Eclipse PDT debugging requests from node.js server - node.js

I need to run xdebug in Eclipse for handling requests from node.js server app. Is there any way to do it?


How to launch Vite-React-App with Nodejs and Apache on Ubuntu?

How to launch Vite-React-App with Nodejs and Apache on Ubuntu?
The thing I ended is just a nodejs apache reverse proxy.
But how you bring in all the frontend stuff from react?

Use Roundcube on Node.js server

I have a node.js server an I'm trying to install Roundeube to it but I've only found Roundcube installations for CPanel and Docker. I'm using google firebase to host a static website that I want a function inbox on. It is a node.js with their own functional CLI and I've tried to install CPanel and docket but it seem to work. Any advice on how I could get Roundcube to function on node.js?
FYI I have a fully functional SMTP server.

WebStorm remote debug using typescript... howto?

I am currently debugging pure js Nodejs apps remotely over SSL using port mapping.
On the Linux server side I run balance -df 8585 to port map 8585 to 5858 and it works great with remote debugging and WebStorm.
so on server I run node --debug-brk --nolazy ./someFile.js
and put a breakpoint on Windows in WebStorm and all is great!
Now I would like to remote debug TypeScript files on server side instead of JS.
Is there any tutorial on that? Do I need to compiles to JS file every time on server side and where should I keep the sourceMap on Windows side where I put the breakpoints or on server side? How about the tsconfig?

How do I run Node Js on my VPS server

I write my server file with node.js and has successfully test in my local , i install node.js and mongoDB plugin on my server , that is windows, but when i type server url instead of my ip in my android app I can't find server and get error server not found
Please help me

Difficulties connecting to server with Ionic

An overview of my setup:
A server is being hosted/ran on a computer in my local network.
An Ionic app is attempting to connect to the server to send/receive messages.
If I run the app in the browser with 'ionic serve', I am able to connect to the server successfully.
If I run the app in the emulator or on my device, I am only able to connect to the server if I add the -l (livereload) flag (ionic run android -l).
Originally, I hosted the node server on a heroku instance. I had no troubles connecting with this setup from browser, phone, or emulator. I had to switch to running the node server on a local computer so I have access to a local database.
Any ideas what is going on?
I fixed it by adding 'http://' to the beginning of the connection string.
Not sure why Ionic's livereload enabled me to connect without the 'http'
