[RTPEngine]Failed to init DTLS connection: key values mismatch - voip

i got the connection like this
sip flow
freeswitch server --(sip)-- > opensips ----(wss)---> sip client in chrome with jssip/webrtc
the rtp flow
freeswitch server ---- > rtpengine-------> sip client in chrome with jssip/webrtc
the sip client is registered in opensips, when sip calls is originated, opensips will shift the sip call to wss protocol while the rtpengine will transfer the rtp stream in an encrypted way.
everything works fine unless the part between rtpengine to jssip client. the call will hangup in 30 sec due to NO MEDIA by freeswitch.
i checked the logs in rtpengine, and found these warnings and error,
ERR [crypto] Failed to init DTLS connection: key values mismatch
WARNING [core] ICE restart detected, but reset not allowed at this point
ERR [rtcp] SRTCP output wanted, but no crypto suite was negotiated
Here is my configure part for rtpengine offer in opensips.cfg
branch_route[1] {
# couples of lines omitted
$var(rtpengine_flags) = "RTP/SAVPF SDES-no rtcp-mux-offer replace-session-connection replace-origin ICE=force address-family=IP4 out-iface=pub in-iface=pub";
Here are the SDP negotiation part
rtpengine-> jssip client in INVITE
o=FreeSWITCH 1668770237 1668770238 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
a=msid-semantic: WMS 2ImUufOQPNDojzwQRNjtlprF4InCfAd7
m=audio 42782 RTP/SAVPF 8 0 101
a=ssrc:1803089321 cname:8pRtvw9aaDpk3M0K
a=ssrc:1803089321 msid:2ImUufOQPNDojzwQRNjtlprF4InCfAd7 a0
a=ssrc:1803089321 mslabel:2ImUufOQPNDojzwQRNjtlprF4InCfAd7
a=ssrc:1803089321 label:2ImUufOQPNDojzwQRNjtlprF4InCfAd7a0
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fingerprint:sha-256 A4:C8:C6:97:DA:0A:FA:BC:B9:C1:97:D2:22:EF:70:6D:A1:78:B9:F9:00:60:AC:DF:69:E3:60:DB:F7:EA:2C:F5
a=candidate:zGAW3IRHAMII4q3e 1 UDP 2130706431 42782 typ host
a=candidate:zGAW3IRHAMII4q3e 2 UDP 2130706430 42783 typ host
jssip client --> rtpengine in reply 200 OK
o=- 5243747727296622141 2 IN IP4
t=0 0
a=msid-semantic: WMS O9XWhjITMoc3TM2D2J9KMKWKOC7Bd0xR9DZf
m=audio 64247 RTP/SAVPF 8 0 101
c=IN IP4
a=rtcp:9 IN IP4
a=candidate:589451690 1 udp 2122260223 64247 typ host generation 0 network-id 1 network-cost 50
a=candidate:3667169833 1 udp 2122194687 64248 typ host generation 0 network-id 2
a=candidate:2999745851 1 udp 2122129151 64249 typ host generation 0 network-id 3
a=candidate:6184858 1 udp 2122063615 64250 typ host generation 0 network-id 4
a=candidate:508951713 1 udp 2121998079 64251 typ host generation 0 network-id 5 network-cost 10
a=candidate:1839312218 1 tcp 1518280447 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 1 network-cost 50
a=candidate:2484563673 1 tcp 1518214911 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 2
a=candidate:4233069003 1 tcp 1518149375 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 3
a=candidate:1323148138 1 tcp 1518083839 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 4
a=candidate:1356202065 1 tcp 1518018303 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 5 network-cost 10
a=fingerprint:sha-256 12:FD:0A:B5:05:0B:0D:B8:62:7E:59:65:45:F9:5A:07:10:63:7C:0C:05:96:35:C9:27:D7:D7:7B:DE:C5:70:8A
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=ssrc:2078142037 cname:ARU0gPhz4hvVPHMO
a=ssrc:2078142037 msid:O9XWhjITMoc3TM2D2J9KMKWKOC7Bd0xR9DZf f4a6248a-f3ca-4e23-a656-36b5d039ee3e
I tried to search any related issue or question and found issue 1524
However, it is no answer and solution for it yet.
I also read the source code of rtpengine, and realise it was from openssl, but i don't quite fimiliar with that. Hope anyone can help.

