I got this error in this function: Invalid operands 'float' and 'Vector2' in operator '!=' - godot

func move(motion):
if motion != Vector2():
target_angle = atan2(motion.x, motion.y) - PI/2
I tried converting vectors to ints. I looked up this error and didnt understand fixes.

What does motion != Vector2() mean?
It is comparing two things to see if the are different:
motion a variable parameter of the function move which is Variant (it does not have a declared type).
Vector2() this is the default constructor of the Vector2 type. It should be equivalent to Vector2.ZERO or Vector2(0.0, 0.0).
Now, the error is telling you that you got a float, and that Godot does not know how to compare float and Vector2.
You might have expected that checking if a float is different from a Vector2 would return true (a float is different from a Vector2), but no, the comparison is an error. Yes, I tried. Otherwise the execution flow would enter the conditional and try to execute atan2(motion.x, motion.y) with a float and that would be error.
This means you need to ensure it is a Vector2 before comparing it with another Vector2.
You could have prevented getting a float here by declaring the type of the parameter:
func move(motion:Vector2):
if motion != Vector2():
target_angle = atan2(motion.x, motion.y) - PI/2
And now it would give you an error where you are calling it with a float. Why or where are you calling it with a float? I don't know. Presumably if you are getting the error in runtime you can also find out by looking at the stack on the debugger panel when the error shows up. Otherwise, this is a sure way to find out.
By the way, aren't the parameters of atan2 backwards? Are you aware of motion.angle()?
Anyway, Bugfish is right that you can check if the type of motion is Vector2 in runtime, for example: typeof(motion) == TYPE_VECTOR2.
If I understand correctly you claim you did this: var motion = Vector2(). Well, something else happened somewhere, and we cannot find it for you. I presume you change the value of motion somewhere (that is the point of having a variable) perhaps set it to the return value of a function var motion = get_motion() or similar, and it sometimes returns a float...
Which, reminds me, you can also specify what your methods return. This method returns nothing (void):
func move(motion:Vector2) -> void:
if motion != Vector2():
target_angle = atan2(motion.x, motion.y) - PI/2
And this one returns a Vector2:
func get_motion() -> Vector2:
return Input.get_vector("ui_left", "ui_right", "ui_up", "ui_down")
Yes, GDScript has static types, use them!

Well it seems like your parameter motion does not contain a Vector2, but a float value. Where do you call the function and did you already check if the functions gets the parameter you wanted to pass it?
Also before using a vatiable with unknown type, You should check the type, before assuming it's an Vector.
One way would be to check it's type:
if typeof(motion) != TYPE_VECTOR2:


Online GDB for Fortran: Error: Symbol ‘average1’ at (1) already has basic type of REAL [duplicate]

I have this function, depicted below. It passes in two vectors with three values each, and should pass out one vector with three values as well. I call the function like this:
Fr = Flux(W(:,i),W(:,i+1))
What I have realized through messing around with the code, trying pure functions, and modules, and researching the error statement (that I will include at the bottom), is that fortran is reading my function Flux, and thinks that the input vectors are an attempt to call an entry from the array. That is my best guess as to what is going on. I asked around the lab and most people suggested using subroutines, but that seemed clunky, and I figured there should probably be a more elegant way, but I have not yet found it. I tried to define a result by saying:
DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION Flux(W1,W2) Result(FluxArray(3))
and then returning fluxarray but that does not work, as fortran cannot understand the syntax
The actual Function is this:
USE parameters
DOUBLE PRECISION::U1,U2,Rh1,Rh2,P1,P2,E1,E2,Rh,P,u,c,Lambda
Lambda=max(u, u+c, u-c)
do k=1,3,1
end do
Here is the error statement:
Error: Symbol 'flux' at (1) already has basic type of REAL
Error: Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1)
Fr = Flux(W(:,i),W(:,i+1))
The last error occurs for both Fr and Fl. Thank you for your time and any help or consideration you can give!
Thanks for the help, I don't know a better way to present this so I'm going to edit the initial question.
I did as you suggested and It solved that issue, now it says:
Fr = Flux(W(:,i),W(:,i+1))
Error: The reference to function 'flux' at (1) either needs an explicit INTERFACE or the rank is incorrect
I saw a similar issue on SO at this link:
Computing the cross product of two vectors in Fortran 90
where they suggested that he put all his functions into modules. is there a better/simpler way for me to fix this error?
With RESULT(FluxArray), fluxArray is the name of the result variable. As such, your attempt to declare the characteristics in the result clause are mis-placed.
Instead, the result variable should be specified within the function body:
function Flux(W1,W2) result(fluxArray)
double precision, dimension(3), intent(in)::W1, W2
double precision, dimension(3) :: fluxArray ! Note, no intent for result.
end function Flux
Yes, one can declare the type of the result variable in the function statement, but the array-ness cannot be declared there. I wouldn't recommend having a distinct dimension statement in the function body for the result variable.
Note that, when referencing a function returning an array it is required that there be an explicit interface available to the caller. One way is to place the function in a module which is used. See elsewhere on SO, or language tutorials, for more details.
Coming to the errors from your question without the result.
Here the type of Flux has been declared twice. Also, it isn't a dummy argument to the function, so as above it need not have the intent attribute.
One could write
DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(3) :: Flux ! Deleting intent
or (shudder)
DIMENSION :: Flux(3)
The complaint about a statement function is unimportant here, following on from the bad declaration.

