How to access Azure REST APIs without a Service Principal? - azure

How do I generate a bearer token for my personal identity, like the Microsoft web page does here when you click Try it and log in with your personal credentials?
For example, I would like to generate the bearer token programmatically in a pre-request script in Postman.
UPDATE: The below error happens in Postman if you don't remove "Bearer " from the token. See #BrunoLucasAzure answer.
Also, I have tried to copy the bearer token manually from the Microsoft "Try It" page into Postman as suggested by this answer and I get a 401:
"error": {
"code": "InvalidAuthenticationToken",
"message": "The access token is invalid."
Before you say it, I realize that I would want a Service Principal for productionalized usage, but I shouldn't need one to explore the APIs via my own tool (e.g. Postman).

How did you set your postman?
if you login into the "try" you should get this:
copy #1 and #2 like this. Dont copy the word bearer, only the token and under authorization select bearer token


How to pass bearer token API in Azure Data Factory

I have an API which has Authorization has bearer token. I tested in post man and it's working. However, it's not working when I used web activity in the ADF.
I am passing the url in the URL section. Created new header, typed Authorization and gave value "Bearer token"
Getting below error
Troubleshoot activity failures
"errorCode": "2108",
"message": "{\"error\":{\"type\":\"invalid_request_error\",\"message\":\"Request forbidden by administrative rules. Please make sure your request has an acceptable User-Agent header.\",\"documentation_url\":\"\"}}",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "Web1",
"details": []
Can anyone please advise?
I reproduced the same in my environment. I successfully generated a bearer Token with Postman.
To solve the above error code:2200. Please follow the below approach.
I used the same URL with web Activity and generated a bearer Token in the Azure data factory.
Generate bearer Token as shown below:
Connect Web activity 2 with newly created Web1 activity
Add dynamic expression : Bearer #{activity('Web2')}
Sample Rest API URL for testing with authentication by Ashok Patel

How to call azure graph api using postman

I am trying to call graph api to get user information. I am using postman to get the token first and then using that token trying to make a request to graph api
I get the token with below post request and with 4 key values for grant_type, client_id, client_secret and resource.{{tenantid}}/oauth2/token
The response is
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "3600",
"ext_expires_in": "3600",
"expires_on": "1555583717",
"not_before": "1555579817",
"resource": "",
"access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNiIsIng1dCI6IkhCeGw5bUFlNmd4YXZDa2NvT1UyVEhzRE5hMCIsImtpZCI6IkhCeGw5bUFlNmd4YXZDa2NvT1UyVEhzRE5hMCJ9.yyyyyyyLTBjYjZmZDNiM2UwNCIsInRpZCI6IjM3NGY4MDI2LTdiNTQtNGEzYS1iODdkLTMyOGZhMjZlYzEwZCIsInV0aSI6ImVWTWdDbkU4QWtPVXY3bFQ2QlRSQUEiLCJ2ZXIiOiIxLjAifQ.kxHCm2oGsuUvlXbncXQe7Wb0l-ZENqqG9_P_co0SPdYA3GkhFKDi6sQ7OaaHeDs4S6kN0-Diw5qBOzmFipSA5EUorA7UDbJfiSVVlaEzLY3IX_4WSV4Exc-kLOaX0j7KgvsEQbc5TEk8e4dPfokG98gGPmhy19xLyV84lX1v6DzgXINzP8gPkGmqR_J7iVFQ3m-Y18dHlxDpqQMTKxvQGnrsa7rflyxGUwEwwFZJH8t5NRv_mjQOIQBuosfhMAH88l-J8zEmXWLFqEzFBBWrz9UxT6X-XxRQZW4WBSoHTKd3vuBcEo6kUclfe4G7COOvI4zG0-j10mmGziKlzjNVMw"
Then I use the token to make GET request{{company}}/users/{{email}}?api-version=1.6
and header
Key Value
Authorization Bearer {{token}}
but it fails with this error
"odata.error": {
"code": "Authentication_MissingOrMalformed",
"message": {
"lang": "en",
"value": "Access Token missing or malformed."
What is the correct way to make a request to graph api ?
Updated answer according to your case
Okay I am showing the step from the beginning. Make sure you have complete following step exactly.
Step:1 : Application Registration
Go to your azure portal and click on azure active directory. Now click on App registrations and Enter a name for your app. Make sure you have select Web app / API as application type. Put any Sign on URL it does not have any impact though.
See the screen shot below:
Step:2 Application Configuration
Configure your application setting by clicking on settings option. Copy the Application Id which is your client ID. Generate your client_secret on Key menu. Now click on Required permission option and click on Add at new window. Choose Select an API choose Microsoft Graph Then Select it.
See the below screen shot
So your azure portal configuration is all set.
Step:3 Token Access Flow
For getting token I am using OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant Flow. Let fire up POSTMAN Enter your token endpoint your like below:`YourTenantNameOrID`
Enter following data in right format:
client_id:Your Portal Application ID
client_secret:Your application Key
Note: I am using Microsoft Graph API so resource has chosen
See the screen shot for more details
Step: 4 Check Claims Of your Token
You can make sure your token contains required information by validating it claims on JWT. You can use to validate your token.
See the picture of claims below:
Step:5 Access Your Microsoft Graph API Resource
Define your Microsoft Graph API resource URL
For example :
Select your API http verb
Select Your Token Type to Bearer Token
Enter your token on left token text box
You are done click send and check your response as expected. See the screen shot for details.
Request Format:
Response From API:
Note: Make sure you have resource access permission unless you would get access denied error.
For more information you could take a look here
If you have any more confusion feel free to ask in comment line. Thank you and Happy coding!