After a lot of ways to try, i just figured it out by myself.
before i tell the cause, i need to brief the process of dtls process of rtpengine.
when RtpEngine starts, it creates a certificate itself.
[1668851507.814949] INFO: [crypto] Generating new DTLS certificate
[1668851507.818173] INFO: [core] Startup complete, version undefined
the underlayer thing is invoking openssl api to create the certificate that interacts in dtls. this openssl api depends on the installed openssl lib in the os.
It performs as Servce end, and its gereated cert will be passed to the Client; My client is a webrtc sip client in Chrome, which has a latest version of openssl i guess.
It seems that client and server have different version for the encryption, which causes the error: key value mismatched
therefore, the root cause is old-version openssl lib.
i installed rtpengine in centos 7, which has a quite old version of openssl, like openssl 1.0.2k .( this is likely to be 2015 if i'm not wrong)
when i changed the os version to ubuntu 20, this issue was gone immediately.
And then I checked the base version of openssl that ubuntu 20 installed, it is openssl 3.0. I'm not sure whether this version is a must or not, but it works for this version.
So theoretically if you installed this verson of openssl in your OS, it could fix this issue.
but i didn't try that in centos 7 anyway.
Hope it can help the guys who encountered the similar issue like this.


use trex test vpp performance, memif can't connnect

The goal is to connect TREX packet generator with VPP memif interface on the same Host. The memif Interface fails to get connected with the following logs
Failed with info:
Apr 28 15:12:24 xx[370159]: memif_connect_client(): Failed to connect socket: /run/vpp/memif.sock.
Apr 28 15:12:25 xx[370159]: EAL: Error - exiting with code: 1#012 Cause:
Apr 28 15:12:25 xx[370159]: rte_eth_dev_start: err=-1, port=0
vpp version: 19.08.3
trex version: v2.89
vpp# show memif
id listener filename
0 yes (2) /run/vpp/memif.sock
interface memif0/0
socket-id 0 id 0 mode ethernet
flags admin-up
listener-fd 49 conn-fd 0
num-s2m-rings 0 num-m2s-rings 0 buffer-size 0 num-regions 0
interface memif0/1
socket-id 0 id 1 mode ethernet
flags admin-up
listener-fd 49 conn-fd 0
num-s2m-rings 0 num-m2s-rings 0 buffer-size 0 num-regions 0
# cat /etc/trex_cfg.yaml**
- version: 2
interfaces: ["--vdev=net_memif0,role=slave,id=0,socket=/run/vpp/memif.sock",
- ip:
- ip:
master_thread_id: 16
latency_thread_id: 17
- socket: 0
threads: [18,19]
DPDK memif PMD has two modes of operation
Client mode
Server mode
The sequence of start also affects how memif communicate and connects to listener (server).
So if we need to make VPP as server and TREX as client use (always start VPP first and create memif interface)
create interface memif id 0 master
set interface state memif0/0 up
set interface ip address memif0/0
if we need to make TREX server and VPP client use (always start TREX first)
create interface memif id 0 slave
set interface state memif0/0 up
set interface ip address memif0/0
if more than 1 interface is required, ensure VPP creates memif interface 0 and 1 on separate sockets.
tested the same with dpdk-pktgen and vpp.
Since the Trex 2.92 has been upgraded to use DPDK version 21.02
In interface in /etc/trex_cfg.yaml, instead of:
interfaces: ["--vdev=net_memif0,role=slave,id=0,socket=/run/vpp/memif.sock",
it should be
interfaces: ["--vdev=net_memif0,role=slave,id=0,socket-abstract=no,socket=/run/vpp/memif.sock",
as by default it assumes the socket path as raw socket path.

