How do you automatically create Web Stories from text and images in a database? - bulk-load

I want to bulk create thousands of web stories (of the AMP/Google variety) using a standardized AMP web stories template populated with text and images from my database.
Anyone have any ideas? I am not a coder, but may be able to follow if you assume I know nothing :) Thanks for your consideration and time.
I have looked in GitHub and at several online services that provide tools to make web stories, but none offer it. VisualStories claims to offer an API that does this, but when I asked for paid access said they were not sharing this with customers anymore because they found that creating stories individually produced better results.


Is automated detection of web forms, payment gateways, and ads on web pages possible?

I would like to know if it is possible to detect web forms, payment gateways, and ads on a web page in an automated manner, by running some code after crawling and indexing the web page.
To give the question some context, I would basically like to know if the given web page is being monetized in some way. If there were a program to detect the above, it would provide a way to find out if the web page is capturing leads, selling a product or service, or displaying ads.
Moreover, I would like to know: is there some form of on-page monetization that cannot be detected by using an automated program?
Yes its possible to parse a web page after downloading it - but if you need to ask the question then you still have a very long journey ahead of you before you are capable of understanding how to do this. Your question is also off topic as it does not relate to solving a programming problem.
However it is impossible to determine programatically if the content of a web page represents monetization. It is possible to make some guesses using a database of known advertisers and/or very advanced AI techniques. Come back and ask again after you have mastered data science, antagonistic / back progogated neural networks and image analysis in about 15 years from now.

Relationship between company-user and employee-users

I am trying to building a sales-system with the MEAN-stack but got stuck right in the beginning because I cannot find what I'm looking for on Google. I've been searching for days with no answers. Now to the problem.
Many companies should be able to create an account on the website. When x company is logged in they should be able to create an account for every employee on the company. These employee accounts should be able to create sales, show statistics on their monthly-sales etc. Somehow I have to have a relationship between x company with their employee accounts to display all the data from all employees on the company account.
I know there are tons of people who have done something similar. I cannot find what I am searching for because I do not know what to google. If someone knows what phrase I should search for, please reply.
Thanks for taking your time, happy coding!
May I suggest an open-source solution to creating a SaaS project. It has this functionality built-in. You can simply set up a tenant (Company x) in your own admin panel, and the company can add their own users/roles/permissions to applications inside of their own dashboards. You can add applications to your project and enable them to certain tenants (companies) that you wish (in a modular fashion). Companies' data would also be split in their own separate databases, and you can simply update each application by itself (so essentially you update code once, but data is still separated between users).
I have just started using this platform about two weeks ago on my own SaaS startup, and I am very excited in what it can offer. It's called Innomatic and you can check it out at their website: .
It does seem as if they haven't been giving the project much attention lately, but it does work nevertheless, and you can just maintain your own Applications within the platform.
If you have any questions I would be happy to help you , since I have spent the last two weeks getting the ropes of this platform.

How to track user interest and display products based on their interest

I have an e-commerce website and I need to display products in homepage based on user interest like advertisement showing on facebook and google based on the search we did on the internet.
Is there any API from facebook or google or any website for fetching user interests?
I have wondered how facebook, google, and collaboratively tracking us even if they are different companies.
Is there any common gateway or common interface where these big companies share user info by making a system with cookies to track among all as a centralized big data model for behavioral advertising?
I am looking for answers from experts for this. I really need to build a system for tracking user interest based on their search on google and other websites.
So you need to use something called recommender systems, using a machine learning algorithm, you'll recommend products to people based on ratings and interest. by using previous data of the same user or other users (just like when you get recommended videos on youtube).
this topic is too big for me to explain it step by step in here, and you need to first have a good understanding of primitive machine learning such as classification, regression ... etc
so if you're interested make sure to check a coursera course called Machine Learning (Stanford University) it's taught by machine learning rockstar Andrew NG, and it doesn't only teach you machine learning, but it takes you from somebody with no idea on the subject to an expert (technically) the course used MATLAB/OCTAVE and it has an entire section on Recommender Systems which is what you need, after you've finished just implement what you learned in the language of your choice !
you can always look up tutorial online for implementing Recommender Systems, but you will waste so much time because you would have no idea about what you're doing without understanding the theory which you will master in the course I've recommended, the course can also be found easily on youtube. but taking it for FREE in coursera will help you more because you'll have hands-on programming experience, on the different subjects.
For that google and facebook has their algorithm to track user movement and they use it for showing ads on their website.
i don't think that is available for common use.
I think you won't be able to Track there interest live Facebook, Google, Amazon, twitter. They are collecting your Interest form there own platform.
Also they manage large Add provider. SO once a Add has been clicked by you, it has been tracked. Also Google Play, itunes has access to your Phone.

