Azure devops notifications - azure

i am not able to figure out why notifications about new comments on work items are not coming to some of the users..Does it has to do something with the subscription type of the user?
It seems that all users that has visual studio enterprise subscription are getting the emails and all others(basic/stakeholders) not.

In your notification subscription, you choose 'Team members by role'. For this choice, only certain team members associated with the event are notified. For example, in your issue, it will only deliver email to users fits the filters 'Assigned to (current),Assigned to (previous),Assigned to (new),changed by,created by,authorized as'.
If you would like all team members received the notification, please kindly choose 'members of team'
you could see Create an email subscription for more details.


Azure Devops Deployment Approval

I am setting a release pipeline with pre deployment condition that someone have to approve the deployment . When I set that to one person that works very well ,and that person gets the notification email .
If I set this to a group then members of this group do not get the notification emails .
I can still go an approve through the user interface but never get the emails .
Is there a solution for this ?
I can still go an approve through the user interface but never get the emails . Is there a solution for this ?
You could follow the document Not getting emails from subscriptions or notifications for some troubleshooting.
If above not resolve your question, you could try to add a new subscription An approval for a deployment is pending, the detail settings as below:
Just add the email address(es) who need to receive this kind of email, for multiple email addresses, separate with comma (,).

Azure API Management product subscription tracking

I am using Azure API Management for managing our APIs. Its containing product and all. Now I also want to catch some of the customer information into my database.
So my question is : "Is there anyway such that whenever someone is subscribing any product, my API will trigger?"
What I want to do is I will create an API which will fetch the details from Azure via REST API for all subscriptions and I want to call (auto trigger) that API whenever someone subscribe any product successfully. I know we can set the Approval workflow, we can send notification email also to any specific email id, but can we call any HTTP request?
Also if anyone have more idea about Developer portal then please share. (can we customize it, till what level, how, etc.)
Thanks in Advance..
One way is to put an Event Grid system topic on the resource group containing API Management service with
filter for Resource Write Success
subject filter / Subject begins with /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{apiManagementService}/subscriptions
and forward to Azure Function or WebHook - basically filter for activities logged as Subscribe to product or Update subscription on the resource.

Send email notification for inactive task or bugs----Azure Devops

How do you configure an Email Notification for an individual user in an organization for not responding in a timeframe?
Eg: An email notification gets sent if Initial Response was not met within say 6 hours of VSO being assigned.
In Azure DevOps project notification settings, it's possible to configure a notification based on the following actions taking place on a work item:
Notification settings based on a timeout, or lack of response, are not apparent.
Is it possible to configure a notification based on a lack of activity for a work item?
Currently there are below pre-defined notifications for work items in Azure Boards.
See: Manage your personal notifications for details.
I am afraid that no such notifications are designed for your requirement. However, as a workaround, we can create a query to find those work items which are not changed from New for a period when they have been assigned to members, as below.
Above query will query bugs and tasks which are assigned to members but still state in New state and they are created earlier than today across projects. See: Define a query for details.
And clicking "Email query" allows you to send this query result to specific members.

How to get attendees list of a meeting call in MSTeams?

I need to get list of attendees of a MSTeams meeting call, and their times by an Azure Application.
For now, i've tried 3 different approaches without success:
Registering a Bot
Retrieve the attendee report of an event
callRecord subscription
In more detail:
Registering a Bot
MembersAdded event works as described in the documentation for v4.7 of the Bots SDK, ie. when a new user is added to a chat or a team, webhook is called, which does not work for online meetings. However for v3 of the Bots SDK there is a mention:
The conversationUpdate event with the membersAdded object in the
payload is sent when a user is added to a private scheduled meeting.
The event details will be sent even when anonymous users join the
I've not tried this version of SDK, but i think it has the same behaviour as v4.7 because i don't see any request comming to my bot's webhook when an user joins a meeting.
Moreover, when i request Members of a meeting on message event to a bot by invoking:
var members = await TeamsInfo.GetMembersAsync(turnContext);
i get a list of team/chat members where a meeting is created but not the list of attendees of a meeting for the current time.
Retrieve the attendee report of an event
By this request, I can get the list of attenees, but only for live events.
However Teams clients (in preview mode now) can get this report for ordinary meeting with the full history of who/when entered/leaved a meeting with even guest names(!).
Anyway, this method has the following disadvantages:
As mentioned in the Get onlineMeeting and according to the Allow applications to access online meetings on behalf of a user, a Tenant administrator have to invoke PS command Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy for each meeting organiser, to grand my app permision to download this report
Administrators must create an application access policy and grant it to a user, authorizing the
app configured in the policy to retrieve an
online meeting on behalf of that user (user ID specified in the
request path).
Uses Beta version of the GraphAPI, so it can't be used in production
callRecord subscription
According to the Create subscription, i can subscribe to create and update events of a callRecord, and everything works well - when a meeting call is finished, my notification URL is called in 5-20 minutes, so i can find original meeting by callRecord.joinWebUrl and Get onlineMeeting:Example 3. Seems it's most suitable method for me, but has the following disadvantages:
Guests cannot be identified, their names as them passed in MSTeams clients are not reported to callRecord ie. callRecord.Participants[].AddtionalData["guest"].displayName == "Guest user" for any guest (seems like a bug), however entered/leaved information can be found by searching callRecord.Participants[].AddtionalData["guest"].id in callRecord.Sessions[].Segments[].Caller.Identity.AddtionalData["guest"].id
External users cannot be also indentified, callRecord.Participants[].User.DisplayName == "External user" for any external user, however i can retrive tenantId and userId, but still cannot get user's profile because my app has to have Directory.Read.All permision in that tenant, and it's not possible for every tenant.
PS. I can setup MSTeams to do not allow guests or external users, then it works partially well, because each user has to have Teams license assigned, and there is NO login page appears during joining a meeting, just an error page saying that meeting does not allow guest or external users, so the user should find a link to login to a tenant, which is not obvious in MSTeams Web Client, but possible.
PSS. In the Microsoft Teams admin center, i've checked the calling history of an organiser for a meeting with 1 guest, 1 tenant and 1 external and here it is:
Seems for guests, displayName is not stored at all, however for an external user there AAD email is stored (this is AAD guest user ie has '#EXT#' in his principal name, and has the same email as on the picture), however i'm not sure from where it resolved from by Azure - either from external tenant AAD or my tenant AAD for external user, because Azure has access to both.
So, maybe you know a method to get attendees and their times in a meeting call ?
Thank you for your suggestion/advice/reply !
Thanks for reaching us!
Teams by default generate attendees report and meeting report after completion of meeting call. We can able to see the list of attendees and the report. But at present we don't have any API to fetch list of attendees and their timings.
As this feature is not available at present, could you please raise an UserVoice if this needs to be consider as a future request.

Azure DevOps Dashboard - Scheduling email notification with report contents

Could you please help with the process in Azure DevOps VSTS to automate monthly email notification to specific users to remind them of the updated Bug Reporting along with the bug report content and dashboard.
Thank you
automate monthly email notification to specific users to remind them of the updated Bug Reporting along with the bug report content and dashboard
For this issue, I am afraid that the built-in notification of azure devops does not support such a feature, notifications should only support event triggering and not scheduled triggering.
When an event occurs in Azure DevOps or TFS, its content is compared with every subscription of that event type. If the subscription's filter conditions are met by the event, a notification is generated. A notification is generated for every subscription/event match.
The content shown in the notification is designed and we cannot customize it.
Here are some official document you can refer to.
Events, subscriptions, and notifications
About notifications
In addition, you could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions. After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.
