How to track user interest and display products based on their interest - web

I have an e-commerce website and I need to display products in homepage based on user interest like advertisement showing on facebook and google based on the search we did on the internet.
Is there any API from facebook or google or any website for fetching user interests?
I have wondered how facebook, google, and collaboratively tracking us even if they are different companies.
Is there any common gateway or common interface where these big companies share user info by making a system with cookies to track among all as a centralized big data model for behavioral advertising?
I am looking for answers from experts for this. I really need to build a system for tracking user interest based on their search on google and other websites.

So you need to use something called recommender systems, using a machine learning algorithm, you'll recommend products to people based on ratings and interest. by using previous data of the same user or other users (just like when you get recommended videos on youtube).
this topic is too big for me to explain it step by step in here, and you need to first have a good understanding of primitive machine learning such as classification, regression ... etc
so if you're interested make sure to check a coursera course called Machine Learning (Stanford University) it's taught by machine learning rockstar Andrew NG, and it doesn't only teach you machine learning, but it takes you from somebody with no idea on the subject to an expert (technically) the course used MATLAB/OCTAVE and it has an entire section on Recommender Systems which is what you need, after you've finished just implement what you learned in the language of your choice !
you can always look up tutorial online for implementing Recommender Systems, but you will waste so much time because you would have no idea about what you're doing without understanding the theory which you will master in the course I've recommended, the course can also be found easily on youtube. but taking it for FREE in coursera will help you more because you'll have hands-on programming experience, on the different subjects.

For that google and facebook has their algorithm to track user movement and they use it for showing ads on their website.
i don't think that is available for common use.

I think you won't be able to Track there interest live Facebook, Google, Amazon, twitter. They are collecting your Interest form there own platform.
Also they manage large Add provider. SO once a Add has been clicked by you, it has been tracked. Also Google Play, itunes has access to your Phone.


How do you automatically create Web Stories from text and images in a database?

I want to bulk create thousands of web stories (of the AMP/Google variety) using a standardized AMP web stories template populated with text and images from my database.
Anyone have any ideas? I am not a coder, but may be able to follow if you assume I know nothing :) Thanks for your consideration and time.
I have looked in GitHub and at several online services that provide tools to make web stories, but none offer it. VisualStories claims to offer an API that does this, but when I asked for paid access said they were not sharing this with customers anymore because they found that creating stories individually produced better results.

GIS web map, geospatial engineering advanced/mid/courses

I have been researching and googling looking for specialist courses where dig in deep within the field of Geographic Information System but mostly of them are introductions to and doesn't go in deep with more advanced topics.
All of them has very different reviews, modules and structure so I would like to know the experience and experience of person who are within the field and has taking part of some course who really recommend by their personal experience.
My company has offered me and some colleagues to enrol for a course to improve GIS skills and I would like to use it and take advantage of this opportunity.
I am working within a full-stack web development team, so I would like to boost my skills in this area, PostgreSQL, postgis and JavaScript. I have research and I would like something more advanced that the typical courses introduction to …
Which courses do you recommend?
Have a look at Penn State's online courses, especially the Geospatial Programming and Web Map Development Certificate program. They also have a large number of their courses on-line as open educational resources.
Disclaimer - I used to work at PennState.

Can, etc generate its own conversations by training or are every conversation static structured by stories the "bot" owner created?

