Add text right side to to logo, and add sign up, and login sign up <li> to the right corner, and the other <li> to the centre - text

enter image description herehtml figma design
how do I make the first image, of html & css, like my figma design, using html and css. please help
As you can see from what is resulted in the image, it has not worked out at all.

It would be much easier to help if you could post your code :)
display: flex; flex-direction: row
on container elements should help


Can't click "through" fixed div menu

I'm having problems with my fixed menu. As you can see of the example beneath it's not possible to click the links "VingÄrde, Dyrkning..." because of the div box with the fixed menu on top of it. I've tried ordering the layers with z-index but I just can't get it to work. Can anybody help me out?
And if anyone by the way have a method on auto adjusting the height of the page so it covers the whole viewport I would be very glad to hear from you :-) In the website version above I've set the height manually to 1000px which is not preferable
Thank you!
You need to put all the wrappers' elements outside of it and put them after the left-page container and before the right-page container. Finally, remove the wrapper, it seems unnecessary for the page in order to work.
I fixed it through Chrome's dev tools, but I assume it should work if you modify the html that way.
The body should look like this:
<div id="left_page_container">...</div>
<div class="nav_humlunvim">...</div>
<div class="nav_butik">...</div>
<div class="nav_blog">...</div>
<div class="nav_kontakt">...</div>
<div id="right_page_container">...</div>
Hope it helps; as an extra observation it is more common to use "hyphen-separated-names" for selectors than to use "snake_case_names" :)

css background image issue in google site

I am trying to specify a backgroud image for my google site, i have the following code inside the HTML Box
body {
background: #372412;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-size: 13px;
color: #FFFFFF;
i tried different options but the HTML Box Properties page just reports an error and i cannot get the image into my page.
i have one more image loaded using
<img src="/a/mysite/my/home/img11.jpg"
this image is shown properly so i suppose that the link is referring correctly.
can someone give me some direction to solve the above issue
I don't think you can change the background in Google Sites like this. The HTML Box is sanitized, and this CSS will probably go away.
Instead, use More -> Manage Site, then choose Themes, Colors & Fonts, and specify the background you wish to use.

How do you place the XPages mobile controls Tab Bar at the bottom of the screen?

I'm trying to get a bottom tab bar in Xpages Mobile controls. It's typically black with dark icons and the page changes has you press an icon.
I couldn't figure out how to get the look and feel with the actual Mobile Controls Tab bar. That seems geared for segmentedTabBar rather then I guess standard Tab bar. I tried to access Dojo manually with the code below and I got the look and feel but the tab bar is showing at the top and not the bottom of the screen.
I'd rather use the mobile controls version but regardless I'm easy. I'd love to get a bottom tab bar working in XPages.
Any advice would be appreciated.
<xe:singlePageApp id="singlePageApp1" selectedPageName="home">
<xe:appPage id="appPage1" pageName="home">
<ul data-dojo-type="" fixed="bottom">
<li data-dojo-type=""
<li data-dojo-type=""
<li data-dojo-type=""
Top 25
<li data-dojo-type=""
<li data-dojo-type=""
Look in the Extension Library book from IBM Press on page 295. This chapter on Tab Bar contains an example of an action bar at the bottom of the screen:
<xe:tabBar id="tabBar1">
<xe:tabBarButton id="tabBarButton1" label="Button 1"></xe:tabBarButton>
<xe:tabBarButton id="tabBarButton2" label="Button 2"></xe:tabBarButton>
<xe:tabBarButton id="tabBarButton3" label="Button 3"></xe:tabBarButton>
It appears only to be a segmented tab bar if you use barType="segmentedControl".
I am trying to accomplish the same thing myself. I suspect the issue is caused because the XPages Mobile Controls do not yet support a Mobile Scrollable Pane which would allow for the positioning of fixed size (scrollable) content between the header and the footer. The css will most likely used absolute positioning of the tab bar to prevent it scrolling with the content. But when that has been accomplished you are going to need to implement some form of scrollable pane t stop the main content from scrolling over/under the toolbar.
The following CSS works "most" of the time but I found it is sometimes reluctant to snap into the correct location.
.rpTabBar {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 999;
height: 50px;
margin-top: -50px;
clear: both;
After looking at the dojo examples I have noticed the examples of the navbar remaining fixed at the bottom use the scrollableView control. The XPages appPage control is based on the standard view control. All of those examples seem to have the navBar float at the base of the content. After trying for a few weeks, I can see why. It seems next to impossible to get the navBar to stick to the bottom when using this control.
We haven't found a way yet to implement scrollableView without throwing away all the Xpages mobile controls. Instead we created a div inside each appPage that implements the dojo scrollablePane. Using this we can provide control ids for a fixed header and a fixed footer. And the navBar now sticks nicely at the bottom of every page.

