Can you wrap or alter the size of the text on an azure monior chart - azure

We use azure monitor for our internal monitoring, and we have quite long descriptions for some charts. I love to wrap or reduce the size of this text, so the chart looks better
|extend Dec_Reasion = tostring(customDimensions["DeclineReason"])
|extend Type = tostring(customDimensions["AcquiringInstitutionId"])
|where name =='TransactionsDeclined'
|summarize sum(valueCount) by tostring(Dec_Reasion), bin(timestamp, 1h)
the bar chart is even worse!

As of now, currently there is no option to modify the size of the text in a KQL result set. You can use alternate workaround to achieve this
Using Dashboard
In your Azure Monitor Query Editor after query result. You can pin the result into dashboard. In Dashboard we have a flexibility to increase the overall result.
View in Dashboard
If it really requires for future purpose reopen a feature request in Developer community.


Get list of "new alerts" for azure monitor

I have KQL giving me counts of my alert by severity the only issue is when the user closes them (i.e updates the user response) no column in the alerts table is updated
So here is the azure triggered view
but the alerts table has nothing
This strikes me as a fairly normal ask
I am making the following assumption that you have a custom KQL query for Azure Resource Graph Explorer to identify Azure Monitor alerts.
Properties, such as alertState and monitorCondition are not standalone columns, but are nested properties within the dynamically typed "properties" column. As this is querying Azure Resource Graph, the records are updated directly, rather than adding a new log (as it would be in log analytics).
Below is a query that extracts the two relevant properties.
| extend alertState = tostring(parse_json(properties.essentials.alertState))
| extend monitorCondition = tostring(parse_json(properties.essentials.monitorCondition))
| project name, alertState, monitorCondition
If you need help, please share your query and what information you are looking to query.

A chart with a single number using Kusto Query Language

I have a simple Kusto request, something like the following:
| where timestamp > ago(10m)
| where name == "Custom metric number one"
| summarize sum(value)
Obviously, the result of this query is a single number.
I would like to pin this request to a dashboard, so the tile will look like a card having a title/subtitle and the number retrieving as the result of the Kusto request. Firstly, I tried to use "render" operator, but it can draw either a chart or a simple unformatted table. I tried to use "render card", but ApplicationInsights answered that "We currently don't support 'card' visualization type."
Is there any other possibility to create the desired tile with a single number on it?
Why not just pin the table query result:
| where timestamp > ago(10m)
| where name == "Custom metric number one"
| summarize sum(value)
results in
It is probably the closest to a card you can do at the moment
There is another option as well, you can add a Markdown tile, it can point to a url containing Markdown content so you might be able to create something that periodically updates a certain MD file and show that on the dashboard. You can leverage the Application Insights API to get the value you want and have an azure function generate the markdown.
Another option, if you have access to Power Bi, is to create a Power Bi report that you share with external stakeholders/non developers.When going that direction you can use all the rich visuals Power Bi provides in combination with data from Application Insights, including cards. See the docs
Or use grafana? There’s a manager instance in azure albeit still in preview.

How to set color for Columnchart in Azure Data Explorer

I want to render specific requests from my Application Insights as a columnchart using Log Analytics query language:
My Query:
| where operation_Name == "MyOperationName"
| render columnchart
I would like to have different colors for successful and unsuccessful requests.
There is already a boolean column ("success") available. How can I use that property to set specific colors?
AFAIK, this is currently unsupported. The similar feedback shown here and here were shared directly with the responsible Azure feature team. I recommend navigating to the above link(s) and clicking the vote button to raise visibility and priority on this or else providing your own new feedback and suggestions to improve the product better. Hope this helps!!
I was able to set colors by using Application Insights workbooks. When creating the query there is a button for chart settings and within it look for the series settings tab. Currently it allows setting colors and changing a result value's display label.

Realtime report in power BI

Is it possible to make real-time monitoring report by using Power BI?
I have an experience only with elasticsearch+kibana and I want to make the same dashboard by using Power BI:
There is a data source - RequestDateTime, Sendor, IsSuccess, RequestType, Request, Response. For example:
2016-10-20 12:00:12 | Test 1 | True | SetUserInfo | xml here... | xml here...
2016-10-20 12:00:18 | Test 2 | False | GetUserInfo | xml here... |
This data can be downloaded from Azure SQL database, by using simple sql-query.
I want to make a simple column chart. X-axis should be a timeline, accoring to the RequestDateTime field. Y-axis should be a count of records, that is correspond to filters.
Report should have a filters by sendor, isSuccess, RequestType and RequestDateTime range (for example - last 6 hours).
The report should be able to be refreshed in a real-time mode, according to the new events in the database.
The pipeline I usually do in my work using app.powerbi for real time visualization is :
Create a dataset: In your workspace, select the "create" option, there you can import or connect to data from Files and Databases. You can choose Azure SQL database and follow instructions.
Create a report: In your dataset list, select the icon to create a report (here you define the filters that you want) and save it.
Create a dashboard: Pin the charts to a dashboard. I have found that only dashboard refresh itself when data is added or deleted in the database, thus, you can see the real time in the dashboard.
You may find this video useful.

Adding AI Analytics query to AI dashboard?

I created a couple of queries in Application Insights Analytics to get me the charts I want.
| where timestamp >= ago(31d)
| where name == "Search"
| project name, customDimensions, customMeasurements, customDimensions.["Query"]
| summarize count() by tostring(customDimensions.["Query"])
| render piechart
Now I was wondering if it is possible to add this query / chart to my Application Insights dashboard? I don't want to always have to go to the analytics tool to see this specific chart.
I've been googling but without result.
This new capability is in the works and should be released in the upcoming weeks. Would definitely help to operationalize your queries. Stay tuned.
-Dan Hadari
Application Insights Team