rpcinfo don't show nfs_acl

I have a mounting problem with a Solaris 2.7 and linux SuSE SLES 12 machine. The Solaris machine should mount a NFS from a SLES 12 machine. I have two SLES 12 SP4 machine running. The error I got from the machine that is not working is: "NFS getacl failed for server xxxxx: error 9 (RPC: Programm/Version mismatch)". On the other machine the mount works fine.
I search and tried a few things (including NFS Versions, export and mount options) but the main different between the machine that is working and the machine that is not working is the output of the rpcinfo -p.
The machine that is working show the entries:
100003 2 tcp 2049 nfs
100003 3 tcp 2049 nfs
100003 4 tcp 2049 nfs
100227 2 tcp 2049 nfs_acl
100227 3 tcp 2049 nfs_acl
100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
100003 3 udp 2049 nfs
100003 4 udp 2049 nfs
100227 2 udp 2049 nfs_acl
100227 3 udp 2049 nfs_acl
And on the machine that is not working:
100003 2 tcp 2049 nfs
100003 3 tcp 2049 nfs
100003 4 tcp 2049 nfs
100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
100003 3 udp 2049 nfs
all entries with 100227 nfs_acl are missing.
The command lsmod show that nfs_acl is in the kernel included. Which settings/switch/option i'm missing to activate the missing acl_nfs. I bet this would solved the problem.
I got the solution. On the machine I got the error I needed to try out a new software package and therefore a vendor change to openSUSE of a few packages are made and the kernel was changed too! Both kernels 4.x and 5.3.x were installed parallel and 5.3.x was active. And this combination result in the problem. I checked for updates and realize that I stuck at this version. There are newer versions of 5.3 and 4.x available but I was not able to install them.
I fetched all packages from the openSUSE vendor and changed it back and deinstall the 5.3 kernel. After rebooting the 4.x kernel and upgrading it to 4.12.14 the nfs_acl are available and the solaris NFS works fine.

Unable to record mediasoup producer using FFmpeg on real server

I have built a nice app in react native for audio calling, many thanks to MediaSoup!!
To take it to next level, I need to record some of my calls.
I used this tutorial for reference:
mediasoup recording demo
I followed the FFmpeg way and have reached a point where I have created a plainTransport with
// No RTP will be received from the remote side
comedia: false,
// FFmpeg and GStreamer don't support RTP/RTCP multiplexing ("a=rtcp-mux" in SDP)
rtcpMux: false,
listenIp: {ip:"", announcedIp:"MY_PUBLIC_IP"},
Then I connect to this transport:
port: "port1",
rtcpPort: "port2",
My first doubt: is the ip address in .connect({}) parameters supplied above correct?
Second, the FFMPEG command requires an SDP header. This is mine:
o=- 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio port1 RTP/AVPF 111
a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
a=fmtp:111 minptime=10;useinbandfec=1
When I start recording, the FFMPEG process does not receive any data.
Moreover, on stopping, I get the following message
Output file is empty, nothing was encoded (check -ss / -t / -frames
parameters if used) Exiting normally, received signal 2. Recording
process exit, code: 255, signal: null
I was able to make the recording save on localhost with when the server was itself running on localhost.
However, with my actual server hosted with Nginx, I'm not able to figure out what is going wrong.
I can see data being sent on my audio port:
1 0.000000000 → UDP 117 10183 → 5004 Len=75
2 0.020787740 → UDP 108 10183 → 5004 Len=66
3 0.043201757 → UDP 118 10183 → 5004 Len=76
What do I do with FFmpeg so that it starts the recording!?
Can someone please help?
Solved the error. I had not set
“preferredPayloadType” value in mediaCodecs for audio to 111, which was required by FFmpeg.
100 does not work. Although I don’t completely understand why. It has to be 111.
If someone can explain this it’d be good. But anyways, I’m now able to record!
so mediacodecs must be:
kind: "audio",
mimeType: "audio/opus",
preferredPayloadType: 111,
clockRate: 48000,
channels: 2,
parameters: {
minptime: 10,
useinbandfec: 1,
and sdp should be:
o=- 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 5004 RTP/AVPF 111
a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
a=fmtp:111 minptime=10;useinbandfec=1

YAF terminating on error (couldn't create connected TCP socket)