How to convert data type if Variant.Type is known?

How do I convert the data type if I know the Variant.Type from typeof()?
for example:
var a=5;
var b=6.9;
type_cast(b,typeof(a)); # this makes b an int type value
How do I convert the data type if I know the Variant.Type from typeof()?
You can't. GDScript does not have generics/type templates, so beyond simple type inference, there is no way to specify a type without knowing the type.
Thus, any workaround to cast the value to a type only known at runtime would have to be declared to return Variant, because there is no way to specify the type.
Furthermore, to store the result on a variable, how do you declare the variable if you don't know the type?
Let us have a look at variable declarations. If you do not specify a type, you get a Variant.
For example in this code, a is a Variant that happens to have an int value:
var a = 5
In this other example a is an int:
var a:int = 5
This is also an int:
var a := 5
In this case the variable is typed according to what you are using to initialized, that is the type is inferred.
You may think you can use that like this:
var a = 5
var b := a
Well, no. That is an error. "The variable type can't be inferred". As far as Godot is concerned a does not have a type in this example.
I'm storing data in a json file: { variable:[ typeof(variable), variable_value ] } I added typeof() because for example I store an int but when I reassign it from the file it gets converted to float (one of many other examples)
It is true that JSON is not good at storing Godot types. Which is why many authors do not recommend using JSON to save state.
Now, be aware that we can't get a variable with the right type as explained above. Instead we should try to get a Variant of the right type.
If you cannot change the serialization format, then you are going to need one big match statement. Something like this:
match type:
return null
return bool(value)
return int(value)
return float(value)
return str(value)
Those are not all the types that a Variant can hold, but I think it would do for JSON.
Now, if you can change the serialization format, then I will suggest to use str2var and var2str.
For example:
var2str(Vector2(1, 10))
Will return a String value "Vector2( 1, 10 )". And if you do:
str2var("Vector2( 1, 10 )")
You get a Variant with a Vector2 with 1 for the x, and 10 for the y.
This way you can always store Strings, in a human readable format, that Godot can parse. And if you want to do that for whole objects, or you want to put them in a JSON structure, that is up to you.
By the way, you might also be interested in ResourceFormatSaver and ResourceFormatLoader.

