How to Create Dynamic List Based on Certain Values? - excel

I have an excel Sheet Contain Data like below
I need to Create Different List based on two Dropdowns, One of Item for eg 100m,200m and another of Section like Senior Boys,Male Etc
How To Achieve this , I am new to Excel
I was able to make dropdowns using data Validations,


How to get specific cell contents of an Excel sheet at another sheet dynamically?

I have an Excel file including thousands rows as follow. First column includes names and second column include group of each. I want to have all names belong to group "A" at another sheet dynamically. because name and group list may be changes. In other words, what command or function I should use to list all names belong to group "A"?
There are 3 ways to do this. The options are below. One thing you did not include in your question is what the results should look like.
Equations like =FILTER(A:B,B:B="A")
Pivot tables to use this convert data to table, then create pivot table. This requires refresh when new data is added.
Power query to use this convert data to table, then go to Data>From Table/Range. This requires refresh when data is added but you can change the "connection properties" under Data>Refresh AllĖ….
Now if you want all in group "A" to be listed with in one cell, then I would use option 3 with groupby as talk about here.
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How can I restrict data entry for an array of cells if the prior cell has not been populated?

I am creating a user form for work where the user can select up to 15 clients from a list using excel data validation. However, I only want the second cell to be available to populate once the first has been populated, and the third when the second is populated etc. I also want the color of the cell to change when it becomes available to populate
I've tried using regular excel data validation and conditional formatting, but it seems limited in that I would have to create a separate data validation for each cell, rather than making one data validation command for the entire range
I would think using an if(IsEmpty) would solve my problem but as a fairly new VBA user I am having trouble determining the most efficient way to incorporate the list data validation into the general entry restriction.

How to populate data automatically in excel

I have three excel sheets one with store codes, one with item codes. I want the third sheet to populate data such that there are two columns one column containing store codes another with item codes and there has to be each item associated with each store. I would also need the sheet to update itself as and when I add or remove data from, the store list. Is there a way to do so?

Excel: Data Analyzing and Drop Down Options

Trying to create an excel spreadsheet which will allow me to select an option at the top of the page (a dropdown) which will be a list of names. I then want a grid below to be able to show (as an example) an individuals results over a month. This is a preference as I didn't want to have to go through multiple pages to view individual information and rather see it all in one location.
Thank you ! :)
Use a data validation linked to the range of student names on another sheet and then an INDEX, MATCH or VLOOKUP formulas to populate the table from the other sheets..

Change sheet source dynamically

How to change Excel sheet source dynamically depending on particular values?
I am developing an Excel sheet. Depending on one dropdown value, fields of other dropdown should change dynamically.
Suppose I choose one value from dropdown1, dropdown2 should get certain column from "Sheet2" and if I choose another value from dropdown1, dropdown2 should get certain column from suppose "Sheet".
How can I achieve this?
This should be related to Excel formulas I guess.
Just follow this tutorial
Create lists
Give lists a name
Use data validation to create dropdown
Use indirect when creating new data validation