I've installed and configured YAF (v. 2.8.4) + SiLK(v. 3.12.1) on Debian 8.2, and I faced with 2 problems:
1st. Every time I start yaf, as long as a TCP connection established, yaf process terminated with this error:
[2016-05-25 08:13:36] yaf terminating on error: couldn't create connected TCP socket to Connection refused
2nd. Also when yaf is running (there is not any TCP connection on eth0), out put of rwfilter --proto=0- --type=all --pass=stdout | rwcut | head command is empty.
I have some flow information for two days ago in /data/ directory, and I'm able to filter them by
rwfilter --start-date=2016/05/22 --end-date=2017/05/23 --proto=0- --type=all --pass=stdout | rwstats --fields=protocol --bottom --count=10
That's show that yaf and SiLK worked correctly on 23th May. (BUT for some minuets!!!). Unfortunately I only have today's logs and logs for 23th truncated.
Configs and Logs:
ps ax |grep "yaf\|rwflowpack":
58984 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/rwflowpack --sensor-configuration=/data/sensor.conf --site-config-file=/ata/silk.conf --archive-directory=/var/lib/rwflowpack/archive --output-mode=local-storage --root-directory=/data --pidfile=/var/lib/rwflowpack/log/rwflowpack.pid --log-level=info --log-destination=syslog
84140 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/local/bin/yaf -d --live pcap --in eth0 --ipfix tcp --out localhost --ipfix-port 18000 --log /var/log/yaf/log/yaf.log --verbose --silk --applabel --max-payload=2048 --plugin-name=/usr/local/lib/yaf/dpacketplugin.la --pidfile /var/log/yaf/run/yaf.pid
iptables rules:
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp spt:18000
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:18000
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spt:18000
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:18000
[2016-05-25 08:48:02] yaf starting
[2016-05-25 08:48:02] Initializing Rules From File: /usr/local/etc/yafApplabelRules.conf
[2016-05-25 08:48:02] Application Labeler accepted 44 rules.
[2016-05-25 08:48:02] Application Labeler accepted 0 signatures.
[2016-05-25 08:48:02] DPI Running for ALL Protocols
[2016-05-25 08:48:02] Initializing Rules from DPI File /usr/local/etc/yafDPIRules.conf
[2016-05-25 08:48:02] DPI rule scanner accepted 63 rules from the DPI Rule File
[2016-05-25 08:48:02] DPI regular expressions cover 7 protocols
[2016-05-25 08:48:02] Forked child 82020. Parent exiting
[2016-05-25 08:48:02] running as root in --live mode, but not dropping privilege
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Processed 814 packets into 0 flows:
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Mean flow rate 0.00/s.
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Mean packet rate 4.90/s.
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Virtual bandwidth 0.0032 Mbps.
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Maximum flow table size 36.
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 29 flush events.
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 0 asymmetric/unidirectional flows detected (-nan%)
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] YAF read 1643 total packets
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Assembled 0 fragments into 0 packets:
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Expired 0 incomplete fragmented packets. (0.00%)
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Maximum fragment table size 0.
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Rejected 829 packets during decode: (33.54%)
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 829 due to unsupported/rejected packet type: (33.54%)
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 829 unsupported/rejected Layer 3 headers. (33.54%)
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 729 ARP packets. (29.49%)
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 83 802.3 packets. (3.36%)
[2016-05-25 08:50:48] yaf terminating on error: couldn't create connected TCP socket to localhost:18000 Connection refused
rwflowpack logs:
May 25 13:17:54 XXX rwflowpack[58984]: 'S0': forward 0, reverse 0, ignored 0
May 25 13:19:54 XXX rwflowpack[58984]: Flushing files after 120 seconds.
May 25 13:19:54 XXX rwflowpack[58984]: 'S0': forward 0, reverse 0, ignored 0
May 25 13:21:54 XXX rwflowpack[58984]: Flushing files after 120 seconds.
May 25 13:21:54 XXX rwflowpack[58984]: 'S0': forward 0, reverse 0, ignored 0
YAF_EXTRAFLAGS="--silk --applabel --max-payload=2048 --plugin-name=/usr/local/lib/yaf/dpacketplugin.la"
version 2
sensor 0 S0 "Description for sensor S0"
sensor 1 S1
sensor 2 S2 "Optional description for sensor S2"
sensor 3 S3
sensor 4 S4
sensor 5 S5
sensor 6 S6
sensor 7 S7
sensor 8 S8
sensor 9 S9
sensor 10 S10
sensor 11 S11
sensor 12 S12
sensor 13 S13
sensor 14 S14
class all
sensors S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14
end class
class all
type 0 in in
type 1 out out
type 2 inweb iw
type 3 outweb ow
type 4 innull innull
type 5 outnull outnull
type 6 int2int int2int
type 7 ext2ext ext2ext
type 8 inicmp inicmp
type 9 outicmp outicmp
type 10 other other
default-types in inweb inicmp
end class
default-class all
packing-logic "packlogic-twoway.so"
probe S0 ipfix
listen-on-port 18001
protocol tcp
end probe
sensor S0
ipfix-probes S0
external-ipblocks remainder
end sensor
yaf --version:
yaf version 2.8.4 Build Configuration:
* Timezone support: UTC
* Fixbuf version: 1.7.1
* DAG support: NO
* Napatech support: NO
* Netronome support: NO
* Bivio support: NO
* PFRING support: NO
* Compact IPv4 support: NO
* Plugin support: YES
* Application Labeling: YES
* Payload Processing Support: YES
* Entropy support: NO
* Fingerprint Export Support: NO
* P0F Support: NO
* Spread Support: NO
* MPLS Support: NO
* Non-IP Support: NO
* Separate Interface Support: NO
SiLK version:
SiLK 3.12.1; configuration settings:
* Root of packed data tree: /data
* Packing logic: Run-time plug-in
* Timezone support: UTC
* Available compression methods: none [default], zlib
* IPv6 network connections: yes
* IPv6 flow record support: yes
* IPFIX/NetFlow9/sFlow collection: ipfix,netflow9,sflow
* Transport encryption: no
* PySiLK support: no
* Enable assert(): no
I'm new in YAF and SiLK.
I used bellow link for building and configuring YAF+SiLk
Thus all parameters derived from that tutorial.
YAF take a port in YAF_IPFIX_PORT to connect to the IPFIX collector on the specified port. So, YAF does not open any port with that number and does not listening to that port :|
So I changed the value ofYAF_IPFIX_PORT= in yaf.conf, from 18000 to 18001 (the port which is defined for listen-on-port in sensor.conf)
Now It's working and I'm able to filter traffics.