Arduino and TinyGPS++ convert lat and long to a string

I' m having a problem parsing the lat and long cords from TinyGPS++ to a Double or a string. The code that i'm using is:
String latt = ((gps.location.lat(),6));
String lngg = ((gps.location.lng(),6));
The output that i'm getting is:
Does somebody know what i'm doing wrong? Does it have something to do with rounding? (Math.Round) function in Arduino.
There are two problems:
1. This does not compile:
String latt = ((gps.location.lat(),6));
The error I get is
Wouter.ino:4: warning: left-hand operand of comma has no effect
Wouter:4: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*'
Wouter:4: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String::String(const char*)'
There is nothing in the definition of the String class that would allow this statement. I was unable to reproduce printing values of 0.06 (in your question) or 0.006 (in a later comment). Please edit your post to have the exact code that compiles, runs and prints those values.
2. You are unintentionally using the comma operator.
There are two places a comma can be used: to separate arguments to a function call, and to separate multiple expressions which evaluate to the last expression.
You're not calling a function here, so it is the latter use. What does that mean? Here's an example:
int x = (1+y, 2*y, 3+(int)sin(y), 4);
The variable x will be assigned the value of the last expression, 4. There are very few reasons that anyone would actually use the comma operator in this way. It is much more understandable to write:
int x;
1+y; // Just a calculation, result never used
2*y; // Just a calculation, result never used
3 + (int) sin(y); // Just a calculation, result never used
x = 4; // A (trivial) calculation, result stored in 'x'
The compiler will usually optimize out the first 3 statements and only generate code for the last one1. I usually see the comma operator in #define macros that are trying to avoid multiple statements.
For your code, the compiler sees this
And evaluates it as a call to gps.location.lat(), which returns a double value. The compiler throws this value away, and even warns you that it "has no effect."
Next, it sees a 6, which is the actual value of this expression. The parentheses get popped, leaving the 6 value to be assigned to the left-hand side of the statement, String latt =.
If you look at the declaration of String, it does not define how to take an int like 6 and either construct a new String, or assign it 6. The compiler sees that String can be constructed from const char *, so it tells you that it can't convert a numeric 6 to a const char *.
Unlike a compiler, I think I can understand what you intended:
double latt = gps.location.lat();
double lngg = gps.location.lon();
Serial.println( latt, 6 );
Serial.println( lngg, 6 );
The 6 is intended as an argument to Serial.println. And those arguments are correctly separated by a comma.
As a further bonus, it does not use the String class, which will undoubtedly cause headaches later. Really, don't use String. Instead, hold on to numeric values, like ints and floats, and convert them to text at the last possible moment (e.g, with println).
I have often wished for a compiler that would do what I mean, not what I say. :D
1 Depending on y's type, evaluating the expression 2*y may have side effects that cannot be optimized away. The streaming operator << is a good example of a mathematical operator (left shift) with side effects that cannot be optimized away.
And in your code, calling gps.location.lat() may have modified something internal to the gps or location classes, so the compiler may not have optimized the function call away.
In all cases, the result of the call is not assigned because only the last expression value (the 6) is used for assignment.

Watch and expression must have a pointer

auto_ptr<MoistAir> ma(new MoistAir);
if ((L2->getQm() / L3->getQm()) > 1)
w = L3->getQm() / (A0 * 1.2);
w = L2->getQm() / (A0 * 1.2);
//This is a function i tried to add watch on
double MoistAir::getQm()
return Fqm;
I tries to add watch on the function in visual studio to get the result? Is it possible. Do i have to introduce a variable or step in to the function? I just want to mark the code as in C# and get value.
If i step in to then function i can see the result.
After some more reading/talking to person programming C/C++ told me how to do. maybe it's can help somebody else.
((L2)._Myptr)->getQm() 2.3999999756939365 double
In my case the object was a Shared_ptr, I used ((&Shared_PtrObj)->_Ptr)->objMethod(). This solved my issue and showed the exact output on watch window.
It seems that the variable is not getting any value. Try checking the return value of L3->getQm() by create a new variable and assigning it the result of L3->getQm().
I'm not very sure if your if-statement is correct, but in my experience, when I have two conditions in the same if-statement I usually use || or && depending on what I want.
Good luck with your app.

widening conversion not implicit when used with 'object' type?

The C# MSDN documentation states that widening conversions are implicit and dont require an explicit cast. Accordingly, I find that the following code works without giving any errors:
public void MyMethod(int x)
float f = x; //widening conversion, works implicitly as expected.
But, the following does not seem to work, even though this also appears to me to fall under the category of a widening conversion.
public static void MyMethod(int x)
object o = x; // implicit conversion - works.
float f = (float)o; // implicit conversion expected here also - but doesnt work...
In the above second piece of code, I would expect an implicit conversion to happen from the int data stored in 'o' to the type specified in the explicit cast(float). But this doesnt happen and this code throws an InvalidCastException. Why is this so? I can understand an exception being thrown when 'o' is assigned to 'f' without any cast. But if a cast is specified explicitly and converting to that cast requires an implicit conversion (i.e. int to float) which is supported by the language, why is an exception thrown ?
casts do different things at different times. This line:
float f = (float)o;
Is not attempting to change the type of o - it's attempting to unbox a float. Unfortunately, you can only (within a few wiggles1) unbox the same type of value that was boxed - a boxed int has to be unboxed as an int.
You would instead have to do:
float f = (int)o;
Where the (int) is performing the unbox, and then the implicit conversion can occur from int to float, as per your first example.
For more, read Boxing and Unboxing:
Boxing is the process of converting a value type to the type object or to any interface type implemented by this value type. When the CLR boxes a value type, it wraps the value inside a System.Object and stores it on the managed heap. Unboxing extracts the value type from the object. Boxing is implicit; unboxing is explicit...
1 There are some rules about Enums and their underlying type which I can't remember and won't ever deliberately use.
