Slot Filling -- Only prompting page parameter fulfillment when parameter is empty - dialogflow-es

I am using Dialogflow CX and asking a user for the following information:
I have an intent designed that understands and saves those parameters in any permutation. The page is design with three required parameters for each of these fields. This all works perfectly. However, the page fulfillment begins with:
"Please provide your name, email, and phone number"
"Please provide your name"
The "Please provide your name" is the Initial Prompt Fulfillment from the required parameter. How do I have that line only appear as a follow up, if the user did not provide their name?
I've tested event handlers, changing the parameters, and a few other options. I'm assuming this is a basic configuration issue but can't figure out the solution

You can add a specific prompt for your parameter name and make it required so that if it isn't provided, the agent will send the prompt to ask the user to send the input for that parameter as shown below.
My configuration on my check_name parameter in which my entity used is sys.person:
My full sample conversation output:
You may use this Dialogflow CX Quicksart reference to have an idea on how adding a prompt in required parameters works.


How to programattically access parameter prompts in DialogFlow

I have a basic lead gen bot under which I have 2 services (in 2 different intents) for which I am collecting leads. Under both of them I am collecting the name, email, and phone number and I also have checked the required tick boxes.
It's working as expected when I am just availing/submitting lead for a single service. However, if in the same interaction I also want to go for the second service the bot is again asking for the name, email & phone number which it already has from my interaction for the first service. How do I make sure that it doesn't ask for the details if it already has them?
I also do not mind handling it programmatically using fulfillment but I could not find any documentation.
Any help is highly appreciated
you can use the user storage (
or alternatively you can try to link the parameters of the two intents to the same context parameters. Set your parameter value like this #context_name.param_name
I was able to do this by setting an output context in the first intent & using the input context in the second intent.
The trick was to assign a default value to the parameters in the second intent as "context_name.param"

How to access update the next context a user should go to [DialogFlow Fulfillment]

I am using contexts within Dialogflow to call the next intent for the user. What I would like to do is have the ability for someone to change their mind on an answer they just entered. For example, as seen in the image below, if I enter a name then it would ask for an email. However, the user should be able to say "can I change my name" and go back to the context where Dialogflow is asking for a name.
I already have that intent implemented but I am trying to figure out how to go back to the question they were going to answer before deciding to change their name. I can use fulfillment to capture the raw API response and possibly get the last context however how can I force the user after changing their name to go back their previous context/intent?
You can do this easily by using the fulfillment. You have to save the previous intent contexts and prompt as well as the next intent contexts and prompt in the parameters of the intent.

How do I stop asking the same questions on dialogflow?

I'm new to dialogflow. In my default Hello Intent, I have something like this:
Good day! My name is xyz and I'm here to help you. May I know your name please?
This response is for when users say something like "hi"
After that, I will pass the context to another Intent to wait for the name input
I would like to avoid asking these information if I already have the user's contact information. Is there away to check for the context and trigger a different response?
If you just need to check if the context contains a property called "name" or similar, simply add a parameter in the second intent, set its value to and enable the mandatory option. That will let you define prompts if the property has no value, so you can re-ask the user.
However, I'm not sure what the Welcome Intent context has. You are just giving a welcome message. Then, when the user inputs his name, this will trigger a different intent.

Change default message when assisstant misunderstands user

I have created a google action, which takes in three parameters, I have done training phrases for many word combinations, but sometimes it will not pick it up.
I set my input parameters in the dialog flow to number1, number2, and number3.
It seems by default, if it misses a value it will say: "what is $varName"
however, this could be misleading to users since it may be unclear if it just prompts the user for 'what is number3'.
Id like to edit this response to be a more descriptive message.
I hope this is clear enough - I cant really post any code since its all concerning this dialogflow ui...
If you want to add prompt variations for capturing parameters in an entity follow the "adding prompt variation" explained here. Just add variations to prompts as below or handle it from webhook by enabling slot-filling for webhook.
If you want to ask questions when the agent did not understand the intent then you can either use a Default Fallback Intent for a generic reply or create a follow-up fallback intent for the intent you are targetting.

Dialogflow required parameters

In my dialogflow chatbot i am creating i have a scenario where a user can ask what are the available vacancies you have or they can directly ask i want to join as a project manager or something. Both are in the same intent called "jobs" and the position they want is a required parameter. If user don't mention the position (eg - "what are the available vacancies you have" ) it will list all available vacancies and minimum qualifications need for that vacancy and ask user to pick one (done with slotfilling for webhook.). Now since the intent is waiting for the parameter when user enter the position they like it will provide the details regarding that position. But even when user is trying to ask for something else (trying to call to a another intent or they don't have enough qualifications for that vacancy or the needed job is not listed with the available job list) since that parameter (the Job position) is not provided it ask again and again what is the position you want.
how do i call to another intent when the chatbot is waiting for a required parameter
There is a separate intent for "The job i want is not here". If i typed the exact same one i used to train that intent then i works. but if it is slightly different then it won't work
Try this:
make your parameter as "NOT" required by unchecking the required checkbox.
keep webhook for slot filling.
in the webhook, keep a track if the parameter is provided or not.
if the intent is triggered, check programmatically for parameter and ask the user to provide it by playing with the contexts.
if the user said something else, then there will be no "required" parameter as per Dialogflow and it will not ask repeatedly to provide the parameter.
Let me know if this helped.
