one of the allowed audiences '', '', '', ''
However, if I modify the resource on the request to be one of these, for instance, the authentication then fails with:
AADSTS500011: The resource principal named was not found in the tenant named {tenant-ID}. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You might have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.\r\nTrace ID: b54cedea-3804-41cf-bd27-fcf0ed1c4700\r\nCorrelation ID: 2371d375-6c89-4f05-83c9-c4629b3340a8\r\nTimestamp: 2020-02-05 01:59:57Z
How do I authenticate so that I can then get my reservations without having to login?
The service principal has both the Owner and Contributor roles assigned.
Update 2:
Thanks to #Jim Xu, I was realized that I needed to refrain from url-encoding the URL. That allowed me to get the access token with a value of for the resource field. However, at this point, when I attempt to call the REST API with the resulting bearer token, I get the following error:
The client '{Object-ID}' with object id '{Object-ID}' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Capacity/reservationOrders/reservations/read' over scope '/providers/Microsoft.Capacity/reservationOrders/{order-ID}/reservations/{reservation-ID}' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials
Note: The object ID returned by this error is the one associated with the service principal.
Update 3:
I checked the reservation and it seems that the principal does not have a role in that reservation's access control. However, I also cannot assign the principal a role because it does not show when I search for principals during the role-assigning process.
If you want to call Azure Rest API to get the information of reservation Orders, you need to assign Owner\Contributor for the service principal.(the action needs Microsoft.Capacity/reservationOrders/read permission).
The steps are as below
Get access token
POST :{tenant-ID}/oauth2/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
resource= or
Call the api
GET :{order-ID}/reservations/{reservation-ID}?api-version=2019-04-01
Authorization: Bearer <token>
For more details, please refer to the issue and the issue
If you have assigned role but you still cannot get access token, please try to encode your url.

Azure usage details API shows "Authentication failed" after sign in with azure active directory v1 connection

I completely followed this link and created a Azure AD app registration and used Azure Active Directory v1 for my web app bot.
After sign in, I view the token but with that token I cannot access the Azure API's, as it shows below response in Postman:
"error": {
"code": "AuthenticationFailed",
"message": "Authentication failed."
I called the Azure API below:${subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetailsapi-version=2018-10-01
In my app registration in Azure AD, I have given these permission to access the Azure API:
In my Web App Bot -> Settings -> OAuth Connection Settings, I select:
ClientId -> My application client id
ClinetSecret -> My application client secret
GrantType -> I does not know what to give so I just typed "authorization_code" (If this wrong then Where I need to find my grantType)
LoginURL ->
TenantId -> common (To allow any user)
ResourceURL ->
Scopes -> I just left blank
Why am I not able to access the Azure API with that token?
Any Help. Thanks
An access token issued by Azure AD will always be for a specific resource. Which service a token is intended for is identified in the token's "audience" (in the aud claim). When using the v1 endpoint, the resource for which an app requests an access token is identified in the resource parameter of the authorization request. In the v2 endpoint, the resource is identified as part of the scope parameter.
In your case, the resource you've configured your bot to get a token for is Microsoft Graph (, but then you're trying to use the resulting token to call the Azure Management API. The first thing the Azure Management API does is check if the access token it received is actually intended for it. If the audience does not match, it will immediately respond with an error.
Instead of trying to get a token for Microsoft Graph, you need to configure your bot to get a token for the Azure Management API. You should use, which is the resource URI for the Azure Management API, instead of which is the resource URI for Microsoft Graph.
