how to authenticate to Azure time series insights query API? - azure

I keep getting a AuthenticationFailed error with a InvalidAuthenticationTokenAudience inner error when attempting to query the /environments endpoint.
I have already created an app in the Azure Active Directory, given it access in the time series insights management portal and I can already get an Oauth 2.0 Access token from the auth URL.
I have tried giving the token url the '' resource/audience/scope but the API keeps returning the same error message:
"error": {
"code": "AuthenticationFailed",
"message": "Server failed to authenticate the request. The token has been obtained from wrong audience or resource.",
"innerError": {
"code": "InvalidAuthenticationTokenAudience",
"message": "The access token has been obtained from wrong audience or resource '00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'. It should
exactly match (including forward slash) with one of the allowed
audiences ''."
} }
I'm using Postman with the Oauth 2.0 authentication type, the client credentials Grant Type and send as basic Auth Header option for the token request.
Has anyone tried this with success?
Update 01:
The decoded (using JWT as suggested in comments) payload portion of one of the tokens shows the that the aud field is 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000. Which is definitely wrong.

Based on the exception, it indicates that the resource is not matching when acquire the access token.
So please make sure that the resource is, for more information please refer to the screenshot.
Get access token
I test Get environments API, it works correctly for me.


How to pass bearer token API in Azure Data Factory

I have an API which has Authorization has bearer token. I tested in post man and it's working. However, it's not working when I used web activity in the ADF.
I am passing the url in the URL section. Created new header, typed Authorization and gave value "Bearer token"
Getting below error
Troubleshoot activity failures
"errorCode": "2108",
"message": "{\"error\":{\"type\":\"invalid_request_error\",\"message\":\"Request forbidden by administrative rules. Please make sure your request has an acceptable User-Agent header.\",\"documentation_url\":\"\"}}",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "Web1",
"details": []
Can anyone please advise?
I reproduced the same in my environment. I successfully generated a bearer Token with Postman.
To solve the above error code:2200. Please follow the below approach.
I used the same URL with web Activity and generated a bearer Token in the Azure data factory.
Generate bearer Token as shown below:
Connect Web activity 2 with newly created Web1 activity
Add dynamic expression : Bearer #{activity('Web2')}
Sample Rest API URL for testing with authentication by Ashok Patel

Azure to Auth0 connection - Invalid client secret is provided

I'm using Azure AD as my Identity Provider (IdP) and trying to connect Auth0 to it as a client. I've followed all the steps mentioned in
Redirection from Auth0 to Azure AD is working as expected. Login on Azure AD side is also showing a success in its log, however I'm getting and error at Auth0 side which says,
"Invalid client secret is provided"
I've double checked the client secret. Freshly generated it to eliminate possiblity of its expiry but still gettting this error.
Below is an error message payload.
"error": {
"message": "failed to obtain access token",
"oauthError": "invalid_request",
"type": "request-error",
"payload": "{
"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"AADSTS7000215: Invalid client secret is provided.
Trace ID: 52ea6301-3da2-46c7-b355-865dfff34c01
Correlation ID: 69415f95-1430-45eb-b653-3c76f934ccc0
Timestamp: 2021-11-29 05:11:57Z",
"timestamp":"2021-11-29 05:11:57Z",
Make sure you have copied client secret value and not the client secret ID.
Gave wrong value of client secret getting the same error as you.
Would Suggest you try with following parameter as I have set for authorization type OAuth2.0.
URL :{tenantid}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Given the correct value of Client Secret and getting the access token.
Also, check that the Azure AD Client secret is not expired. Otherwise, generate a new one, then update it in the enterprise connection configured with Auth0.

How to query the Sharepoint REST api (not the Graph api) using an Azure AD registered application?