Moodle + Expression Engine Integration + eCommerce

A client I am beginning to work with has a very specific need that I can't seem to find the best solution too nor any definitive yes or no because of conflicting answers in forums and documentation.
Goal: We are looking to use Moodle to handle the clients course management and course subscriptions. While using EE for other content as well as a store and cart to manage course related materials and supplies that will not be sold through Moodle.
Requirement: A synchronous cart so that if a student purchases a subscription to a course, they can also purchase any materials from the EE store in one go.
Upon doing my research I have found one piece that can help: aMember, but I cannot find a definitive Yes or No to these things:
Is Single Sign On between EE, Moodle, and aMember possible?
Is the cart functionality possible?
I apologize if this question is out of place here, but I'd very much like an answer because many of the proposed solutions have a relatively high cost if they don't work.
Any one here dealt with this kind of integration before?
I've never tried to integrate with Moodle or any other third party, but I know you'd have to create a way for the two to talk to each other. Would you use Moodle as the root authentication method? EE? I'm not sure which approach would work best. You can learn more about how to create that integration by browsing the EE add-on development documentation.
Also, depending on what your goals are, you may not need aMember at all. Take a look at Membrr, which excels at managing membership subscriptions. CartThrob and Brilliant Retail are two popular ecommerce add-ons for EE, and they're worth checking out, too.
Sorry I couldn't be more targeted with my answers. Hopefully someone with more experience can chime in as well. Best of luck!
I just completed a full EE/Moodle integration and would love to share how I did it. In a quick overview, We are using EE and CarthThrob to manage the purchases of the actual courses and Moodle for course delivery. What I ended up doing was a bit complicated but hopefully this will point you in the right direction.
Courses are sold through the EE site. When they're sold, I have a table that is populated on the cartthrob_on_authorize hook to populate a table with email address, role (student) and course id. I run a cron through Moodle to do remote enrollment so it will grab that data and enroll the student. This works both ways so if you delete a row from the table in EE, it will also un-enroll the student in Moodle.
I am using Moodle's user sync to pull in all of my EE users into Moodle on a cron job as well as using their remote authentication. One issue is that Moodle only offers SHA1 and MD5 out of the box so I had to modify their remote login script to first query the salt and then do a SHA512 hash of the salt and password for it to authenticate. What this does is allow users to log into Moodle using their EE credentials and creates the record to enroll the students against.
The biggest caveat is that you essentially have two different accounts on two systems and since EE stores its user data across multiple tables, you can't easily pull in data like First Name, Last Name so moodle prompts for this information (again) before taking a course. Not a great solution but it works. I am sure there are ways you could get around this (create an enrollment table that has all of this data in it to sync against Moodle with an EE extension).
Hope that helps move things in the right direction if you're still trying to do this.
We have created a solution close to what you are looking for in WordPress. Here we integrate Moodle with WooCommerce, an ecommerce solution for WordPress, to sell Moodle courses online.
Other features include:
Automatic registration to Moodle LMS
Single Login Credentials for registered users
Export Customer Information from WooCommerce
You can read indepth about the features here.

Information architecture for document repositories

I've been tasked with re-designing the architecture of my division's document repositories. We currently have hundreds of documents across multiple SharePoint servers and would like to consolidate them under one repository that will allow users to easily find and update their docs.
Can you recommend any resources to help me in terms of best practices, case studies, tips, etc.
Any help will be extremely appreciated.
Findability is a good organising principal for your Information Architecture.
(Bill English on sharePoint and findability)
Remember that different users prefer to search others like to browse using site navigation.
It is pretty much all about the users and how they are going to find and share thier docs and very little about the technical aspects of how SharePoint can organise information.
From the perspective of architecting a shared single SharePoint instance bare in mind that you don't want a particular Site Collection to grow more than 100Gig in size as the database infrastructure is going to be hard to manage.
So plan for document storage growth and divide up fast growing document collections accordingly.