Azure Get All Organzations in multi tenants

In this article I can get all the Tenants in my account. Now I want to get all the Organization in devops/vsts in each tenant or directory. Currently Im using this article and the token I get in the tenants is not working in getting all the organizations. Is theres a way to list all the organization in each tenant in my account? Thanks!
You can get the list via the below azure API call:
And for this API call to returns results correctly you need to gain access token and put it in the request header like that:
Authorization: Bearer access_token
And as shown in the documentation, you can gain the access_token from the below Identity end point as it's Implicit flow token:
Authorization URL:
So the steps will be:
1- First make a call to:
With the appropriate parameters like the client_id and etc.
2- Gain access_token from the first step response.
3- Use this access_token to retrieve your talents list:
Authorization: Bearer access_token
And you can test this via postman or any curl based tool for verifying.

how to authenticate to Azure time series insights query API?

I keep getting a AuthenticationFailed error with a InvalidAuthenticationTokenAudience inner error when attempting to query the /environments endpoint.
I have already created an app in the Azure Active Directory, given it access in the time series insights management portal and I can already get an Oauth 2.0 Access token from the auth URL.
I have tried giving the token url the '' resource/audience/scope but the API keeps returning the same error message:
"error": {
"code": "AuthenticationFailed",
"message": "Server failed to authenticate the request. The token has been obtained from wrong audience or resource.",
"innerError": {
"code": "InvalidAuthenticationTokenAudience",
"message": "The access token has been obtained from wrong audience or resource '00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'. It should
exactly match (including forward slash) with one of the allowed
audiences ''."
} }
I'm using Postman with the Oauth 2.0 authentication type, the client credentials Grant Type and send as basic Auth Header option for the token request.
Has anyone tried this with success?
Update 01:
The decoded (using JWT as suggested in comments) payload portion of one of the tokens shows the that the aud field is 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000. Which is definitely wrong.
Based on the exception, it indicates that the resource is not matching when acquire the access token.
So please make sure that the resource is, for more information please refer to the screenshot.
Get access token
I test Get environments API, it works correctly for me.

Get Azure AD Basic User Profile

I'm trying to get the users basic profile from Azure AD. I have a React Native app authenticating against a Native Azure AD App registration. The access_token I got from that request is used to authenticate against a Web app / Api. The user is shown the propper consent screen with the permissions I set in Azure AD.
Microsoft Graph API
Read all users' basic profiles
Sign in and read user profile
Windows Azure Active Directory
Read all users' basic profiles
Sign in and read user profile
(added both Graph API & AAD because I didn't know which one to use)
When I try and get the users profile through, with the access_token gotten from the previous request I get:
"error": {
"code": "InvalidAuthenticationToken",
"message": "Access token validation failure.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "00cdb708-bcf8-4b33-af21-14a046b16533",
"date": "2018-09-02T18:28:59"
The resource in my initial authentication request is the Web App / API's app id, and I don't think having 2 resources is an option (?).
What am I doing wrong, and what should I do to fix it? Thanks.
According to your descriptions, I assume you want to get the users profile, but get the error shows an invalid token.
Based on my test, the request URL that you posted is not correct.
It should be '' or '{id | userPrincipalName}'.
We can trouble shoot your problems as follows.
First, check request, if it has correct 'Authorization' field. This document shows that we need the Authorization field in the request headers.
Second, if you have added the Authorization field in the request headers, could you provide the main code that we can identify if problem is from there ?
While getting the access token add "resource" : "" and use that access token in header with Bearer than hit the url --->
Don't forget to add the resource while getting access token
Thank me later :P