I have a web application registered in Azure AD and have it working with the Graph API. But I would like to be able to instead query the Sharepoint REST API.
I have added the sharepoint delegated permission scope "AllSites.Read" to my application (in addition to the Graph API scopes that I was using before) and request this scope (in addition to the other delagated msgraph scopes) when I get the oauth token from the user. I successfully get the token, using for the authorization/token calls, but am unable to make a successful query:
My query looks like client.get(f"https://{tenant}") where tenant is the tenant of the particular user who's token I am using.
The error I get looks like {'error_description': 'Invalid issuer or signature.'} with reason="Token contains invalid signature.";category="invalid_client"' in the header of the response.
I am able to query the Graph api, but would like to also be able to query the Sharepoint REST api, because the Graph api is is insufficient for my actual use case, which will be to get Sharepoint groups (Graph api does not give sharepoint groups when I ask for groups, only Office 365 and Azure AD groups).
The permissions I've set on the app:
I have not added any scopes in Expose API, I don't know if I need to. I did not need this part to have it working with Graph API.
Lastly I'll mention that in Postman, controlled environment purely with this as the request, with OAuth 2.0:
Auth URL:
Access Token URL:
Scope: AllSites.Read
I get a token successfully, with all the roles, although it still doesn't give me access to https://<tenant> I get the following error:
"error": {
"code": "-2147024891, System.UnauthorizedAccessException",
"message": {
"lang": "en-US",
"value": "Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource."
which admittedly is probably a step forward from the invalid client error I was getting before, but still quite stuck.
I was able to get this to work in Postman:
OAuth 2.0
Grant Type: Authorization Code
Auth URL:
Access Token URL:
Client ID: <client_id>
Client Secret: <client_secret>
Scope: https://<tenant>
The token I get back has all of the permissions that I set on the application, including the Graph API ones and the Sharepoint scopes that I did not request in the Scope parameter of the auth request:
"scp": "AllSites.FullControl AllSites.Read Directory.Read.All Files.Read.All Group.Read.All MyFiles.Read Sites.Read.All Sites.Search.All User.Read User.Read.All", which was a little surprising.
A key point was setting the tenant url in the scope so that the aud parameter in the token comes back for the right tenant. It was coming back before configured for the resourceAppId associated with the Graph permissions (00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000), rather than the Sharepoint permissions. This way, aud got set to https://<tenant> and I was able to access https://<tenant>
You can try to get the acccess token in PostMan for a testing purpose.
Callback URL:
Auth URL :<tenant_name>
Access Token URL :
Client ID : <Application_ID>
Client Secret : <KEY>
Grant Type : Authorization Code
Will pop up a login window to sign in and then generate the access token and get the SharePoint groups:
Use Postman and Azure AD to send REST request to SharePoint Online

Get Azure AD Basic User Profile

I'm trying to get the users basic profile from Azure AD. I have a React Native app authenticating against a Native Azure AD App registration. The access_token I got from that request is used to authenticate against a Web app / Api. The user is shown the propper consent screen with the permissions I set in Azure AD.
Microsoft Graph API
Read all users' basic profiles
Sign in and read user profile
Windows Azure Active Directory
Read all users' basic profiles
Sign in and read user profile
(added both Graph API & AAD because I didn't know which one to use)
When I try and get the users profile through, with the access_token gotten from the previous request I get:
"error": {
"code": "InvalidAuthenticationToken",
"message": "Access token validation failure.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "00cdb708-bcf8-4b33-af21-14a046b16533",
"date": "2018-09-02T18:28:59"
The resource in my initial authentication request is the Web App / API's app id, and I don't think having 2 resources is an option (?).
What am I doing wrong, and what should I do to fix it? Thanks.
According to your descriptions, I assume you want to get the users profile, but get the error shows an invalid token.
Based on my test, the request URL that you posted is not correct.
It should be '' or '{id | userPrincipalName}'.
We can trouble shoot your problems as follows.
First, check request, if it has correct 'Authorization' field. This document shows that we need the Authorization field in the request headers.
Second, if you have added the Authorization field in the request headers, could you provide the main code that we can identify if problem is from there ?
While getting the access token add "resource" : "" and use that access token in header with Bearer than hit the url --->
Don't forget to add the resource while getting access token
Thank me later :P

Microsoft graph get lists in sites returns 401

When I try to list all lists in a sharepoint site using this Microsoft Graph query, it returns me an 401 error. But reading a list works fine.
"error": {
"code": "unauthenticated",
"message": "Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "6929864e-9d14-4911-9d7e-d0a29259e05f",
"date": "2017-06-21T21:00:15"
Does not work:{site-id}/lists
Typically, a 401 response indicates that the information the server needs to authenticate your API request is either missing from the request or present but somehow invalid. I'd suggest that you:
1) Verify that the Authorization header is present in the request that fails.
2) If present, then verify that the contents of the Authorization header in the request that fails is identical to the contents of the Authorization header in the request that succeeds.
If you're sending the exact same Authorization header in both requests, then I wouldn't expect the server to return a 401 response for one operation but not the other. (If it were a permissions issue -- i.e., the user has rights to perform operation-A but not operation-B, then I'd expect the server to return a 403 Forbidden response for operation-B -- not a 401 Unauthorized response.)
Update (some additional thoughts)
It looks like both operations require one of these two access scopes:
You should verify that the token you're specifying in the Authorization header of the failing request has at least one of these scopes (although as I said earlier, I'd expect the server to return 403 if you didn't have the proper access scope).
Also, if you obtained the access token via OAuth without a user providing authorization, then perhaps the information in this answer might be helpful: How to use OAuth when there is no user delegation? -- Microsoft Graph API. In the scenario that post describes, the server was returning a 401 response because the developer hadn't explicitly obtained administrator consent for the operation they were attempting to perform.
Can you please try again? This ({site-id}/lists) seems to be working now.