How to send an email from a windows machine by using remote SMTP server (configured to run on localhost on Linux environment)?

I have an application running on Windows machine. the application related alerts are to be e-mailed to administrator,for which an e-mail needs to be sent by Java program. The SMTP server is configured on a remote Linux machine in network.
The Java Mail program works fine and sends out an email, when run on the Linux machine. However if the same program is run on Windows it fails to connect to the SMTP server.
Ping to the Linux Machine (having SMTP server) is successful from Remote windows server.
Telnet < SMTP server hostname > 25 fails from remote machine as well from the machine where SMTP is running
Telnet localhost 25 is sucessful from SMTP server (Linux server).
The email by Java program is sucessfull, if run on SMTP server when hostname is specified as localhost.It fails if you give actual hostname.
/etc/hosts file on SMTP server lists localhost.
How can i use the SMTP server to send an email from remote Windows machine?
I can paste the errors coming up on windows machine but the problem is not with the program; its the way the SMTP server is configured. I am new to SMTP so feel free to correct me if i am wrong.
The objective is to send a java e-mail from remote windows machine using the SMTP server on the Linux machine.
Adding the Output of netstat -ant|grep :25 as requested in the comment below:
[root#XXXXXXXXXXX]# netstat -ant | grep :25
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 ::1:25 :::* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 ::1:51432 ::1:25580 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 ::1:25580 ::1:51432 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED
Postfix: Accepting SMTP connections on ALL IP interrfaces
Your SMTP server (postfix) accepts incoming SMTP connection only on loopback interface(s)
[IPv4= and IPv6=::1].
Make your postfix listen on all available IP interfaces -> in main.cf configuration file restore default setting inet_interfaces = all
Why "loopback only" configuration is used?
Limiting SMTP server to accept only local SMTP connections is pretty common default configuration on "workstations". It allows sending emails (e.g. system warnings/notifications) without accepting any incoming spam.