Can, etc. generate its own conversations by training or are every conversation static structured by stories the "bot" owner created ?
Im in the search for a botting tool that can generate conversations based on what it has learned, and the more conversations it has the better it gets to replying to users, where human-like hour long conversations could be a possibility.
I've looked at, and others like it, but they seem to be based upon stories which typically ends up into some command-like stuff, like ordering a pizza. Though they can be made to remember who they speak to and other entity information.
Do i have to structure a hundred of stories or is it possible to just make a base and make it learn from there, and perhaps add more stories in the future based upon old conversations to make it smarter. ?
There are many parts to the answer.
On the one hand, there is Mitsuku, which probably comes closest to what you are aspiring to. From what I understand, Mitsuku has been built over a long time using plenty of hand coded rules - a bit like the hundreds of stories you are talking about. There isn't a Mitsuku-as-a-service that I know of, at least not yet.
On the other hand, there are bot building frameworks like, and others which are using machine learning to effectively do two main things - intent mapping (what is the subject the user is talking about) and entity extraction (mentions of proper nouns). In combination, it can be quite helpful for task oriented chatbots but not sufficient for the kind of truly conversational chatbots you are trying to build.
I would also encourage you to check out the following YouTube video, specifically the segment where the presenter talks about generative vs retrieval based chatbots.
Also, also has something called "prebuilt domains", which have knowledge about a few domains. There is a "small talk" domain included, but if you look under the hood, it basically expects the bot programmer to fill out a questionnaire which goes from 0% to 100% complete based on usual expected questions.
You also ask about using history to make your bot smarter. If you are prepared to go through the chat logs, bot building frameworks such as API.AI allow you to start with something narrow and go on to make a pretty interesting bot by doing training (hard to explain, take a look at their interface). But this also means a) you are willing to spend a good amount of time improving the bot and b) you can actually drive enough traffic to your bot to field a wide range of questions.
Its my view that there is quite a lot of hype as to what chatbots can do. I think they are quite useful, but they are hardly conversational in the way humans think of conversations.

Private messages and machine learning

I have a few questions:
It is possible to implement a "private messages" within GetStream?
Or, for example, can I combine Getstream API with ? (this system written on ROR).
It is possible to control and change algorithm, how Machine learning works in ?
I mean, I found not much information about Machine learning in documentation and getstream account. Maybe I can read about it somewhere in more detail?
Machine learning works only on paid plans or in free plan also? have specific API for Machine learning purpose?
For example, if we write some additional features, like "private messages" on our side, which GetStream don't have in API, how we can apply Machine learning on this new features?
You may ask, "why you need a Machine learning for PM"?
Not only PM. Here a few examples:
a) If user have some keyword in PM - we can determine what the topic is interesting to the user.
b) In another scenario - we can analyze images (we use our engine for that purpose) in posts and if some image contain correlation between keywords and specific topic and if we look at who like/vote this image - we can show him more relative content.
c) There is dozens another examples, which we need to control Machine learning process.
Even if we implement Machine learning on our side (from zero, just "for private messages" and other related stuff), how we can connect our results in machine learning with results in GetStream? If we will use it separately, it can be inefficient and bring unpredictable results (even negative).
I want to clarify, I am not a developer. I am owner, but understand very well the project management and the entire development process.
My question is a lack of understanding of how the API works.
Thanks in advance!
Stream helps you build activity streams and newsfeeds. A central aspect of that is the follow relationship. The same building blocks also make it easy to build notification feeds and private messages. Stream isn't build for private messages, but we have dozens of apps using us for that purpose. It works for many apps, but depending on your feature set your milage may vary.
As for your second question. Stream provides scalable newsfeeds, analytics and personalization (machine learning). For larger customers we extensively customize the machine learning component. There are similarities between apps, but it's definitely something which needs to be tailor made. At the moment analytics and personalization are only available to our largest customers. More information can be found here:
Using your own machine learning and Stream's at the same time is pretty easy. You simply track engagement events both in Stream and in your own system. That will allow you to run your own analysis.

Getting Started with Google Programming

I'm just beginning a project that involves working with a few of Google's APIs (for .NET), specifically the Contacts List, Calendar and Gmail. While Google does provide a wealth of information through their network, finding what I need to get started has thus far proven to be a monumental task. What I'm hoping to find is a "big picture" look at what Google makes available to developers as well as a few sample pieces of code to ease me off the starting block.
Does anyone know where I can find a handful of simple, useful examples developing basic applications with Google's API (I've come across a few examples within, but they're so rudimentary that they're not helpful)? Are there any resources (in print or online) that can spoon feed a Google novice without burying them? Is there a special, hidden nook within for Google beginners?
Any information anyone could share would be very helpful.
