How to launch Vite-React-App with Nodejs and Apache on Ubuntu? - node.js

How to launch Vite-React-App with Nodejs and Apache on Ubuntu?
The thing I ended is just a nodejs apache reverse proxy.
But how you bring in all the frontend stuff from react?


Installing Node Application on a server. Apache npm pm2

I have installed a node js application (myapp.js) on a server with a particular IP.
I have npm installed and started the application
I have done this before but it was with apache and much more complex.
However this is the only application on this server. It is running fine.
Shouldn't this just be available at the ip it is installed on?
My own guess is it is something to do with the node setup within the application, as its referring to a local host 8050? Maybe this needs to be an IP?
I have just installed the application on the server. I havent set up any apache so maybe that is the issue. I think perhaps because i defined a port within the application it then needs a port specified on the server?
Your node application could be accessed locally from:
And from outside at:
Assuming that port 8050 is open, naturally.
You can also setup a reverse proxy with apache or nginx (or anything else) to proxy your application.

How to use Laravel WebSockets with IIS8?

I am using Laravel Websockets (by BeyondCode) - May I know how can I install it on IIS8? I have no problem configured it on localhost.

How to connect node server via apache?

We have angular application running in apache and jboss servers in CSR approach. Now we are moving to SSR approach to implement SEO.
So we are trying like request should go to Apache then redirect to nodejs and then jboss.
In box1, apache has been installed.
In box2, nodejs and jboss has been installed.
I have tried like proxypass /node http://:/node. But it is throwing proxy error "The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server."
Aapche version : 2.4
node : v11.5.0
npm : 6.4.1
Angular CLI: 6.1.5
Much appreciate if anyone could help us.
Suggest if any other approach is there to implement SEO.
PS: we can't replace apache and jboss with other servers.
If you just need SEO, try to use prerender. It also has solutions for apache and much more

Eclipse PDT debugging requests from node.js server

I need to run xdebug in Eclipse for handling requests from node.js server app. Is there any way to do it?

How to reload my nginx server through cron or through node.js script instead of login from shell?

Previously I was using Apache server where redirect URL was getting created dynamically.
How to implement that in nginx server? I mean I have to restart/reload the nginx server again to implement that.
How to overcome my problem? How do I reload my nginx server through cron or through Node.js script instead of login from shell?
How to make it dynamic?