IE6 - Background img missing, extra pixels in header, and most content off center

Having major issues getting my wordpress website to display correctly in IE6.
Link to screenshot below. My background image is missing, the nav is knocked down a few extra pixels, and most of my content is off center.
FF screenshot (linked below) is what it should look like. Have tried in Safari, a couple versions of Firefox, and IE7, and all look just the way that they are supposed to. IE6 is the only one giving me trouble.
Any ideas??
I've validated my code, and have tried a few things, but no success.
Help! Appreciate it!
You can try using conditional styles. In document's head section paste:
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen,projection"" type="text/css" />
Now You can start editing ie.css without worrying about spoiling design for other browser.
Extra space around nav: IE sometimes has default margins/paddings different from other browsers. Try defining
#something {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
explicitly in Your new css.
No background: Maybe it's the alignment. Try adding somethig like "top left" to Your background-image definition. Example:
background-image: url('../img/site-bg.jpg') no-repeat scroll top right;
Content centering: In CSS there are two ways to center content. First: setting the parent element text-align property to center;. Second: Defining width and setting margin to top-bottom-margin-value auto;. Example:
#something {
width: 100px;
margin: 10px auto;
I hope this will help solve any of Your problems :)
This isn't really an answer to your question (and since I don't have enough rep to comment :) ), but try running through this list of common IE CSS bugs. It's helped me work out some kinks in my CSS, but IE 6 is a warzone. Otherwise, I'd really suggest getting the fantastic book Bulletproof Web Design.
Thanks for the tips guys! Daveslab, I'll definitely keep that list handy, and thanks for the book recommendation.
Centering Issue/Missing Background Image:
I made the alternate css doc and that gave me more room to experiment - I was able to resolve the missing background image and centering issue by simplifying the CSS a bit for the problematic section by trial and error. (removed float, position...)
Extra pixels:
What finally ended up fixing the 3 pixels on the bottom of my header was... just stupid.
Evidently IE6 was applying an extra 3 pixels to the bottom of the header image because my html code for that div was split into 3 lines...
<div id="header">
<img src="url" />
I just had to combine them all into one line, and the extra padding on the bottom disappeared. Dumb... (and ugly)
<div id="header"><img src="url" /></div>
I still have an extra pixel on the right side that I'm trying to resolve - still investigating.

dreamweaver button link CSS help

Hey guys I'm currently having trouble with my CSS linking. Basically I want the colour of my links to change when I hover over them, and click on them and such. But for some reason it is not working when I view it on a browser. Below is my HTML code and my CSS code, they are seperate files and are linked togather. Thanks in advance. (I apologise if the codes are not appearing correctly but it is all there)
EDIT: Don't worry its fixed now :D thanks for the help
from what I see, you don't have a:hover,a:vistied, or a:active defined anywhere, which is what controls the behavior you're looking for.
Are you coding by hand or using Dreamweaver as a WYSIWYG?
NOTE: This could be because the files aren't formatted well in your question, so Markdown could have dropped some characters from the display.
From what I can see, the CSS file isn't written correctly. I'm going to give one example for you which fits for the whole file:
content {
width: 510px;
float: left;
This snippet above looks for the <content> tag in the HTML, and when it finds that tag, it will give it a width of 510px and floats it to the left. The problem here is that there are no <content> tags in your HTML page OR in HTML 4.01 itself. What you need to do is change it to this:
.content {
width: 510px;
float: left;
By adding the '.' before 'content' in the CSS, it changes 'content' from <content> to finding a tag that has class="content" as an attribute.
Also, to get the <a> tags to change on hover, etc, use the pseudo-elements (pseudo-attributes?) of :hover, :active, and :visited, for when a user hovers over a link, clicks on a link, and has previously visited a link, respectively.
a {
color: blue;
a:hover {
color: red;
In this example, a link will display as blue unless the user has their mouse on the link.
